Reliability Testing For Scientificreport

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Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar

Micro- Project Report

Software Testing

Guide Name:

Group No:
project report on
“Reliability Testing for Scientific Calculator”
(name of students)
Under the
Guidance of
(Guide name)

Department of
Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar
Department of
Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar

This is to certify that the micro project in course “Software Testing (22518)” on
the topic of “Reliability testing of Scientific Calculator” for the academic year
2021-2022 has been carried out been

Under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the diploma of Computer Engineering

Of Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar during the academic year 2021-2022
to the best of knowledge and belief. This work has not seen submitted elsewhere
for the award of any other diploma.

Guide H.O.D Principal

Reliability Testing Of Scientific Calculator

 Rationale:-
In Today’s software environment writing bug-free code is a challenging
task, which makes software testing tools to get quality software. Testing
techniques include the process of executing a program or application with the
intent of finding software bugs and verifying that the software product is fit for
use. Students will learn the way to find bugs by applying types, levels, and
methods of software testing on applications with an effective test planning
In the given project we are applying some testing on a Scientific Calculator,
which helps us to solve all the bugs and issues found in our Calculator. We are
going to apply Reliability Testing in our project to deploy error-free Calculator.

 Course Outcomes Integrated:-

1. Describe the concept of reliability testing.
2. Apply various software testing methods.

 Literature Review:-
Reliability testing is about exercising a scientific calculator so that the failures
are discovered and removed before this calculator is deployed. Users think that
the data shown is correct, and the software will always operate correctly. Here
the need for reliability testing comes into the picture. The purpose of reliability
testing is to determine the scientific calculator’s reliability and to determine
whether the calculator satisfies the customers’ requirements. Reliability testing is
used to discover and resolve faults present in our scientific calculator. Software
reliability is a key in software quality. Our testing is based on our practical
experience which we got during our semester period. In this project, we are
creating a report on reliability testing for a scientific calculator.
 Related Theory:-
Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a specific
period of time in a particular environment. Reliability testing is performed to
ensure that the software is reliable, satisfies the purpose for which it is made, for
a specific amount of time in a given environment, and is capable of rendering a
fault-free operation. In this mechanized world, people nowadays blindly believe
in any software. Users think that the data shown is correct, and the software will
always operate correctly. This is where the need for reliability testing comes into
the picture.

 Different Types of Reliability Test:-

1. Feature Testing:-
This testing determines suitability, i.e. It tests if the application performs as
expected for its intended use. Here, it will check the interoperability of an
application for testing either other component and the system that interacts with
the application. It ensures the accuracy of the system to check if there are no bugs
found during beta testing. 6 Apart from this, it tests some sort of security and
compliance. Security testing is related to the prevention of unauthorized access
to the application either intentionally or unintentionally. In compliance, we will
check if the application follows certain criteria like standards, rules, etc.

2. Load Testing:-
Load testing will check how well the system performs when compared to the
competition’s system or is also based on the number of concurrent
users who are using the system and the behaviour of the system to the users. The
system must respond to the user commands with less response time (5 sec) and
meet the user expectations.

3. Regression Testing:-
In Regression testing, we will check if the system is performing well and no bugs
have been introduced as a result of the addition of new functionality in the
software. It is also done when a bug has been fixed and the tester needs to test it
4. Reliability Testing Tool:-
Testers need to determine the estimation of the reliability of software. This will
lead to the use of various tools in software reliability. By using a standardized
tool, we can: Detect the failure information. Choose the correct model to make a
prediction about the software. Generate reports about the failures.

5. Reliability Testing Tools:-

i. WEIBULL++:- Reliability Life Data Analysis
ii. RGA:- Reliability Growth Analysis
iii. RCM:- Reliability Centred Maintenance.

6. Test Case:-
In software engineering, a test case is a specification of the inputs, execution
conditions, testing procedure, and expected result that defines a single test to be
executed to achieve a particular software testing objective, such as to exercise a
particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. Test
cases underlie testing that is methodical rather than haphazard. A battery of test
cases can be built to produce the desired coverage of the software being tested.
Formally defined test cases allow the same tests to be run repeatedly against
successive 7 versions of the software, allowing for effective and consistent
regression testing. There are two types of test cases.

i. Formal Test Cases:-

In order to fully test that all the requirements of an application are met, there
must be at least two test cases for each requirement. one positive test and a
negative test. If a requirement has a sub-requirement, each sub-requirement must
have at least two test cases. Keeping track of the link between the requirement
and test is frequently done using a traceability matrix. Written test cases should
include a description of the functionality to be tested, and the preparation required
to ensure that test can be conducted. A Formal written test-case is characterized
by a known input and by an expected output, which is work out before the test is
executed. The known input should test a precondition and the expected output
should test a postcondition
ii. Informal Test Cases:-
For applications or systems without formal requirements, the test case can be
written based on the accepted normal operation of programs of a similar class. In
scenario testing, hypothetical stories are used to help the tester think through a
complex problem or system. These scenarios are usually not written down in any
detail. They can be as simple as a diagram for a testing environment or they could
be descriptions written in prose. The ideal scenario test is a story that is
motivating, credible, complex, and easy to evaluate. They are usually different
from test cases in that test cases are single steps while scenarios cover a number
of steps of the key.

