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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Nepathya College

Supervisor's Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this project prepared under my supervision by Sagar Thapa
Chhetri entitled “FOOD ORDERING SYSTEM” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Computer Application is recommended for the
final evaluation.

Sushant Malla
Nepathya College
Tilottama - 2, RupandehiPAGE

Supervisor's Certificate

Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Nepathya College


This is to certify that this project prepared by Sagar Thapa Chhetri entitled “FOOD
ORDERING SYSTEM” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opinion it is satisfactory in
the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

………………… ……………………
Sushant Malla Ananta Pandey
Supervisor HOD/Coordinator
Nepathya College Nepathya College
Tilottama - 2, Rupandehi Tilottama - 2, Rupandehi

……………………. …………………….
Internal Examiner External Examiner

Internal and External Examiners’ Approval


This project report introduces a web-based food ordering system that offers enhanced user
convenience and operational efficiency. The system simplifies the food ordering process
for customers by providing an intuitive platform for order placement, while the admin
dashboard empowers restaurant owners with effective menu management and order
processing. The study delves into the landscape of online food service delivery systems,
drawing insights from established platforms like Zomato and Foodmandu, underlining the
project's relevance in the digital era. The report details the system's functional and non-
functional requirements, architectural design, and implementation process. Thorough
testing ensures the system's reliability and seamless performance. The outcomes reflect
improved customer engagement, optimized operations, and data-informed decision-
making. With its scalability and potential for continuous innovation, the web-based food
ordering system not only addresses current industry needs but also paves the way for
transformative solutions in the evolving realm of online food ordering.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have helped in the contribution to the
successful completion of this project. My sincere appreciation goes to our project
supervisor Sushant Malla for their invaluable guidance, mentorship, and unwavering
support throughout the project's duration.

I would also like to express my thanks to our colleagues and peers for their insightful
discussions, feedback, and camaraderie, which enriched the project's development. The
collaborative atmosphere and shared knowledge greatly contributed to our learning and

Furthermore, I am indebted to the participants who willingly took part in testing the system
and provided valuable feedback, enabling us to refine and enhance the project's
functionality. Our acknowledgment would be incomplete without recognizing the resources
from Nepathya College that facilitated our research and provided us with the necessary
tools and facilities.

Last but not least, we express our gratitude to our friends and family for their unwavering
support and encouragement throughout this journey. Thank you all for being an integral
part of this endeavor.

Sagar Thapa Chhetri

Nepathya College

Table of Contents

Supervisor's Certificate ......................................................................................................... i

Internal and External Examiners’ Approval ........................................................................ii

Abstract ...............................................................................................................................iii

Acknowledgement .............................................................................................................. iv

List of Figures ....................................................................................................................vii

List of Tables ....................................................................................................................viii

List of Abbreviation ............................................................................................................ ix

Chapter 1 : Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Problem Statement .................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Scope and Limitations................................................................................................ 2

1.4.1 Scopes ................................................................................................................. 2

1.4.2 Limitations .......................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Report Organization ................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2 : Background Study and Literature Review ........................................................ 4

2.1 Background study ...................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Literature Review....................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 3 : System Analysis and Design ............................................................................. 6

3.1 System Analysis ......................................................................................................... 6

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis ......................................................................................... 6

i) Functional Requirements ...................................................................................... 6

ii) Non-Functional Requirement .............................................................................. 8

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis ............................................................................................. 9

i. Technical ............................................................................................................... 9

ii. Operational .......................................................................................................... 9

iii. Economic ............................................................................................................ 9

iv. Schedule ............................................................................................................ 10

3.1.3 Data Modelling (ER-Diagram) ......................................................................... 11

3.1.4 Process Modelling (DFD) ................................................................................. 12

3.2 System Design ......................................................................................................... 14

3.2.1 Architectural Design ......................................................................................... 14

3.2.2 Database Schema Design .................................................................................. 15

Chapter 4 : Implementation and Testing ............................................................................ 16

