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archives of oral biology 59 (2014) 735–740

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Roles of notch signalling in mandibular condylar


Maria J. Serrano *, Sarah So, Robert J. Hinton

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, 3302 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX
75246, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Importance: Notch proteins are cell surface transmembrane spanning receptors which
Received 23 October 2013 mediate critically important cellular functions through direct cell–cell contact. Interactions
Received in revised form between Notch receptors and their ligands regulate cell fate decisions such differentiation,
9 April 2014 proliferation and apoptosis in numerous tissues. We have previously shown using immu-
Accepted 12 April 2014 nohistochemistry that Notch1 is localized primarily to the prechondroblastic (chondropro-
Available online genitor) layer of the mandibular condylar cartilage (MCC).
Objective: To test if Notch signalling changes patterns of proliferation and differentiation in
Keywords: the MCC and to investigate if Notch signalling acts downstream of Fibroblast Growth Factor
Notch 2 (FGF-2).
Fibroblast growth factor Methods: Condylar cartilage explants were cultured over serum-free DMEM containing
Gene array either 0 or 50 nM DAPT, a Notch signal inhibitor. Explants were used for RNA extraction
Condylar cartilage and immunohistochemistry.
Temporomandibular joint Results: Analysis of gene array data demonstrated that the perichondrial layer of the MCC is
rich in Notch receptors (Notch 3 and 4) and Notch ligands (Jagged and Delta) as well as
various downstream facilitators of Notch signalling. Disruption of Notch signalling in MCC
explants decreased proliferation (Cyclin B1 expression) and increased chondrocyte differ-
entiation (Sox9 expression). Moreover, we found that the actions of FGF-2 in MCC are
mediated in part by Notch signalling.
Conclusion: These data suggest that Notch signalling contributes to the regulation of prolif-
eration and differentiation in the MCC.
# 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

conditions, it is these undifferentiated cells, rather than the

1. Introduction chondrocytes in deeper layers, that proliferate and differentiate
to effect growth at the MCC.3 The Notch family of trans-
The mandibular condylar cartilage (MCC) is a secondary membrane receptors has been implicated as cell fate mediators
cartilage that differs structurally from both limb growth plate in many tissues.4–6 In a context-dependent manner, Notch
and articular cartilage. This difference is most pronounced in its signalling promotes or suppresses proliferation, cell death,
superficial layers, which comprise a perichondrium in which acquisition of specific cell fates and activation of differentiation
undifferentiated (prechondroblastic) cells secrete a matrix rich programs during development and during maintenance of self
in type I collagen rather than the type II collagen matrix renewing adult tissues.7 Because of their critical role in many
characteristic of chondrocytes.1,2 Under normal functional fundamental processes and in a wide range of tissues, signalling

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 214 828 8976.

E-mail address: (M.J. Serrano).
0003–9969/# 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
736 archives of oral biology 59 (2014) 735–740

