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The Vision Statement Of Qatar Airways

Posted by George on Mar-10-2020

1.1. What is a vision statement?

The vision statement for Qatar Airways is its strategic plan for the future – it defines what and
where Qatar Airways Company wants to be in the future. The vision statement for Qatar Airways
is a document identifying the goals of Qatar Airways to facilitate its strategic, managerial, as well
as general decision making processes.

1.2. Components of the vision statement

1.2.1. Concise
The vision statement of Qatar Airways is brief and to the point. This means that the company has
not used long dialects and dialogues to delivers its opinion ad stance to the public and relevant
stakeholders. The vision statement should be brief and comprehensive – it should communicate
the essence of the business, and its future plans to help the stakeholders understand its business
philosophy and business strategy.

1.2.2. Encompassing description

The vision statement of Qatar Airways should be brief but should be holistic in nature. This
means that the visions statement should be complete in its description and information of what
the company desires, and how it plans to achieve its long term goals strategically. The vision
statement should be a comprehensive statement identifying the company’s core strengths, which
would enable it to achieve its futuristic goals.

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1.3. How to develop a vision statement

The company should identify the following t be able to guide its business decisions towards future
success and progress to be able to develop a successful vision statement:

1.3.1. Look at the organizational history

When did Qatar Airways start the business?
How many employees did the company have during the beginning?
The significant milestones that Qatar Airways has achieved since being started, and when
were these milestones achieved?
Include all positive and negative milestones that Qatar Airways has faced, and how it
overcame them?
What does Qatar Airways enjoy the most about its business and why?
These questions will help the management and key decision makers at Qatar Airways to critically
assess the history and the various decisions that were made for Qatar Airways and the business.
These will be critically reviewed for the positive o the negative consequences they brought, and
how that influenced the general business direction or Qatar Airways to have it stand in its present

1.3.2. Look at the present

What is the business landscape for Qatar Airways currently?
How many employees does the business have currently?
What is the unique value proposition offered by Qatar Airways
What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats being faced by Qatar
Airways in the present?
What is the financial strength of the company in the present?

These questions will help strategic managers and decision-makers identify the need of the
business to progress, as well as identify the resources needed for advancement. In addition,
these questions will also help Qatar Airways in deciding the future direction it wants to take on,
and how to achieve and realize that direction. Lastly, assessment of present standing for Qatar
Airways will help the business identify how it can improve the business with potential changes.

1.3.3. Look at the future of the organization

What are the long term goals for Qatar Airways?
What are the short term goals for Qatar Airways?
How can the company improve its offerings?
Which processes and ideas can be implemented to help the business gain higher effectivity
and efficiency?
What is the potential for growth for Qatar Airways?
What are the secondary goals of the business?

These questions will allow managers and decision makers for Qatar Airways to clearly think
about where they want the business to be in the future, and how this future and its goals can be
achieved and realized.

1.3.4. Identify loopholes

The process of critically assessing the past, present and future of Qatar Airways is important for
vision building because:

It allows identification of gaps and loopholes between the present an the future
It directs Qatar Airways towards filling those loopholes through correct resource allocation
It helps idea generation for enhancing business performance
It allows strategic decision making for fueling business growth

1.4. How to implement a vision statement

1.4.1. Gathering for a meeting and idea generation
Qatar Airways should gather all employees from different managerial levels in groups
These groups should work towards generating ideas based on what the organization stands
for, and what it offers
The idea generation should be based on the employee's perception
The ideas should also involve where the progression of the company should be focused on
In addition, the employees should also focus their ideas on foreseeing a potential future for
Qatar Airways

1.4.2. Grouping similar ideas and developing drafts

Similar ideas should be grouped
Senior level employees should develop and compare descriptions for grouped ideas
The grouped ideas should be categorized according to themes
The thematic groupings should be prioritized with the organizational offerings and values
Draft vision statements should be created based on high priority groups of ideas and

1.4.3. Evaluating the vision statement

Visions statements should be evaluated on their criteria of matching with the organizational
offering and potential
The vision stamen should also reflect the work environment and business potential of Qatar
The vision statement should be in line with the values of Qatar Airways