4.1 Implementation ........................................................................................................ 16

4.1.1 Tools Used ........................................................................................................ 17

4.1.2 Implementation Details of Modules.................................................................. 17

4.2 Testing...................................................................................................................... 19

4.2.1 Unit Testing ...................................................................................................... 19

4.2.2. System Testing ................................................................................................. 20

Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Future Recommendation ....................................................... 21

5.1 Lesson Learnt/ Outcome .......................................................................................... 21

5.2 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 21

5.3 Future Recommendation .......................................................................................... 22

Appendices ......................................................................................................................... 23

References .......................................................................................................................... 26

Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 27

List of Figures

Fig 3.1: Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................. 7

Fig 3.2: Gantt Chart ........................................................................................................... 10
Fig 3.3: ER Diagram .......................................................................................................... 11
Fig 3.4: Level 0 Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................. 12
Fig 3.5: Level 1 Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................. 13
Fig 3.6: Architectural Design ............................................................................................. 14
Fig 3.7: Database Schema Design ..................................................................................... 15
Fig 4.1: Waterfall Model of System Life Cycle ................................................................ 16

List of Tables

Table 4.1: Tools used for Food Ordering System .............................................................. 17

Table 4.2: Test Cases for Unit Testing .............................................................................. 19
Table 3.3: Test Cases for System Testing .......................................................................... 20

List of Abbreviation

CASE : Computer Aided Software Engineering

DFD : Data Flow Diagram
ER : Entity Relationship
FOS : Food Ordering System
IDE : Integrated Development Environment
ORM : Object Relational Mapper
UI : User Interface
UX : User Experience

Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1 Introduction

A digital revolution is being witnessed in the food industry, where online platforms are
reshaping the accessibility and ordering processes for favored meals. To address the
escalating demand for convenience and efficacy in food delivery services, the web-based
Food ordering system (FOS) is introduced. The FOS is architected to optimize the
traditional dining encounter, presenting customers with a user-friendly platform to peruse
an array of food options, add selections to their carts, and seamlessly place orders from
their residences or while on the move. Furthermore, an intuitive admin dashboard
empowers restaurant proprietors, enabling them to oversee orders, update menus, and
augment overall operational efficiency. Notably, the system encompasses filter and search
meal functionalities available not only within the menu but also within the admin panel.

Amidst the swift pace of the contemporary world, the expectations of customers are
evolving, necessitating the food industry's adaptation to fulfill their requisites. The
conventional methods of food ordering often entail prolonged phone interactions, potential
misunderstandings, and delivery delays, leading to discontented patrons and operational
inefficacies for eateries. In response to these challenges, the web-based food ordering
system endeavors to reshape the dining experience by amalgamating cutting-edge
technology with user-centric design. The project's ambition is to alleviate these challenges
and establish a seamless and gratifying food ordering journey that caters comprehensively
to the requirements of both patrons and restaurant proprietors.

This succinct introduction offers an overview of the project's focal points, underscoring the
necessity for a web-based food ordering system aimed at elevating patron contentment and
operational effectiveness.

1.2 Problem Statement
The traditional process of food ordering from restaurants can be perceived as time-
consuming and inconvenient, particularly during peak hours when long lines may be
encountered. Additionally, food options outside the menu offerings of local restaurants can
be desired by customers. The manual practice of visiting local food sales establishments
for food procurement is gradually becoming outdated and more laborious. The internet
enables food to be ordered, and payments can be completed without necessitating visits to
the restaurant or food vendors. The provision of a limited selection of restaurants and menu
items on existing food ordering platforms poses challenges for customers in locating their
desired choices. Moreover, the maintenance of order history can transition from physical
records to electronic copies.

1.3 Objectives
● To provide customers with a wide range of options for food items that suit their
particular tastes.
● To increase sales for restaurants by providing them with a new channel of reaching
● To streamline order management for restaurants through an intuitive dashboard.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

1.4.1 Scopes

● User-friendly platform for effortless food ordering.