via Notch receptors has been linked to human disorders and 50 nM DAPT, or media containing 50 nM DAPT plus 3 ng/mL of
developmental syndromes.8 In articular cartilage, Notch 1 is FGF-2. After 3 days of incubation, RNA was extracted for gene
expressed in progenitor cells that exhibit phenotypic plasticity; expression analysis.
blockage of Notch signalling decreases proliferation in these
cells.9 Notch receptors are also expressed in the early stages of 2.3. Statistical analysis
chondrogenic differentiation, becoming confined to the peri-
chondrium as differentiation proceeds.10 We have previously Means and standard deviations were calculated for the
localized Notch immunohistochemically to the prechondro- relative quantities of gene expression in the control and
blastic and upper chondroblastic layers of the MCC11 and shown experimental explant samples. Statistical differences were
that FGF-2 and Tgfb1 can upregulate and downregulate, evaluated using the Kruskall–Wallis test to identify differences
respectively, Notch 1 expression in the MCC.12 It is known that among the samples and the Mann–Whitney test to analyse
FGF-2 regulates proliferation and differentiation of growth- specific sample pairs for significant differences.
plate chondrocytes but the mechanisms underlying growth
regulation in secondary cartilages such as the mandibular 2.4. Quantitative real-time PCR
condyle have been less studied.12 The goals of this study were:
(1) to assess gene expression related to Notch signalling in the Primers were designed using the SciTools software (Integrated
MCC perichondrium; (2) to test whether disruption of Notch DNA Technology). Each primer was evaluated in a primer matrix
signalling alters proliferation or differentiation in MCC; and (3) to determine what combination of sense (S) and anti-sense (AS)
to investigate whether Notch signalling lies downstream of FGF- primer concentrations maximized the fluorescence response for
2 signalling. real-time PCR. SYBR1 Green Real-Time PCR Master Mix
(Stratagene) was used for fluorescence. The primer sequences
used were: Cyclin B1, (S: ACA GGG TCG TGA AGT GAC TGG AAA;
2. Materials and methods AS: CTT GGG CAC ACA ACT GTT CTG CAT); Delta like 1 (S: ATG
AS: TGG AAT GCC GGG AGC TAT CTT TCT). Samples along with
The mandibular condyle and adjacent ramus were dissected primers and SYBR Green Master Mix were loaded in an eight tube
from CD1 mice at embryonic day 17 (E17). Under a dissecting strip and the reaction was run in the MX4000 Multiplex
microscope, the perichondrium (PC) was gently teased away Quantitative PCR System (Stratagene). 18s II was used as an
from the underlying cartilage and the cartilage (C) was internal control. The primer sequences for 18s II were: S: CCG AAG
separated from the bone. The PC and C samples were then CGT TTA CTT TGA; AS: GCC GTC CCT CTT AAT CAT.
snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. RNA was extracted from pooled The standard curve method was used to calculate the
samples of approximately 50 tissues using the RNEasy Micro efficiency of the target genes. Serial dilutions of cDNA (1:10)
RNA Isolation Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). The quantity and were made for the calibration curve and loaded into an eight
quality of mRNA were measured by an Agilent 2100 Bioana- strip tube. Correlation coefficients for all standard curves were
lyzer. The RNA samples were analysed using the Mouse Notch 0.92 or higher.
Signalling Pathway RT2 ProfilerTM PCR Array (PAMM-059,
SABiosciences, Frederick, MD), which profiles the expression 2.5. Immunofluorescent staining
of 84 genes involved in Notch signalling including binding and
receptor processing genes as well as genes that cross-talk with Condyles were fixed in 4% neutral buffered paraformaldehyde,
Notch. Genes were considered to be differentially expressed if decalcified in 0.5 M EDTA, processed for routine histology, and
they were expressed at least two times higher in either the PC embedded in paraffin. 6-mm sections cut in the sagital plane
or C sample. were taken for immunohistochemical staining. Immunohis-
tochemistry was done by incubating at 4 8C overnight with
2.2. Condylar cartilage explant culture primary antibody to Notch 1 (Santa Cruz) at 1:75 dilution. After
three 5 min washes in 2% serum, the sections were incubated
Condylar cartilage explants were placed on a triangular piece in Alexa Fluor 546 (Molecular Probes) goat anti-rabbit (Notch)
of Poretics polycarbonate disc filter and metal grid suspended secondary antibody for 1 h in the dark at RT. Finally, the
over 1 mL of serum-free DMEM (3 mM sodium phosphate, sections were washed four times in PBS, incubated in To Pro
0.1 mM non-essential amino acids, 2 mM L-glutamine, 1:500 for 5 min, cover-slipped with slow fade mounting
ITS + TM Premix (BD Biosciences), 500 mg/mL gentamicin, medium (Invitrogen), and examined using a Leica TCS SP2
100 mg/mL of ascorbic acid) containing either 0 or 50 nM confocal microscope.
DAPT, a Notch signal inhibitor (Sigma Cat # D5942-5MG) in a
60  15 mm centre well organ culture dish. After 3 days of
culture, the mandibular condylar cartilages were separated 3. Results
from the bone under a dissecting microscope, and snap frozen
in liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction. Five to six explants in 3.1. Notch-related gene expression in MCC perichondrium
each group were used for immunohistochemistry.
In a second set of experiments, other explants (5–6 per To examine if differential expression of Notch pathway genes
group) were incubated with media alone, media containing exists in the perichondrium, we analysed gene expression in
archives of oral biology 59 (2014) 735–740 737

