Scenario 4

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Scenario 4:


3. Mangrove Forests of the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Two presses are temperature and sea level change. Temperature is the change in the average
temperature (increasing) causing consistent damage. Sea level change (increasing) causing
consistent damage.

Two pulses are flood and heatwave. Flood is a sudden increase in sea level causing sudden erosion
and excess sea water. Heatwave is a sudden increase in temperature.


The collapse profile would be stepped with sudden abrupt drops. This looks like a staircase going
down unevenly. The loss of this ecosystem would lower the biodiversity of the region. Animals and
plants will be killed. Costal erosion will increase with the destruction of the vegetation. Water quality
will decrease since there won’t be any plants to filter the water. Loss of fisheries, wildlife will migrate
to other areas or die off causing less fish available to be caught.


The main cause of climate change is human activity. Humans produce extreme amounts of green
house gasses which trap in the sun’s heat energy into the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gas is
Cabron Dioxide and is produced in combustion, creating energy, to power all of humanity’s needs.
Australia faces many challenges with a rising temperature. The mega fires of 2019-2020 are a
product of climate change. In the megafires countless lifeforms were killed. This type of event will
continue to occur with these increased temperatures. This event was an extreme example. Events
like this are constantly happening around Australia. Constant increases in temperature are slowly
destroying Australia’s natural ecosystems. Increasing the temperature of the atmosphere also
increases the temperature of the sea. Increased sea temperatures cause higher sea levels. Most of
Australia’s population lives on the shoreline. Increased sea levels can engulf parts of Australia.

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