● Efficient order management through an admin dashboard.
● Wide range of options for meals.
● Customer feedback and analytics for service improvement.

1.4.2 Limitations

● The system can only be accessed with the internet.

● Payment system hasn’t been integrated.

1.5 Report Organization

The report consists of five chapters in which all the phases of application design and
development will be covered.

Chapter one: The first chapter introduces the system and the problems, and gives an
overview about the study.

Chapter two: The second chapter covers background study and the literature review of the

Chapter three: The third chapter covers the system analysis and design phase of the
application. It explains the methodology used while developing the system.

Chapter four: The fourth chapter discusses the implementation and testing phase of the
application development.

Chapter Five: The last chapter i.e. the fifth chapter covers the conclusion,
recommendations and future works to improve this project.

Chapter 2 : Background Study and Literature Review

2.1 Background study

In the digital era, the online ordering system has become a trend no matter in which area
and field [1].The traditional approach to ordering food, customers relied on phone calls and
paper-based records. Placing orders involved manual processes, where customers dialed
restaurant numbers to convey their preferences, often leading to miscommunication and
errors in order details. On the restaurant side, staff had to manually write down orders and
maintain records in hardcopy formats. Managing these records became cumbersome, and
there were possibilities of misplaced or lost order slips, resulting in delays and dissatisfied
customers. Web services-based wireless applications on mobile devices provide a means
of convenience, improving efficiency and accuracy for restaurants by saving time, reducing
human errors, etc [2].

However, with the advent of web-based food ordering systems, a transformative shift
occurred in the food industry. These digital platforms provided customers with user-
friendly interfaces accessible through websites or mobile apps. Customers could
effortlessly browse through interactive menus, customize their orders, and place requests
with just a few clicks. The real-time order processing not only minimized the chance of
errors but also enabled customers to track their orders, providing them with a sense of
control and transparency throughout the delivery process.

On the restaurant side, the introduction of an intuitive admin dashboard simplified order
management. Restaurant owners and staff could efficiently process incoming orders,
update menus in real-time, and gain valuable insights into sales data and customer
preferences through analytics. The rise of online food delivery platforms like Zomato and
Foodmandu further revolutionized the food industry. These aggregator apps created
marketplaces where multiple restaurants could showcase their menus, expanding their
reach to a broader customer base. This shift not only improved accessibility for customers,
allowing them to explore a wide variety of cuisines but also provided restaurants with
increased visibility and the opportunity to attract new customers.

2.2 Literature Review
The application of modern information technology, particularly through internet websites
and online reservation systems, has significantly transformed the hospitality industry,
providing establishments with a competitive edge [3]. The emergence of user-friendly
websites and web-based applications has become crucial for businesses seeking to leverage
these advantages effectively. In line with this trend, our research is focused on exploring
relevant aspects related to the development of a web-based food ordering system.

Online informative websites have become integral to the food industry, providing potential
users with comprehensive details about food options, prices, and customer reviews. While
numerous websites and web applications cater to these services in Kathmandu, there
remains a notable scarcity of similar systems outside the valley.

A notable example in the online food delivery market is Foodmandu, which has established
itself as a prominent player, offering exclusive services within the valley and collaborating
with a diverse range of restaurants. Similarly, Food Dole, another website, also provides
online food services, albeit with a unique approach. Additionally, Bhoj, a local Nepali
online food delivery app, plays a significant role in this domain. These examples of similar
projects such as Zomato, Foodmandu, and Bhoj highlight the potential of web-based food
ordering systems to transform the way customers interact with restaurants and the food
industry as a whole.

Through this literature review, we gain valuable insights into existing players and their
offerings in the online food delivery domain. By understanding the current landscape and
learning from successful ventures as mentioned above our aim is to identify potential areas
for improvement and innovation, ultimately delivering a distinctive and impactful solution
that caters to the needs of both customers and restaurant owners. The study indicated that
the online food delivery business model is highly demandable, potential and money
efficient. This space is increasing in leaps and bounds because of the size of the market [4].

