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Rozga, Molly Lesson Plan Draft

Describe the context: Westside Academy II, fourth grade students, 1-2 grade levels behind in reading, 4 students who leave the room for special education accommodations. Pre-Assessment Ms. Pelsis has mentioned that the students have had trouble with some of the graphing concepts. This lesson is designed to allow students to strengthen the graphing skills. Enduring Understanding/Essential Question(s): (What are the big ideas? What thought provoking question(s) will guide the lesson?) o Can you take information from text and place it into a table? o Can you apply the data collected into a graph? o Can you accurately analyze the data? Affective Objectives: (related to student attitudes and values) o Cost is not constant. o Graphs can be used as a source of information and a way to organize information. Cognitive: (related to the master of knowledge: think Bloom) o Identify and collect data from written text. o Generate a table from the data collected. o Develop a line graph with the data. o Interpret graph to accurately answer several questions about the data. Vocabulary (What vocabulary needs to be taught, reviewed; whats central to comprehending instruction?) Y-axis Data X-axis Line Graph T chart Procedures/Learning Strategies: (Be sure to include specific strategies to develop literacy of content) Pre (How will you motivate, activate prior knowledge, . . .)
You have been working with money for some time now. I would like to show you how we can use an article to help us figure out the cost of produce, fruits and vegetables, and whether it will be more or less expensive in the future. What is your favorite kind of fruit? What is your favorite kind of vegetable?


Rozga, Molly Lesson Plan Draft

Lets make a sticky note bar graph to show the classes favorite fruits. Each person has a sticky note, we will come up one row at a time and place your sticky note above your favorite fruit. <After the class has posted all of their sticky notes> What fruit is the classes favorite? I would like to talk with you about graphs. The line that goes up and down on the side, the y-axis, is the number of people that like each kind of fruit. The line along the bottom, the x-axis, lists the various kinds of fruit that each person got to choose from. We are going to work on a different kind of graph that uses prices on the y-axis, the up and down line, and years on the bottom line, the x-axis.

Step 1: o A small review of graphs, specifically a line graph Show students, with document camera, a line graph of cost of milk Have students identify the labels for the x- and y-axes Show students the table that the graph was based on Allow students to make comments on my graph o As the years increase, does the cost go up or down? o Does the cost change by the same amount each time? o When is the cost the lowest? o When is the cost the highest? Step 2: o Read article on the cost of fruits and vegetables. Read and find data together as a whole group. Take students through the first two data pair. Students will be instructed to circle year values, underline the cost value and connect them with an arrow. If students understand this process, allow them to continue on their own. If students are not catching on, work through one or two more together as a group. Step 3: o Students will develop a table from the data in the article, first in large group. Students will be instructed to make a T chart in their paper. Students will need to put the years in chronological order before putting the values in a table. Students may need to be directed to place year on left side of table and right side of table, as it will correspond on the axes. Step 4: o Students will work together, either small groups or partners, to develop their graphs.


Rozga, Molly Lesson Plan Draft

Students will also be allowed to work with partners or small groups to answer some questions about their graphs. As a class, we will make a minimum of two of the lines together, to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Post Students will have a chance to review their work with a small self assessment checklist. Extension The next day, the students will be able to work on developing bar graphs from the data. They will then be able to compare and contrast the two kinds of graphs that they are familiar with. Students may also have the option to work with online graphing software, through the website

Differentiation/Planning for Individual Needs:

Allow for students to work with a partner, or small group of three. Allow students who have finished before the group to work on developing a computer graph using the following website - Provide strategies for students to work through determining and developing tables and graphs Individual graphs and worksheets will be used to assess, using rubric -

Resources and Materials: (Include technology where applicable/available/appropriate)


Text with data values, provided by me, through online research Projector and screen, available in the classroom Worksheets and graph paper, designed and prepared by me Writing Utensils (pencils with erasers, colored pencils), students have pencils, and Ms. Pelsis has colored pencils to share

Assessment: (How will you assess learning?) What Rubrics or other scoring scales will be used? I designed a rubric based on my lesson objectives. Students Self-Assessment Students will be given a self assessment checklist so that they are able to see what things I will be looking for as I review their work. Other


Rozga, Molly Lesson Plan Draft

I hope that you have used the criteria that I gave you to determine if you have a successful graph! I am looking forward to looking through all of the graphs and your answers to the questions. <I will ask for classroom helpers to collect sheets> Please be sure that you have your name on your work!

Self Assessment: What went well? How do you know? What could have gone better? How do you know?


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