Test Diagnoza Klasa 7

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Diagnoza szkolna

Język angielski
Test po klasie 7

Gramatyka i słownictwo


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Szkoła podstawowa
Klasy 4–8

Imię i nazwisko 

Czas trwania testu: 45 min

Zestawy: A i B
Maksymalna liczba punktów: 40

Testowane umiejętności: Gramatyka – 20 pkt

Słownictwo – 20 pkt
Szkoła podstawowa klasy 4–8 • Test po klasie 7 • Gramatyka i słownictwo • ZESTAW A

1 Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1 Whose are ______ pens? Are they Tom’s? 7 My sister is as ______ as I am. We are twins!
I think he left them here. A older B old C oldest
A this B that C these
8 What’s your ______ job? Mine is a driver.
2 Please make ______ tea. I’m busy at the A Dad B Dad’s C Dads
9 I think Susan is bored. Can you show ______
A herself B himself C yourself
your new games?
3 ______ you help me read this? I don’t A her B hers C him
understand German.
10 Look! This is the man ______ teaches us
A Do B Can C Are
4 Somebody is at the door. It ______ be Tom. A which B what C who
He usually comes here at this time.
11 ______ is a new shop in the High Street.
A can’t B must C mustn’t
Let’s go and have a look!
5 Guess who I saw at the cinema! I’ll tell you A There B It C Here
but ______ tell anybody!
12 Did you come here ______ train?
A aren’t B can’t C don’t
How long did it take you?
6 Have you ______ to your Dad yet? A with B by C in
I’m sure he will help us with the project.
A spoken B speak C spoke

2 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach, używając odpowiedniej formy czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

Właściwe formy mogą składać się z jednego lub kilku słów.

1 My dad never ________________________ (leave) home after seven. He starts work at eight.

2 I ________________________ (meet) Mark at seven. We are going to the match together.

3 What time ________________________ (the concert/start)? It’s seven o’clock already!

4 I hope they ________________________ (start) in a minute. I’m getting bored.

5 If you ________________________ (see) Anna, can you tell her to join me in room 5?

6 This bridge ________________________ (build) last year. It makes it much easier to get to the city.

7 I ________________________ (not/do) anything important at the moment. We can play scrabble if you want.

8 Tom ________________________ (run) like mad to catch the tram so no wonder he fell and hurt his arm.

Copyright © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Szkoła podstawowa klasy 4–8 • Test po klasie 7 • Gramatyka i słownictwo • ZESTAW A

3 Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1 Don’t be so ______. One failed test is not the 7 How ______ is that coat? I love the colour!
end of the world. Can I try it on?
A sad B excited C happy A many B much C long

2 There is a nice garden ______ our new house. 8 People don’t sing as many carols at ______
We love it! as they did in the past.
A in B behind C over A Christmas B Easter C Halloween

3 How old ______ your brother? He looks 9 I usually buy ready-made food for my parties
eighteen or older! but I can ______ great cupcakes.
A has B is C does A cook B boil C bake

4 I love the ______ around our village! I go 10 I went to the doctor because my arm ______
running there with my dog. a lot after the match yesterday.
A hill B seaside C woods A hurts B suffers C ill

5 ______’s the weather like today? What should 11 It’s half ______ eight and the class starts
we wear? at a quarter to nine. We have to run.
A What B How C Why A to B past C after

6 When was the telephone ______? How did 12 Tom and Laura ______ last month and now
people communicate before? they don’t talk to each other.
A discovered B invented C found out A fell in love B discussed C quarrelled


4 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami. Dla ułatwienia podano pierwszą literę wyrazu oraz

1 2 3 4

1 We love going to the t________________ and watching actors on stage. It’s much more interesting than
the cinema.

2 Eric Clapton is one of the most famous g________________ in the world.

3 We love s________________ on the beach especially in hot countries.

4 Fruit and vegetables are bought at a g________________.


Copyright © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Szkoła podstawowa klasy 4–8 • Test po klasie 7 • Gramatyka i słownictwo • ZESTAW A

5 Zaznacz słowo, które nie należy do podanej kategorii.

1 Clothes: jacket / shirt / trousers / beard / hat

2 Furniture: wardrobe / armchair / roof / bed / cupboard

3 Weather: wind / west / fog / snow / rain

4 Means of transport: plane / ferry / train / bridge / lorry

Copyright © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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