Chapter 3 : System Analysis and Design

3.1 System Analysis

The process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the problems, and
decomposition of a system into its components is SAD. Organizational requirements and
functional parts are deeply analyzed that help to achieve the objective of the organization.

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis

i) Functional Requirements

The functional requirements specification documents the operations and activities that a
system must be able to perform. Functional requirements include:

● Users can login or register to create an account: This functionality allows users to
either log in with existing credentials or register with new information to create an
account on the platform. Account creation enables personalized experiences and
order history tracking.

● Users can browse through a wide range of food items: The system provides users
with a diverse selection of food items, which they can explore through a user-
friendly interface. This feature allows users to explore various menu options before
placing an order.

● Search and filter options help users to find specific food items: To facilitate quick
and efficient food item searches, the system offers search and filter functionalities.
Users can easily find specific dishes or filter results based on criteria like cuisine
type or dietary preferences.

● Users can add items to their cart for order placement: Once users find their desired
food items, they can add them to their shopping cart. This feature allows users to
select multiple items before proceeding to checkout for order placement.

● An admin panel to manage incoming orders, update menus, and view analytics: The
system provides an admin panel exclusively for restaurant owners. Through this
panel, they can efficiently manage incoming orders, update their menus in real-time,
and access sales analytics and customer data for business insights.

Use Case Diagram

Fig 3.1: Use Case Diagram

ii) Non-Functional Requirement

● Performance:
The web-based food ordering system should respond quickly to user actions,
ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience. It must be capable of handling
multiple users concurrently without slowdowns or delays, providing a smooth
ordering process for all customers.

● Security:
Strong security measures are essential for the system. It must protect user data and
prevent unauthorized access to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive
information. User passwords should be securely stored using encryption or hashing
techniques to safeguard user accounts.

● User Interface (UI) Design:

The user interface should be user-friendly and visually appealing, making it easy
for customers to navigate and place orders. It should be designed to be responsive
and adaptable to different devices and screen sizes, enhancing accessibility and user

● Scalability:
The system should be designed to accommodate a growing number of users and
restaurant partners without compromising performance. Scalability measures
should be in place to support future feature additions and expansions as the platform

● Maintainability:
The system's codebase should be well-documented, organized, and easy to maintain
for future updates and enhancements. Changes and updates should be deployable
with minimal disruptions to the system's overall functionality.

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis

i. Technical

The web-based food ordering system is technically feasible as it leverages commonly

available internet technologies and online reservation systems. The project can utilize
existing infrastructure, cloud services, and well-established programming languages like
React Js,Node JS and Mysql database for storage to ensure smooth operations. With the
prevalence of web development expertise and readily accessible tools, security measures,
and scalability solutions, the system can be developed efficiently to provide a user-friendly
and responsive experience to customers and restaurant owners alike.

ii. Operational

Operational feasibility` refers to whether a system will be used effectively after it has been
developed. With a growing trend towards online food ordering, the system addresses the
operational needs of customers and restaurant owners by streamlining the ordering process.
The system's operational feasibility is further supported by the availability of technical
expertise, compatibility with common devices and browsers, and potential scalability to
accommodate future growth.

iii. Economic

Economic Feasibility is used to determine financial resources of the project. It measures

all costs incurred in development of a new system. The development of our system is
within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used are freely
available. The tools and technologies mostly used for the system are free for non
commercial purposes. Hardware used for the system is easily available to the market and
is affordable. The system after it has come to operation requires additional devices for
upgrade. Hence it is economically feasible.

iv. Schedule

In this Gantt chart, there are different tasks performed and their schedule while creating a
project. Similarly, the total time consumed to create the overall project is also mentioned

Fig 3.2: Gantt Chart

3.1.3 Data Modelling (ER-Diagram)

Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such
as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a system.


