Old - 05. EPC-4 - Understanding The Self Concept - TP

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[ B.Ed EPC04 (Understanding the Self) – T.P.

] Vijay Srivastava – 7005500400 / 9706087060

COURSE Understanding the Self (B.Ed. EPC 4) <PAN>
UNIT-1: Exploring the Aim of Life >> Objectives
To enable students to develop a vision of life for themselves. To encourage students to give conscious direction to their
lives to take responsibility for their actions. To develop a holistic and integrated understanding of the human self & personality.
Workshop Themes
Vision as a person: Aspiration and purpose of life. Giving a conscious direction to life. Understanding different
dimensions of self and personality and way in which they influence the dynamics of identity formation, values & direction of life.
UNIT-2: Discovering one's True Potential >> Objectives
To facilitate the personal growth of the students by helping them to identify their own potential To develop the
power of positive attitude. To encourage students to develop the capacity for self-refection and personal integration.
Workshop Themes
Understanding one's strengths and weaknesses through self-observation exercises. Taking responsibility for one's own
actions. Developing positivity, self-esteem and emotional integration. Exploring fear and trust: competition and
co-operation Developing skills of inner self organization and self-reflection Writing a self-reflective journal.
UNIT-3: Developing Sensitivity >> Objectives
To enable students to examine and challenge the stereotypical attitudes and prejudices that influence identity formation
and the process of individuation. To encourage students to develop the capacity for perspective taking and appreciating
different points of view. To develop sensitivity towards needs of children by connecting with one's own childhood
Workshop Themes
Understand and challenge the unconscious, conditioned attitudes that are stereotyped and prejudiced (gender, case, class,
race, region, disability etc.) and critically examine the sources of stereotyped messages (e.g. media).
Defining consciously one's own values towards self and society and develop a capacity to understand and appreciate
divergent points of view. Widening their realm of consciousness. Developing the capacity for empathic listening and
communication skills. Understanding one's own childhood and adult-child gaps in society.
UNIT-4: Peace, Progress and Harmony >> Objectives
To develop the capacity to establish peace within oneself To develop the capacity to establish harmony within a
group and methods of conflict resolution. To understand the meaning of leadership and develop attitudes and skills
of a catalyst To understand the basis of social disharmony, the factors those contribute to it and ways to facilitate change.
Workshop Themes
Establishing peace within oneself, exercises of concentration and mediation Understanding group dynamics and
communication. Creating group harmony: exploring methods of creating a collective aspiration for progress and
conflict resolution. Exploring the bases of social disharmony: becoming the agents & catalysts of change and exploring
methods of facilitating change.
UNIT-5: Facilitating Personal Growth: Applications in Teaching >> Objectives
To explore attitudes and methods needed for facilitating personal growth in students To explore ways of integrating the
facilitation of personal growth and social skills within the formal curriculum. Becoming a self-reflective practitioner:
becoming conscious of one's own attitudes and communication pattern while teaching. Observing children: Appreciating
social, economic, cultural and individual differences in children and relating with them. Exploring and practicing ways to
facilitate personal growth and develop social skills in students while teaching.

[ B.Ed EPC04 (Understanding the Self) – T.P. ] Vijay Srivastava – 7005500400 / 9706087060

The term self-concept is a general term used to refer to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives themselves to be
aware of oneself is to have a concept of oneself. Self-concept is an individual’s perception of self and is what helps make each
individual unique.
“The individual’s belief about himself or herself, including the person’s attributes and who and what the self is.”
Stages in Development of Self-Concept
Self-concept develops & changes throughout the lifespan. Development of
Self-concept is the going on process which can be classified as follows:-
• Self-awareness (infancy)
• Self-recognition (18 months)
• Self-definition (3 years)
• Self-concept (6 to 7 years)
Components of Self-Concept (as per Carl Rogers)
(1) Self-Image
Self image is the way we see ourselves. Self-image includes what we know about ourselves physically (e.g. brown hair, blue
eyes, tall), our social roles (e.g. wife, brother, gardener), and our personality traits (e.g. outgoing, serious, kind). Self-image
doesn’t always match reality. Some individuals hold an inflated perception of one or more of their characteristics.
(2) Self-Esteem
In psychology, the term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of self-worth or personal value. Self-
esteem is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it tends to be stable and enduring. When we compare
ourselves to others and find that we are better at something than others whereas on the other hand, when we compare
ourselves to others and find we’re not as successful in a given area
(3) Ideal Self
The ideal self is the self we would like to be. There’s often a difference between one’s self-image and one's ideal self. This
incongruity can negatively impact one’s self-esteem. According to Carl Rogers, self-image and ideal self can be congruent or
incongruent. Congruence between the self-image & ideal self means that there is a fair amount of overlap between the two.
Self-confidence is one’s ability to judge his own social and personal standing with
respect to his environment and be able to derive satisfaction out of it. Self-confidence
is influenced by factors like upbringing, work environment, and levels of dedication
towards pursuing a cause. High self-confidence is an important factor in improving
business ties and balancing personal life. Hence Self-Confidence as an individual's
trust in his or her own abilities, capacities, and judgments, or belief that he or she can
successfully face day to day challenges and demands
Ways to improve Self-Confidence:-
1) Visualize ourself as we want to be 6) Affirm ourself
2) Do one thing that scares us every day 7) Question our inner critic
3) Target the 100 days of rejection challenge 8) Set ourself up to win
4) Help someone else 9) Care for ourself
5) Create personal boundaries 10) Shift to an equality mentality

