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1. Identify your thinking types.

- Our group exhibits holistic, divergent, and abstract thinking types.
2. Group yourselves according to thinking type and share among yourselves the
reasons why you think you have that kind of thinking type.
- We believe we have a holistic thinking type because we tend to view decisions as
having a domino effect, where one choice can influence various aspects of a
situation. We instinctively consider the possible outcomes and interconnectedness
of different factors when making decisions. We also personally believe we
possess divergent thinking. We don’t usually stick to one point, whenever we do
or think about something, we always try to find possible ways to come up with the
best solution. Because for us, exploring new ideas and not just sticking to one
solution helps us not to just solve the problem but we gain knowledge as well.
Lastly, we think we have the abstract thinking type because we often try to
analyze concepts, ideas or problems in a way that allows us to discover the hidden
meanings that are not explicitly expressed.
3. Ask among yourselves, who among the other “thinking-type” group could you work
easily and comfortably with and tell the class why? Write down the answers.
- The holistic thinking group is the thinking group that we work together well with
since holistic thinking allows you to explore different options before ultimately
making a decision. This group would allow us to be open-minded to diverse
possibilities which enables for the development of innovative solutions to
complex problems. This thinking group also focuses on the bigger picture of
things which is important as we can make connections between parts or factors
that affect decision making. Additionally, working with people with this thinking
group would be a great reminder for people to not always obsess with the smaller
4. Next, identify who among the other thinking-type groups could you possible have a
difficult time working together and why? Write down your answer.
- Working with a group that exhibits sequential thinking can indeed be crucial in
certain scenarios. Tasks may take longer to complete because each step must be
obtained before progressing, potentially causing delays in fast-paced
environments. Balancing the benefits of precision and thoroughness with the need
for timely execution can be a challenge. It can also block the potential of thinking
of various insightful or broad ideas as this type of thinking refers to being focused
at the task at hand. Therefore, while sequential thinking has its merits, it's
important to assess the specific requirements of a project or task and consider
whether a more flexible, adaptive approach might be necessary to meet deadlines
5. Lastly, what can be the ways that you can do so that your group and the “opposite”
thinking type group could possibly work together and achieve the same goal.
- When working for a project, it is best to collect everyone's thoughts and ideas first
before we work on it. Discussing the information and ideas together can allow
each member to express their thoughts and organize them sequentially that allows
them to create an output or conclusion. We also think having a good
communication and awareness of other thinking types would really help us work
with the opposite thinking types. It is indeed difficult to work with opposite
thinkers but arguing about what is better will not help to finish desired output and
building trust is an important part of any successful collaboration. Team members
must be able to rely on one another to keep their commitments and uphold high

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What did you realize from the activity?

- This activity allowed us to identify the different types of thinking groups and how
they differ from each other. Additionally, this activity also allowed us to see how
people with different thinking types from us think and gain knowledge. More
importantly, we realized that people can have different thinking types and some of
them may not be easy for us to work with but there will always be ways to have
effective communication which can result in better understanding since it can help
us to comprehend what thinking types they have and we realized that we need to
be more patient when we are dealing with people who have different thinking
types as they are just moving according to their pace. We must understand that
each of us have different ways of meeting our tasks on time and with a better
result. It is normal to have a distinct approach in every task but we must know
how to work well with others.
2. How can this activity help you in working together with other people or
understanding other people?
- It can serve as a guide to understanding how people process information and
create solutions to problems. Knowing the different types of thinking groups that
exist in a group dynamic can be helpful in understanding the members’ working
styles, preventing unnecessary arguments during group work or discussions. It can
also help in creating a work environment that accommodates both you and your
team members. It is a helpful activity that can act as a reminder that people have
different ways of thinking and to utilize this, you can create a setting where
members are recognized for their contribution and perspectives.

1. How do you think knowing how others think helps you in achieving your goals?
- Knowing how others think can broaden someone's horizon as other people's
thoughts and knowledge can help one to gain the skills and knowledge needed in
achieving goals. Understanding how others think can be highly beneficial for
achieving your goals in various ways. Knowing how others think allows you to
communicate more effectively. You can tailor your message to resonate with their
beliefs, values, and communication style, making it more likely they will support
or collaborate with you. When you understand someone's thought process, you
can anticipate their objections, concerns, or desires. This insight is invaluable in
negotiation and persuasion, helping you find common ground and reach mutually
beneficial agreements. Comprehending the thought processes of others can greatly
aid you in reaching your objectives in a variety of ways.

Asuncion, Althea Marie G.
Celiz, Elva Joy
Esquivel, Pauline Mae
Gaspar, Janina Isabelle
Loma, Abigail Joy C.
Pablo, Regine

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