1.4.4. Communication of vision statement

The visions statement should be communicated to all relevant stakeholders of Qatar
The visions statement should be incorporated in the annual statement
The visions statement for Qatar Airways should also be updated, and transparently be
drafted within the organization
The visions statement should be sued to guide the drafting of the mission statement

2. The mission statement of Qatar Airways

2.1. What is a mission statement?
The mission statement for Qatar Airways is a public document that details the values and
strategic aims of Qatar Airways. The mission statement of Qatar Airways also identifies the
purpose of the organization existence, highlighting the services and the products it offers. Further,
the mission statement also identifies the organization’s operational goals for Qatar Airways, the
processes the company uses to achieve those, the target customer groups, and the region where
the company operates.

2.2. Components of a mission statement

2.2.1. Customer satisfaction
The mission statement of Qatar Airways focuses on addressing issues of customer satisfaction.
The mission statement of Qatar Airways has identified its target customer groups, and also
identified their needs and demands. The mission statement reflects on how its products and
services work towards increasing customer satisfaction for its target customers.

2.2.2. Based on core competencies

The mission statement of Qatar Airways is based on its integral strengths and competencies. This
is important for Qatar Airways as the mission statement will highlight the different systems and
processes as well as strategic tactics that the company uses to achieve its organizational and
strategic goals. The achievement of the goals will depend on how well Qatar Airways makes use
of its core competencies.

2.2.3. Realistic and clear

The mission statement for Qatar Airways is also realistic and clear. This means that Qatar
Airways has used simple, string, and easily understood words and phrases in the drafting of its
mission statement. Clarity is important so that the mission statement is understood by all relevant
stakeholders of Qatar Airways Company. Qatar Airways’s mission statement is also realistic,
which makes it able to achieve various set goals and targets.

2.2.4. Motivational and inspirational

The mission statement of Qatar Airways is motivational in that it works towards inspiring the
employees and the workforce towards giving their optimal best performance towards the goal
achievement of Qatar Airways. The mission statement of Qatar Airways is also inspirational in
that it develops the need for growth and progress in individuals – for the betterment of not only
the company but also for their own selves.

2.2.5. Specific and sharp

The mission statement of Qatar Airways is precise and to the point. It is easy to understand and
delivers what the audience must know about Qatar Airways’s offerings and operations. It is
important to keep the missions statement short, sharp and precise to be able to successfully
communicate the company’s standing to stakeholders, instead of dragging it on into long pages
with repetition and non-important aspects.

2.2.6. Reflects the company’s offerings

The mission statement of a company should be based on what the company has to offer in terms
of products and services. This means that the mission statement for Qatar Airways highlights its
offerings, but ensures that this offering is in line with the values that the company stands for. The
mission statement for Qatar Airways, therefore, identifies the ethical grounds through which the
company systematically works to deliver its offering.

2.3. How to develop a mission statement

It is important to follow the following steps and answer the following questions to be able to
develop successful mission statements:

2.3.1. What does Qatar Airways do?

Define the purpose of Qatar Airways
Define its brief history
Define the need for existence for Qatar Airways

2.3.2. How does Qatar Airways manage to achieve its promised

Explain the systems and operations employed at Qatar Airways
Identify relevant ethical policies in place at Qatar Airways
Highlight the use of transparency at Qatar Airways in all matters
Define the processes that Qatar Airways uses to deliver its promised offering to target
customer groups

2.3.3. For whom does Qatar Airways produce offerings?

Define target market customers for Qatar Airways
Target market customers from different regions can also be defined
Qatar Airways can also explore secondary target market groups, and define them in the
mission statement

2.3.4. What value is Qatar Airways adding on?

Define the value additions being brought forward by Qatar Airways in the customer’s life
Define the purpose of the offerings being delivered by Qatar Airways
Highlight the importance of Qatar Airways in the lives of its customers

2.4. How to implement the mission statement

2.4.1. Communication
Qatar Airways should communicate the mission statement to all stakeholders – employees,
customers, shareholders, public, government etc.
Qatar Airways should also keep the mission statement transparent and accessible at all

