Lecture 10, Virtual Team Management and Outsourcing

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Concepts in IT Project
Week 10: Outsourcing and
Virtual Team Management
Presented by
Dr. Ifeanyi Egwutuoha

The University of Sydney Page 1

Project Outsourcing

Outsourcing transfers project activities and certain decision

rights to an external entity, by contract, with specific
performance measures, related rewards (generally
monetary), penalties (again generally monetary), and exit
clauses defined. (Brewer and Kevin C. Dittman. Methods of IT
Project Management : Third Edition, Purdue University Press, 2018.)

The University of Sydney Page 2

Project Outsourcing

– A client outsources project

management functions to a
vendor or service provider
– A service provider outsources a
part of its project management
functions to another vendor or
service provider
– Project management functions
are considered separately and
awarded as a separate
assignment (contract like) within
an organization.
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Pros and Cons of Project Management Outsourcing?

Pros Cons
– Commitment (buy-in) and resources
– Clients can focus on core
required internally, even though
competencies external resources are used
– Faster ramp up time or time to – Relationship with vendor needs to be
market managed otherwise no benefits are
– Fresh look from an outside view accrued
– Vendor can ensure that best – Because ownership of resources does
practices are followed and can not exist with client, vendor can
discontinue the relationship
provide latest trends in specific
sectors – Depending on the nature of the
project, data security may be
– Preparation for similar projects in compromised
future. – May cost more if the relationship does
not work out.
The University of Sydney
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Functions or Processes that Can Be Outsourced?

– Planning—WBS and schedule development, preparing cost

estimates/baseline, quality and risk planning, tool/software
– Monitoring and controlling—analyzing/control schedule and
cost, reporting status information, tool/software support,
project management information systems, project audits, and
earned value analysis
– Closing—post project appraisal

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Outsourcing types

– Offshoring
– Rural sourcing—Rural sourcing is the movement of a business process
(in whole or in part) done at a company to another company located
in a lower cost setting within the same country
– Nearshoring
– Multisourcing, or best-of-breed sourcing—Outsourcing can involve a
number of different types of outsourcing (for example, nearshoring,
offshoring, and rural sourcing); this is called multisourcing, or best-of-
breed sourcing
– Insourcing—Insourcing, the opposite of outsourcing, is the movement
of a business process within a company to an internal entity (inside
the same company) that specializes in that operation

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Virtual Team Management


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Virtual Team Management … key issues?

More worker are now working virtually (covid era)

– Rewards and punishment are more difficult to assess and deliver, so
using either for team improvement is limited.
– Researchers estimate that 90 percent of communication is nonverbal,
transferred by body language and facial expressions.
– Cultural awareness is necessary when part of the team is located in
another country.
– The technology a virtual team needs to use to communicate can be
complex or may not work when needed.
– Time zone differences make it difficult to work, regardless of the
technology, when part of the team is 8 to 10 hours different.
– Language barriers can crop up, even when everyone is speaking
English. Depending on the clarity of the technology and the speaker, it
can be very difficult to understand each other.

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Overcoming the issues

– Be culturally aware of all who are on the team

– Use a formal standard project methodology and
communicate it to all participants
– Pick the right technology for the situation (email,
phone, instant messaging, blog, teleconferencing,
videoconferencing, zoom, etc.)
– Support effective collaboration on projects
– Host regularly scheduled status meetings
– Communicate, communicate, communicate.

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