Table 1 – Genes showing a higher expression in the MCC Table 2 – Genes showing a higher expression in the MCC
perichondrium (PC) than in the cartilage (C). Only genes cartilage (C) than in the perichondrium (PC). Only genes
with a PC/C ratio of 2.0 or greater were included. with a C/PC ratio of 2.0 or greater were included. A
previous study17 using this dissection technique to
Gene Expression in PC/Expression in C
separate PC and C demonstrated the expected differen-
Aes 4.3 tially higher gene expression in the C sample for
Delta 1 3.5 cartilage-specific genes such as Sox9 (4T), Col XI (14T),
Deltex 1 13 Col X (33T), and aggrecan (11T).
Frizzled 4 8.0
Hes 1 2.6 Gene Expression in C/Expression in PC
Hey 1 2.0 Hairless 4.5
IIL7b 8.5 Gli 1 7.0
Jagged 1 4.0 Shh 2.8
Jagged 2 5.3 Fzd 1 3.3
Lmo2 7.5
Mfng 7.0
Mtap 1b 13 of the most highly expressed genes in the PC sample were for
Mycl1 16
genes not obviously related to Notch signalling: V-Myc1
Notch 3 5.3
(16), Microtubule-associated protein 1b (13), Interleukin
Notch 4 4.3
PPAR-g 6.1 17b (9), and LIM domain only 2 (8). Among the genes
Presenilin 2 3.7 expressed more highly in the cartilaginous portion of the
Presenilin-Enhancer2 2.0 condylar cartilage were the Notch antagonist hairless (5),
Sonic hedgehog (3) and Gli1 (7), a mediator of hedgehog
signalling (Table 2).
manually-dissected perichondrial (PC) and cartilage (C)
samples using a gene array focused on genes related to 3.2. Gene expression in response to exogenous DAPT
Notch signalling. Expression of genes involved in Notch
signalling was differentially higher in the perichondrial To assess the effect of blocking Notch signalling, we used an
sample compared to the cartilage portion of the condylar organ culture system in which some explants were incubated
cartilage (Table 1). Expression of Deltex 1 was 13 times higher with media containing the Notch inhibitor, DAPT. We chose
in the PC sample, with Notch 3 and 4, Jagged 1 and 2, and specific genes that were upregulated in the array data or were
Aes higher by 3.5 to 5 times. Downstream mediators of involved in proliferation or chondrogenesis. The expression of
Notch signalling ranged from 7 higher (MFNG) to 2–4 times Notch ligand Delta-1 (2 fold), Notch transcription factor Hes 1
(Hes1, Hey1, Presenilin 2 and Presenilin enhancer 2). Two (3 fold), and Cyclin B1 (9 fold) were decreased in MCC tissue
genes instrumental in Wnt signalling, PPAR-g (6) and treated with DAPT. In contrast, expression of Sox 9 was
Frizzled 4 (8), were also enriched in the PC sample. Several increased 2 fold (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 – Expression of Delta1, Hes 1, Cyclin B1, and Sox 9 in MCC explants following 3 day treatment with 50 mM DAPT. Bars
indicate SD. Differences between means are indicated as follows: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
738 archives of oral biology 59 (2014) 735–740

Fig. 2 – Effect of DAPT treatment on FGF-2 stimulated gene activity. Bars indicate SD. Statistical analysis was made using
Mann Whitney test. Differences among means are indicated as follows: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.

Fig. 3 – Immunolocalisation of Notch after DAPT treatment. Cell nuclei in red, Notch in green. Upper left: Untreated tissues at
low magnification (10T) view showing strong localization of Notch. Upper right: higher power (40T) view of condylar
cartilage showing localization of Notch in prechondroblastic and chondroblastic layers. Lower left: Notch was reduced in
MCC following DAPT treatment, especially in the prechondroblastic layer (lower right).
archives of oral biology 59 (2014) 735–740 739

3.3. Gene expression after FGF-2 and DAPT treatment

In order to determine whether Notch signalling was down-

stream of FGF-2, we incubated some FGF-2-treated explants
with DAPT. Compared to explants incubated in control media,
FGF-2 stimulated expression of Notch1 and Cyclin B1 in MCC;
these effects were lost in FGF-2-treated explants also
incubated with DAPT (Fig. 2). Hes 1, downregulated in
response to FGF-2, was further reduced in DAPT-treated
explants. Expression of Sox 9, reduced by FGF-2 treatment,
was unaffected by DAPT.