Fig 3.3: ER Diagram

3.1.4 Process Modelling (DFD)

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical or visual representation using a standardized set
of symbols and notations to describe a business's operations through data movement.
It has entities, processes and data stores.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Fig 3.4: Level 0 Data Flow Diagram

Fig 3.5: Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

3.2 System Design

3.2.1 Architectural Design

In the food ordering website, users interact with the system through a simple user interface.
The food ordering website uses three tier architecture. The data is collected from the users
and stored in the database through which the server provides order details to the user. In
order to perform order transaction/status to the user, the system uses different database
tables including different attributes for each entity. Users have a unique user id which
makes them different from other users. In this way, system architecture is designed which
is an abstract view of the system.

Fig 3.6: Architectural Design

3.2.2 Database Schema Design

Database schema design establishes the structure and relationships between data entities in
the web-based food ordering system. It defines tables, attributes, primary keys, and foreign
keys, ensuring organized data storage and retrieval. An efficiently designed schema enables
seamless management of user information, food items, orders, and feedback, contributing
to the system's overall performance and functionality.

Fig 3.7: Database Schema Design

Chapter 4 : Implementation and Testing

4.1 Implementation

The suitability of the waterfall model for the project's development is evidenced, as the
sequential design process is employed, progressing sequentially through planning, analysis,
design, and implementation phases. In the planning phase, comprehensive understanding
regarding the rationale for system construction is sought, and the approach to be adopted
by the project team is defined. The design phase subsequently makes determinations about
the system's operational framework, encompassing underlying hardware, software
components, and network architecture. Implementation phase, characterized by the creation
of the system, often commands considerable attention due to its extended duration and
substantial financial investment. The testing phase that follows system implementation
encompasses rigorous error identification and resolution to ensure the system's precision
and dependability, thus cementing the effectiveness of the passive approach in maintaining
an accurate and concise representation.

Fig 4.1: Waterfall Model of System Life Cycle

4.1.1 Tools Used

Different tools were used during the development of this project. Depending on the specific
layers i.e. (frontend, backend, database, documentation & diagrams) the tools are listed in
the table given below.

Table 4.1: Tools used for Food Ordering System

Tool’s name Purpose

Visual Studio Code IDE for software development

React JS JS library for client-side programming

Redux Toolkit Js library for state management

Tailwind CSS Css library for UI/UX design.

Express JS Js library for server-side programming

Mysql Database Management system

Sequelize Object Relational Mapper

Google Docs Word Processor for documentation For diagrams.

4.1.2 Implementation Details of Modules

● User Registration Module:

This function allows users to create an account by providing their registration
details, such as username, email, and password. It validates the data, checks for
existing accounts with the same credentials, and saves the new user data in the user
account data store.

● User Login Module:
This function handles user login by verifying the provided username and password
against the stored user account data. If the credentials are valid, the user is granted
access to their account.

● User Profile Update Module:

This function enables users to update their profile information. It takes the user's ID
and the updated data as input and modifies the corresponding user account
information in the user account data store.

● Food Menu Management Module:

This function allows the restaurant owner/admin to add new food items to the menu.
It takes the new food item data as input and adds it to the food menu data store. Also
updating deleting and list all the menus can be done

● Order Status Update Module:

This function facilitates the update of an order's status. It takes the order ID and the
new status as input and modifies the order's status in the order information data

● Feedback Module:
This function enables the restaurant owner/admin to respond to user feedback. It
takes the feedback ID and the response as input and stores the response in the
feedback data store.

4.2 Testing

Software Testing is the process of testing the functionality and correctness of software.
Software testing is an empirical technical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders
with information about the quality of the product to the context in which it is intended to
operate. This includes, but is not limited to, the process of executing a program or
application with the intent of finding errors.

4.2.1 Unit Testing

Table 4.2: Test Cases for Unit Testing

Test Case Test Expected

Module Steps Result
No. Description Result

Verify user Input valid User is

TC_01 registration user details registered PASS
functionality and register successfully

Input valid
Verify user User is
User user
TC_02 login logged in PASS
Authentication credentials
functionality successfully
and login

Fill in
Verify profile relevant Profile is
TC_03 Profile Updater PASS
updation details and updated
save profile

Meal is
Verify meal CRUD on
TC_04 Meal Operation added,removed, PASS
functionality meal

Add item to
Verify cart card, Cart operations
TC_05 Cart PASS
functionality increment,dec is displayed
rement qty.