 Typical Written Test Case Format:-

A test case is usually a single step, or occasionally a sequence of steps, to the
correct functionality, features of an application. An expected result or expected
outcome is usually given.
i. Test Case ID:-
This field uniquely identifies a test case. It's good practice to follow some
naming convection for better understanding and discrimination purposes.

ii. Test Case Description / summary:-

This field describes the test case objective.
a. Test Scenario:- Verify that how the calculator performs the calculations
of the maximum number of entered inputs.
b. Test Case:- Enter the maximum number of inputs that the calculator

iii. Test Steps:-

In this field, the exact steps are mentioned for performing the test case.
a. Enter first input.
b. Enter Second input.
c. Select which type of calculation to be performed.

iv. Pre-requisites:-
This field specifies the conditions or steps that must be followed before the test
step executions.
Example:- Entered inputs should be in integer format.

v. Data:-
You need proper test data to execute the test step. So gather appropriate test
data. The data could be used as input for the test cases.
a. First input- 32864532
b. Second input- 3589204

vi. Expected Result:-

The result which we are expecting once the test case is executed. It might be
anything such as the home page, calculations, Error message, etc.
Example:- Calculator performed operation in less amount of time.

vii. Post Condition: -

Conditions that need to achieve when the test case was successfully executed.
Example:- Successfully performed operation and result should be displayed.

viii. Actual Result:-

The result which displays after the execution of the program.
Examples:- Calculation successfully performed its operation without any
defects or errors.

ix. Status:- It determines whether the test case is pass or fail

Example:- Pass
 Output:-
Test Case for Scientific Calculator

Test Id Test Test Steps Input Data Expected Actual Result Status
Name Result
1 Maximize 1) Click on Calculators Calculators Pass
maximize button. - Window Windows
shouldbe maximize.
2 AC 1) Click on the The no. in the No. the text Pass
AC button. 2222 text field field is cleared.
should be
3 Equal Perform any 30 should be 30.0 displayed Pass
operation. And 10+20 displayed as a as a result.
clink onequal to result.
get a result.
4 Square Enter no. 4 should be 4.0 is Pass
Click onequal to 2 displayed as a displayedas a
(=). result. result.
5 Square Enter no. 1.41 should be 1.4142 is Pass
root Click onequal 2 displayed as a displayed as a
on (=). result. result.
6 Division 1. Enter any no. Infinity. Infinity. Pass
byzero 2. Click/Enter 0. 2/0=
3. Click on
equal to (=).
7 Sin 1. Enter any no. 9 0.412 0.41211 Pass
2. Click sin.
8 Limit Enter anylong 1111111111 No should be Accepting no. Fail
no. 1111111111 accepted only Until 30 limits.
1111111111 until the 12
9 Cos 1. Enter any no. 9 0.91113026188 0.91113026188 Pass
2. Click cos.
10 Tan 1. Enter any no. 9 - 0.4523156 0.4523156 Pass
2. Click tan.
 Actual procedure followed:-

1. Taking our Scientific Calculator under the testing.

2. Designing Test cases for our Calculator.
3. Deciding the different input values according to the Test cases.
4. Performing all test cases.
5. Getting the conclusion of all Test cases.
6. Creating Defect Report.

 Actual Resources Used:-

Sr. No. Name of Resources Specifications Qty Remarks
1. Desktop/Laptop Intel i5 5th gen 8GB RAM 1 -
2. Operating System Windows 10 pro 1 -
3. Software Word 2019 1 -

 Skill developed/ learning out of this project:-

1. We understood basic knowledge about software testing. How to test the

applications and some types of testing i.e., non-functional testing, black-box
testing, etc.
2. We learn the concept of Reliability Testing.
 Application of this Micro-project:-
In most countries, students use calculators for schoolwork. There was some
initial resistance to the idea out of fear that basic arithmetic skills would suffer.
There remains disagreement about the importance of the ability to perform
calculations "in the head", with some curricula restricting calculator use until
a certain level of proficiency has been obtained, while others concentrate more
on teaching estimation techniques and problem-solving. Research suggests
that inadequate guidance in the use of calculating tools can restrict the kind of
mathematical thinking that students engage in. Others have argued that
calculator use can even cause core mathematical skills to atrophy, or that such
use can prevent understanding of advanced algebraic concepts. There are other
concerns - for example, that a pupil could use the calculator in the wrong
fashion but believe the answer because that was the result given. Teachers try
to combat this by encouraging the student to make an estimate of the result
manually and ensuring it roughly agrees with the calculated result. Also, it is
possible for a child to type in −1 × −1 and obtain the correct answer '1' without
realizing the principle involved. In this sense, the calculator becomes a crutch
rather than a learning tool, and it can slow down students in exam conditions
as they check even the most trivial result on a calculator.

 Area of Future Improvements:-

Our project will be able to implement in the future after making some changes
and modifications as we make our project at a very low level. So, the
modifications that can be done in our project are: To make it screen touch so
no need to touch key buttons and one more change which can we made is to
add snaps of the person who use it

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