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Sodiq Abiodun Ambali



I grew up in a small town in Nigeria, Sub-Saharan Africa where almost everyone rues
the high negative effects of government decisions, actions and inactions on their lives.
Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, has a population of over 200 million
people. The population of Nigeria is growing directly with its rate of poverty and
insecurity, this has been attributed to the high rate of corruption and ineffective
policies in the country. Despite the resources and potentials of the giant of Africa, it
was ranked by the Brookings Institute in 2018 as the country with the highest
population of poor people in the world. As a child, I had always wanted to partake in
the formulation, implementation and analysis of policies that will enhance quality
education and good living in my society. Experiences have proven that ability to
contribute to the growth and development of one’s society requires acquiring quality
education and deliberate development of the mind – these I have decided to pursue

I rose from being the first-generation college student to becoming the first student to
graduate with a First-class Honours in Public Administration, Obafemi Awolowo
University, Nigeria; this I reckon was due to sheer hard work, determination, and
persistence. I hereby seek an opportunity to acquire a PhD in Public Policy at the
University of Hong Kong towards acquiring the knowledge and skills required for
tackling ineffective public policy, corruption, and bad governance, which have
continued to militate against the attainment of Goal 4 (Quality Education) of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria and Africa. City University of
Hong Kong’s goal of being an innovative hub for research and professional education
wherein global issues are addressed aligns with my dream of becoming a change
agent through the formulation, implementation, and analysis of anti-corruption
policies. I have chosen to study in Hong Kong, because the country stands amongst
the world’s top ten countries for getting a high-quality and practice-oriented
education, thereby attracting a high number of bright and determined international

For the realisation of my goals, I have developed my research skills over the years as I
had authored and co-authored publications on Public Policy, Governance, and
State-Building in Africa. My publication, “Empirical Evidence of Local Government
Finance on Regional Building in South-Western Nigeria”, which was co-authored
with Bolanle W. Shiyanbade and Banji M. Adepoju has been published in the Journal
of Public Policy and Administration Research. My article, “The African Child and the
Future of the Black Continent”, was published by the Platform (an online news
outlet). The publications have provided recommendations to the problem of
ineffective public policy implementation and analysis in Nigeria. My BSc thesis,
“Effects of Corruption on the Performance of Civil Service in the Osun State
Civil Service”, further reveals the rot that has been caused by corruption in the
Nigeria Public Service. In a drive for self-development, I have also acquired relevant
professional certifications in Management, such as certifications in the Nigerian
Institute of Management (NIM) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management
(CIPM). I currently work as a credit analyst at the Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank)
Plc, Nigeria, where I am saddled with the responsibility of advising customers for

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Sodiq Abiodun Ambali

investment decisions. I have also been spending my spare time with the
Administration unit of the bank towards learning the strategic policies of the bank.

In addition to my academic excellence, I have had the opportunity to serve as the

President of a group of over 500 University students in the Department of Public
Administration. As the President of the department, I was saddled with the
responsibility of representing the educational, social and political interests of students,
a task which was done excellently. I also served as a member of the Department of
Public Administration’s Constitution Amendment Committee. The committee was
able to modify the constitution of the department in line with present democratic
realities and tenets. With over two years of work experience, I have been able to
develop practical financial, analytical and management skills needed to manage
resources towards the realization of common goals. I have participated, through
voluntary services, in the growth and development of my society. As a member of the
prestigious Young Africa Leaders Initiative, I have been involved in the sensitization
and orientation of secondary school students against examination malpractices and
rape. I am a member of the advisory council for SMILE Initiative, a role through
which I have been able to add my quota to the cause of providing financial and
emotional supports to orphans, widows and the less-privileged in the Nigeria society. I
am also a member of the Slum2Trump Foundation - an organisation managed by a
young group of individuals aimed at reducing the rate of out-of-school children in

After my PhD in Public Policy at the City University of Hong Kong, my goal is to
apply the skills and knowledge imparted on me during the programme for the benefits
of Nigeria, regional and international organisations, such as the United Nations,
Africa Union and World Trade Organisation. I have a dream of becoming a Professor
of Public Policy whilst also providing inputs for the formulation, implementation and
analysis of effective policies in Africa. I strongly believe that Nigeria can be a model
of development in the world if brilliant, determined, focused and dedicated youths are
trained on the effective formulation, implementation and analysis of public policy and
governance. Without people-oriented policies aimed at reducing corruption and
maladministration in Nigeria, what will be the position of Nigeria and Africa in the
realisation of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?
I hope you find my academic excellence, tenacity, zeal to learn and enthusiasm
worthy of consideration and assist me to take the next step of achieving my career

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