4.2.2. System Testing

Table 4.2: Test Cases for System Testing

Test Case Expected

Module Test Description Steps Result
No. Result

Dashboard Fetch and Overall

Verify dashboard
TC_06 statistics display stats summary is PASS
logically shown

Initiate and
Order Verify order complete a Order is
Processing placement order placed

Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Future Recommendation

5.1 Lesson Learnt/ Outcome

Significant outcomes have been brought forth by the web-based food ordering system
through its seamless and user-friendly platform. Enhanced convenience is experienced by
customers as menus can be effortlessly browsed, orders can be placed, and deliveries can
be tracked, all accomplished with just a few clicks. The intuitive interface of the system
has supplanted traditional ordering methods, offering users a hassle-free experience.
Conversely, streamlined operations are realized by restaurant owners through the assistance
of the admin dashboard. Menus, incoming orders, and customer feedback are efficiently
managed, resulting in heightened operational efficiency. Furthermore, insights into sales
trends and customer preferences are offered by the system's analytics and reporting module.

Customer engagement is further fortified by the personalized user experience delivered by

the system. User profiles and tailored recommendations foster customer loyalty and
encourage positive word-of-mouth referrals, establishing a sense of connection. Overall,
the web-based food ordering system has effected a transformative impact on the food
industry, addressing the needs of customers while fulfilling the aspirations of restaurant
owners for heightened efficiency and customer satisfaction.

5.2 Conclusion
With the development of online food delivery websites, individuals will experience benefits
in terms of time savings, particularly for the working-class demographic. Food orders can
be placed based on reviews, contributing to the convenience factor. The hotel industry is
also positively impacted by digitalization through this website. The conceptualization of
this website is seen to primarily thrive during this pandemic. Consequently, the
development of this website will yield advantages for both owners and users. Notably, the
project has not solely transformed food ordering methods, but it also establishes a
significant groundwork for future initiatives within the realm of digital solutions for the
food industry.

5.3 Future Recommendation
● Continuous improvement based on user feedback: Regularly gather user feedback
and implement updates to enhance the platform's functionality and user experience.

● Secure Payment Options: Offer a range of secure payment options, including digital
wallets and online payment gateways, to ensure customer trust and convenience
during the checkout process.

● Integration of Delivery Services: Partner with third-party delivery services to

provide seamless delivery options to customers. Integrating with popular delivery
platforms can expand the restaurant's reach and improve delivery efficiency,
enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

● Mobile application development: Consider developing a mobile application to

provide users with a more convenient and accessible platform.

● Advanced features: Explore the integration of advanced features like AI-powered

job matching algorithms to improve the matching process between freelancers and



[1] K. J. Huan and Hairulnizam Bin Mahdin, "Design and Development of Food Ordering
System on Web Based Technology," AITCS (Advances in Information Technology and
Computer Science), Jul. 2023.

[2] X. Hongzhen, T. Bin and S. Wenlin, "Wireless Food Ordering System Based on Web
Services," 2009 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology
and Automation, Changsha, China, 2009.

[3] Nayan, Norshita Mat, and M. Hassan. "Customer satisfaction evaluation for online food
service delivery system in Malaysia." Journal of Information Systems and Technology
Management, vol. 5, no. 9, 2020.

[4] D. J. Bowen, et al., "How we design feasibility studies," American Journal of Preventive
Medicine, 2009.


1. Foodmandu [Online] Available at:

2. Ubereats [Online] Available at:

3. Bhojdeals [Online] Available at:

4. Linkedin [Online] Available at:

5. Geek for Geeks [Online] Available at:

6. Wikipedia [Online] Available at:

7. Zomato [Online] Available at:


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