2.4.2. Training
Qatar Airways should encourage its employee force to undergo training if need be to meet
the requirements of the mission statement
Qatar Airways should regularly hold workshops to refine the values being defined in the
mission statement and build them in its employee force

2.4.3. Goal setting

Qatar Airways should develop SMART goals to meet the strategic targets identified in the
mission statement
Qatar Airways should also develop ethical grounds to remain in line with the mission
Qatar Airways should keep goals flexible, but the means to achieve the goals should be
stringent and should reflect the values drafted in the mission statement

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3. Goals of Qatar Airways

3.1. What are organizational goals
Organizational goals are those business and strategic objectives that define the purpose of Qatar
Airways. Organizational goals are strategic targets that Qatar Airways wants to achieve over a
period of time. This time period is generally long term. The goals of Qatar Airways help direct its
employee behaviour, as well as help in directing the operations of the business in the short term.

3.2. Components of goal

3.2.1. Achievable
The goals set by Qatar Airways should be achievable. This means that Qatar Airways should
have the resources and the finances necessary for being able to realize the organizational goals
over the long haul. Qatar Airways should also have the strategic leadership to be able to achieve
these organizational goals.

3.2.2. Time-frame defined

All goals set by Qatar Airways- even for the long term – have an attached time frame. This is
important to ensure that the organization is effective and efficient in realizing its attached
time frame for the goals set for the long term future also helps in establishing a related time frame
for the more short term organizational objectives.

3.2.3. Easy to understand

The goals should be fairly simple and should be easily understood by all employees of Qatar
Airways. This is important as only when employees are clear about what the goals are, their
importance, and the urgency of achieving them will they be able to relate with them and work
towards achieving them.

3.2.4. Easy to communicate

The goals set by Qatar Airways should also be easy to communicate. This means that the jargon
used for goal setting and goal communication should be clear and precise. These goals should
be communicated with all managerial levels, and all employees to allow them a directive path to
help the organization achieve these goals.

3.2.5. Pragmatic
The goals set by Qatar Airways should also be realistic in nature. This means that all strategic
goals defined by Qatar Airways should take into consideration not only its internal financial
position and resources but also the skill set of its employees and the larger macro environment.
This will enable the company to set goals that will sue the core competencies of Qatar Airways to
help it achieve the strategic goals easily, and realistically.

3.2.6. Relation with job tasks

All goals should be relatable with the employees of Qatar Airways. This means that all goals
should directly or indirectly be tied to the job tasks and job nature of employees. This is to ensure
that employees don’t feel redundant and use their skills to help the organization progress.
3.3. How to develop goals
3.3.1. Strategic evaluation
Assess and review the vision statement
Based on the vision statement and company values, decide where Qatar Airways should be
in the next five years

3.3.2. Brainstorming
Brainstorm goals that will help Qatar Airways achieve its long term direction
Group goals according to themes
Cluster the goals, and briefly describe each group and cluster
Set long term goals for the company according to different clusters and groups

3.3.3. Prioritization
Prioritize different clusters and groups
Set and define long term goals based on prioritization
Prioritization should be based on how soon the different defined goal groups and clusters
will help Qatar Airways progress and achieve its desired position in the next five years or so
to develop a successful vision statement

3.4. How to implement goals

3.4.1. Communication
Communicate the goals to all managerial levels
Goals should also be communicated to all relevant stakeholders – including distributors,
shareholders, third-party contractors etc.
Goals may also be communicated to customers
Communication of goals will help Qatar Airways achieve goals by defining roles and
milestones needed for achievement

3.4.2. Periodic strategic evaluation

Evaluate the progress of goal attainment periodically
This evaluation is done at a strategic level and operational level
Different goals should be set for different departments of Qatar Airways to help it achieve
the broader long term goals
These departmental goals help in directing operations towards the larger strategic goal

3.4.3. Training
Employee training to develop skills needed and necessary for goal attainment
Training can be in-house or out-house for employees
Training for Qatar Airways should be continual and should be consistent with the goals set

4. Objectives of Qatar Airways

4.1. What are organizational objectives
Organizational objectives for Qatar Airways are the short to medium term targets and goals that
the organization sets to achieve the bigger strategic goals set for the long term. The
organizational objectives are important in shaping resource allocation within Qatar Airways as
well as in determining the policies, schedules and processes that are implemented in Qatar

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4.2. Components of objectives

4.2.1. Specific
All objectives set by Qatar Airways are specific and clear. This helps employees, as well as
managers, manage and maintain focus on the targets and the end results that need to be
achieved. At the same time, specific objectives help managers determine skill development and
training needs within their departments as well.