Ways of Improving Sell-Confidence Source of Self-confidence

1. Use positive self talk & visual imagery 1. Actual experience
2. Take risks 2. Experience of others
3. Accomplish 3. Social comparison
4. To know own strength & weakness 4. Social influence
5. Be in touch with moral boost & self-esteem peoples. 5. Emotional encouragement

[ B.Ed EPC04 (Understanding the Self) – T.P. ] Vijay Srivastava – 7005500400 / 9706087060
Importance of Self-Confidence
1)Greater self worth: the more self confidence we have, the more value of ourself and our capabilities, which means the
more valuable we feel; this is what creates the effect of naturally holding our head up high, since we have higher self
esteem and are proud of who we are
2)More happiness and enjoyment: for all the reasons above, the more self confident we have, the happier we are with
ourself; as a result, the more we always enjoy life
3)Freedom from self doubt: the more self confident we become, the more free we become of the mental torture of
doubting ourself, and questioning whether we are really valuable, or capable of achieving things we want to achieve.
4)Greater strength and capabilities: the more self confident we have, the stronger and more powerful we feel; we also
naturally grow stronger and more confident when encountering challenges, rather than feeling weakened, crippled, and
defeated by them.
5)Freedom from fear and anxiety: the more self confident we have, the more we know that we can accept, handle, learn,
gain, and benefit from any situation, circumstance, or outcome; in this way, we naturally replace fear and anxiety with
greater confidence in ourself and our abilities.
6)Freedom from social anxiety: the more secure you feel in ourself worth, regardless of how others see us, the less
concerned we are with what others might or might not think of us in social situations.
7)More peace of mind and less stress: freedom from self doubt, fear, and anxiety naturally translates into greater peace of
mind and a more stress-free life.
8)More energy and motivation to act: the more confident we are that we can achieve things we want to achieve (like
personal goals or dreams), the more motivated and energized we are to take action to achieve them.
9)More beneficial and enjoyable interactions with others: the happier and more confident you are, the more relaxed,
comfortable, and at ease you are, and this naturally puts others at ease more around you; also, with these qualities,
others tend to trust, respect, value, welcome, and cooperate with you more; the overall result is better and more
enjoyable social interactions.
10) Better sleep & health: less fear and anxiety + less stress + more peace of mind + more happiness = we enjoying the
health benefits of being more self confident, including better quality of sleep.
11) Greater success: in case it's ever been a mystery for us why self confident people are naturally more successful, now we
can clearly understand why there is such a high correlation between self confidence and success; each of the above
benefits helps us achieve things we want to achieve faster and easier, which means we enjoy more success in life

‘Values’ in education (meaning)

Value means primarily to prize, to esteem, to appraise and to estimate. It means the act of achieving something, holding it &
also the act of passing judgment upon the nature & amount of values as compared with something else. - John Dewey
Value education is the process by which people give moral values to each other. Values education is associated with those
different pedagogies, methods or programmes that teachers or educators use in order to create learning experiences for
students when it comes to value questions. Values Education is based on a rational understanding of the human person,
specifically on understanding as a human being in society and his/her role in the shaping of society and the environment
Kinds of Values (Human Values)
1. Personal Value
2. Social Values
3. Moral Values
4. Cultural Values
5. Essential Values
6. Institutional Values

[ B.Ed EPC04 (Understanding the Self) – T.P. ] Vijay Srivastava – 7005500400 / 9706087060

Ways / Importance of ‘value education’ in academic institutions

Values are important because they become the basic determiners of perceptions, opinions and attitudes of a society. They
help to decide if preferences or events are good or bad, important or significant and correct or wrong.
1) Cooperation in asking questions to teachers.
2) Shows responsibility in doing homework.
3) Increase capacity to work independently.
4) Implement their learning in their practical life.
5) Attentive in class.
6) Helps students to make their own decisions.
7) Develops healthy mind in them.
8) Allow the individuals to interact harmoniously with others
9) Guide our behaviors; they are part of our identity as individuals
10) They show us how to behave when we’re faced with desires or impulses, whether we’re alone or with others.
11) They are like a compass that helps us behave consistently, regardless of the situation
12) It guides our actions and determines for us what’s good or bad.

Human Values (meaning)

Human values are a set of consistent behaviors and measures that guide human beings in doing what is right and acceptable
by the society. They attract dignity, respect and appropriateness among people. Human values are used to set laws in most
cases. Human values are people's beliefs, feelings and attitudes towards things, situations or other people. Basic human
values refer to those values which are at the core of being human. The values which are considered basic inherent values in
humans include truth, honesty, loyalty, love, peace, etc.

