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Consumer Psychology (PSY514)

Assignment: 1

Example Type of Customer Justification (3*5)


Ahmad buys tea from his  Loyalist is one of the customers

nearby grocery store. He who is completely satisfied with
only buys Tapal Mixture tea the product of a given company
whenever he does grocery. and continue to purchase it.
If this is not available,  The customer doesn’t trust any
Ahmad will not buy any other company for same product
other and will wait until his and kept on waiting until the
favorite tea is stocked back Loyalist product is restocked.
up.  Same is the case with Ahmed who
only buys Tapal Mixture Tea,
whenever tea is out of stock he
wait for it until restocked instead
of buying tea of another company,
So, Ahmed is a loyal customer.

Farhan has bought a bar of  Defectors are those customers that

soap. He bought Palmolive are neutral to the product. They are
soap last month and this just using it and have no issue if
month he has bought Lux. next time they buy the same
He is neither satisfied nor product of other company.
dissatisfied with the  They are merely satisfied or
products. sometimes not, and are very likely
to switch to other company next
time without any issue.
 Farhan is one of them as he bought
Palmolive soap last month but in
this month he bought Lux instead
of that. Farhan was just using a
soap bar irrespective of the
specific company.
Ehtisham ate food at a  Terrorist is type of customer who
certain restaurant. He did had bad experience with the
not like the food and the company previously and now had
services at all. On the negative views about it.
restaurant’s review  It not only had negative views
page, Farhan left a bad about company about also give
review and complained negative feedback, and share
about his bad experience on experience with others on various
their social media posts as platforms which is harmful for the
well. company’s reputation.
 Same is the case with Ehtisam who
bad experience in a restaurant and
now he complained about on the
review page of restaurant also
doing negative comments on their
social media.

Kamran went to a restaurant  Apostles are those customers that

with his friend. His friend had very good experience
insisted that he should try surprisingly with the company i.e.
grilled fish. Kamran ate the experience is beyond expectations.
fish and was surprised that  Such type of customers spread
the taste of the fish positivity regarding company give
exceeded positive feedback and shares their
far from his expectation. positive experience with others.
 Kamran also had a good
experience of eating grilled fish in
a restaurant and he was all praised
of it.

Altamash buys Surf Excel  Mercenaries are those customers

every month for his house. that are very much satisfied with
However, this month, he the company but are not really
bought a different brand just loyal to company.
 Although satisfied, but these
because it was cheaper and
customers easily switch to other’s
it had a discount on it. Mercenaries if they have chance to buy the
product from other company at
low price.
 Altamash did the same. He was
satisfied with Surf Excel and
bought this every month but this
time he bought surf of another
brand just because of low price.

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