4.2.2. Measurable
Objectives at Qatar Airways are also measurable. This means that all objectives can be tracked
for progress. This is important for Qatar Airways as it helps in meeting deadlines. The element of
measurability is added in objectives by adding quantifiable criteria for determining progress and
objective achievement.

4.2.3. Attainable
The goal should be attainable that even in stretching the abilities of the employees and
challenging them, it should remain possible to achieve. The objectives at Qatar Airways are
attainable in that they push the employees out of their comfort zones but remain possible to

4.2.4. Realistic
Objectives at Qatar Airways are also attainable in that they are realistic. This means that Qatar
Airways sets objectives keeping in view the organizational resources and constraints to be able
to achieve objectives effectively and within time.

4.2.5. Timely
Objectives at Qatar Airways are also time-bound in that they have a specified start and finish
date. The timeliness of the objective helps Qatar Airways maintain a sense of urgency in
employees, and keep them motivated towards achieving the objective.

4.3. How to develop objectives

4.3.1. Focus on overall strategy
Objectives should focus on the broader organizational strategy
This will facilitate the organization in keeping in view the broader purpose and at the same
time work towards achieving quantifiable goals and objectives
By keeping in view strategic focus, Qatar Airways also maintains proximity with the vision of
the organization and works towards enhancing the performance of the organization

4.3.2. Focus on goal

Objectives at Qatar Airways should be set keeping in view the set organizational goals
Objectives at Qatar Airways should flow from the organizational goals, and work towards
helping the company and its departments and operations achieving the set goals
This is important as it keeps objectives strategically relevant to the organizational
processes and systems

4.3.3. Focus on the time frame and skill sets available

Objectives at Qatar Airways should focus on the time constraints present in terms of
resource present, as well as the urgency of the organization and the industry
Objectives at Qatar Airways should also focus on the skillset of employee and
organizational resources available
Focus on resources and skills is important to ensure that all objectives are attainable
Focus and relevance with resources and skills will also help Qatar Airways identify gaps
that it needs to fill through training

4.4. How to implement objectives

4.4.1. Communication
Objectives at Qatar Airways should be discussed with employees mutually
Purpose of the set objectives should be clearly discussed, and communicated with the
This discussion should entail not only the objective, but also the time period within which it
is expected to be completed, and the processes and means to achieve it
Objectives should also include aspects of personal and individual growth and development
of employees to make sure that employees remain motivated throughout

4.4.2. Performance appraisal

The performance appraisal at Qatar Airways helps managers and supervisors keep track of
objective achievement and employee performance
The performance appraisal also helps keep the objectives time bound through regular
reviews and discussions
The performance appraisal also helps identify skills development aspects that employees
need and helps the managers develop suitable and needful strategic training programs for
skill development and skill improvement

Looking for help with Essay on Mission, Vision, Goals

and Objectives of Qatar Airways?

5. References
Cole, G., 2003. Strategic Management. Boston: Cengage Learning EMEA.

French, R., 2011. Organizational Behaviour. Hoboken:NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Gilligan, C. & Hird, M., 2012. International Marketing: Strategy and Management. London:

Hill, C. & Jones, G., 2007. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Boston:
Cengage Learning.

King, D. & Lawley, S., 2016. Organizational Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kotler, P. & Keller, K., 2009. Marketing Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Perkins, S. & Arvinen-Muondo, R., 2013. Organizational Behaviour: People, Process,

Work and Human Resource Management. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
Thompson, J. & Martin, F., 2010. Strategic Management: Awareness & Change.
Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA.

Witcher, B. J. & Chau, V. S., 2010. Strategic Management: Principles and Practice.
Boston: Cengage Learning EMEA.

Warning! This article is only an example and cannot be used for research or reference
purposes. If you need help with something similar, please submit your details here.

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