Role of Teachers to teach importance of ‘Human Values’ / How a teacher can teach human values in school?
1) The Teacher should help the students achieve their full potential and bring out the best in them.
2) Be able to lead those (students) towards a better tomorrow.
3) Most important of all must be loving and sincere!
4) Teachers can maintain a case-study register to closely observe the students & note down the positive and negative traits
of their personality.
5) By organizing cultural and sports events values like team spirit, sharing, spirit of cooperation, patience, courtesy etc. can
be imparted.
6) National and religious festivals must be celebrated to foster a feeling of homogeneity.
7) Teachers should give importance to cooperative learning.
8) Propagating moral values can be performed by students under the guidance of teacher.
9) Teacher must tell the students to go to the libraries- the treasure house of knowledge.
10) Teacher must explain the students the importance of meditation & yoga practices.
11) Impart knowledge of foreign languages to make them know different cultures.
12) Organize games, excursions, visits to places of historical importance. Club activities like nature club, literary club, wildlife
prevention club, social service camps, blood donation etc.
13) Suicidal tendencies in students should be cured. They must be prepared by the teacher to face the challenges of life
fearlessly and with courage

[ B.Ed EPC04 (Understanding the Self) – T.P. ] Vijay Srivastava – 7005500400 / 9706087060

Role of Families to teach the importance of ‘Human Values’

1) The family (& society) is important in developing the human values of child. There is a close contact between the
parents & Children, which determine the personality of child. Family is the foundation on which values are built.
2) Human values like truthfulness, happiness, peace, justice etc. are the value system practiced in the family because
automatic to the young family members if they are taught moral values systematically.
3) The family shapes the child’s attitude towards people & society & helps in mental growth in the child & supports his
ambitions & values. Blissful & cheerful atmosphere in the family will develop the love, affection, tolerance &
generosity. A child learns his behavior by modeling what he sees around him.
4) Family plays a major role in helping a child socialize and has great influence & bearing on the progress of the child.
Joint family system, the presence of elders in the family plays the effective role in social & moral development of the
5) Family is the first social organisation that provides the immediate proximity from which the kid can learn his
6) Social standards & customs defined by a family provide the emotional & physical basis for a child. Values developed
by a family are the foundation for how children learn, grow & function in the world.
7) Children turn out to be a good person because of the value taught & given by his/her family members ideas passed
down from family leads a disciplined & organized life.
8) Families values helps the child to stand strong on his/her views despite others efforts to break through with opposing
beliefs. A child has a strong sense of what is right & wrong & are less likely to become victims of deviant influences.

Role of Schools to teach the importance of ‘Human Values’

(1) In school, children are members of a small society that exerts a tremendous influence on their moral development. In
school, teachers serve as role model to students in school; they play a major role in inculcating their ethical behavior.
(2) Peers at school diffuse boldness about cheating, lying, stealing & consideration for others. Though there are rules &
regulations the school infuses the value education to the children in an informal way.
(3) Develop a more humanistic management approach.
(4) Improve human relations between teacher-student, teacher-teacher, student-student etc.
(5) Help develop good attitudes in the students and teachers, e.g. co-operation, mutual respect.
(6) Help healthy emotional development in students.
(7) Facilitate socialization through participation in interactive and co-operative learning activities.
(8) Improve students discipline and moral behavior.
(9) Develop the creativity both in students and teachers.
(10) Improve the standard of teaching and learning.

[ B.Ed EPC04 (Understanding the Self) – T.P. ] Vijay Srivastava – 7005500400 / 9706087060

Passed Questions Banks

B.Ed EPC04 Understanding the Self-Concept Teacher – Pandey Sir Final Exam. 2019 35 marks / 1.5 hrs.

Note:- Write any 5 from the following :-

Q1 Explain the term ‘Self-Concept’ & it’s different components 7marks
Q2 How can we develop ‘Self-Concept’ 7marks
Q3 What is ‘Self-Confidence’ & its importance? 7marks
Q4 Explain the term ‘values’ & the importance of value education in academic institutions? 7marks
Q5 What are the roles of Teacher, Families & School to teach the importance of ‘Human Values’ 7marks
Q6 Write about ‘Yoga’ & its importance in our life. 7marks
Q7 What do you know about ‘Astanga Yoga’ as introduced by sage Patanjali 7marks

2nd Internal - 2019 10 marks / 1.5 hrs.

Q1 Discuss the term self confidence & the ways to improve it. 5marks
Explain, how to develop /self-concept

Q2 What is self-concept? Mention all the components of self-concept 5marks

Discuss the importance of self confidence & the sources of gaining it?

1st Internal – 2020 (13/03/2020) 10 marks / 1.5 hrs.

Q1 What is self-concept? And how to develop it, explain 5marks

Q1 What is self-confidence & what are the ways to improve it, explain

Q2 Explain the confidence & what are the ways to improve it, explain 5marks
Q2 Explain about general classification of values.

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