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When it comes to reducing youth recidivism, alternative placement services are

proving to be much more effective than traditional correctional facilities. Research has shown

that these services provide young offenders with therapeutic, educational, and vocational

opportunities that can help them break the cycle of criminal behavior. Alternative placements

also offer an array of services, such as drug addiction therapy, anger management classes,

and vocational training, which have been proven to be more beneficial than prison time.

According to a study by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,

alternative placements have been successful in reducing youth recidivism rates. The study

found that when compared to youths who were incarcerated in secure detention facilities,

those in alternative placements experienced a decrease in recidivism by up to 20%. In

addition, the study found that community-based programs were the most successful in

lowering recidivism rates.

The Sentencing Project also conducted a study which found that youths who were in

alternative placements were much less likely to be re-arrested than those held in traditional

correctional facilities. The study concluded that the availability of mental health services,

educational and employment opportunities, and drug treatment programs in these alternative

placements were the primary reasons for the decrease in recidivism.

Similarly, a study conducted by BYU Undergraduate Journal of Psychology found

that community-based alternatives to prison were significantly more effective at reducing

recidivism rates than traditional incarceration. The study suggested that providing support

services and tailored treatment plans to nonviolent juvenile offenders could help them avoid

future criminal behavior.

Finally, a report by found that alternative placement services have been

successful in reducing recidivism rates by an average of 28%. The report also highlighted the
need for more innovative programs that offer individualized support and mentoring to young

offenders in order to ensure their successful rehabilitation.

Overall, the research suggests that alternative placement services are more effective

than traditional correctional facilities at reducing recidivism. These programs provide young

offenders with therapeutic, educational, and vocational opportunities that can help them break

the cycle of criminal behavior. Furthermore, providing support services and tailored

treatment plans to nonviolent juvenile offenders can help them avoid future criminal behavior

and lead productive lives.

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