3.4. Immunohistochemistry

Confocal microscopic images confirmed that Notch was most

prominent in the superficial layers of the MCC. The most Fig. 4 – The Notch-signalling pathway. The Notch receptor
intense immunoreactivity was in the prechondroblastic layer consists of a large extracellular part and an intracellular
of cells (Fig. 3 upper). DAPT treatment reduced expression of part that mediates Notch signal transduction. Binding of
Notch in this layer (Fig. 3 lower). the extracellular part to ligands of the Delta and Jagged
families can be modulated by Fringe proteins. Interaction
of Notch with a ligand induces proteolytic cleavage of
4. Discussion Notch, successively by ADAM metalloprotease and y-
secretase activities, releasing the intracellular part of the
The MCC perichondrium showed enriched expression for two protein (intracellular (NICD-) Notch). NICD-Notch then
Notch receptors (Notch 3 and 4, 5 and 3.5 respectively) and translocates to the nucleus and binds to the nuclear
receptor ligands (Jagged 1 & 2, 4 and 5, respectively and Delta transcription factor CSL. Deltex1 and Numb are
1, 3.5); the ligands are responsible for the majority of Notch cytoplasmic regulators of Notch signaling. Binding of
signalling effects. MFNG (O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N acetylglu- NICD-Notch to CSL induces the dislocation of co-
cosaminyltransferase), which modulates Notch signalling by repressors (coR) and recruitment of co-activators (coA)
differentially affecting its ligands,13 was 7 more highly such as Mastermind, and stimulates the transcription of
expressed in the PC than in the C portion of the condylar Notch target genes. The best known Notch-target gene is
cartilage. Other genes more highly expressed in the PC included HES1 (Hairy-Enhancer of Split 1).7
those that facilitate Notch signalling downstream of receptor-
ligand interactions: Deltex 1, 13; Hes 1, 3; Hey 1, 2,
presenilin 2, 4. Aes, which is 4 higher in PC, is thought to by the treatment with DAPT. In view of the widespread
be involved in inhibition of cell differentiation following Notch characterization of Notch as a mediator of cell fate, our data
signalling activation.14 It is also notable that hairless, a Notch suggest that inhibition of Notch signalling in the MCC
antagonist in Drosophila,15 has relatively reduced expression in accelerates differentiation of prechondroblasts into non-
the PC. Regulators of the Wnt pathway (PPAR-g and Frizzled 4), proliferating chondrocytes.
which interacts with the Notch pathway,16 were also highly A previous study from our lab demonstrated that exoge-
expressed in the PC sample. Thus, numerous genes which are nous application of FGF-2, a known mitogen for MCC,12 caused
important for Notch signalling are expressed at higher levels a dose-dependent increase in Notch gene expression. Here, we
(from 2 to 13) in the perichondrium of the MCC compared to present evidence that increased proliferation in MCC explants
its deeper cartilaginous portion. In secondary cartilages such as incubated with exogenous FGF-2 is reversed following DAPT
the MCC, the dividing cells are prechondroblasts located in the treatment to inhibit Notch signalling. Several studies in caudal
perichondrium rather than differentiated chondrocytes.17 neural plate,19,20 sensory neurons and glia,21 and vertebrate
Thus, Notch signalling genes are most highly expressed in that somites22 have suggested that Notch signalling lies down-
portion of the condylar cartilage where cell division takes place. stream of FGF; our data suggest that is the case in MCC.
DAPT is an inhibitor of g-secretase, which catalyses the These data advance our understanding the role of Notch
cleavage of the Notch receptor to release the Notch intracel- signalling in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation
lular domain (NCID). NCID then moves to the nucleus, where it in the MCC by showing (1) an enhanced expression of Notch-
activates downstream target genes7 (Fig. 4). The reductions in related genes in the perichondrium; (2) a role for Notch
Jagged 1, Delta 1 and Hes1 expression, as well as the signalling in the regulation of proliferation in this layer; (3)
attenuated Notch immunoreactivity, confirm that DAPT is evidence that Notch signalling in MCC lies downstream to
inhibiting Notch signalling. DAPT treatment also decreased FGF-2.
the expression of Cyclin B1, an indicator of cell proliferation,
suggesting that Notch is involved in regulating the prolifera-
tion of prechondroblasts in the MCC. In contrast, the Funding
expression of Sox 9, a transcription factor essential for
differentiation along a chondrocytic pathway,18 was increased None.
740 archives of oral biology 59 (2014) 735–740

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