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Revision Worksheet
Half Yearly Exam (2023– 2024)
Subject: Indian Social Studies

Q1. Fill in the blanks. (KU)

a. Greenland is a part of Denmark.
b. Parka is a warm clothing worn by the inhabitants of Greenland.
c. A motorized sledge used in modern day Greenland is called a skidoo.
d. A physical map showcases the various geographical features of a place.
e. Thematic is a theme centered map.
f. A political map shows the boundaries of various states or cites of a place.
g. Weather is a temporary change in the atmosphere of a place.
h. A hill station will have a cool climate because it is on a high altitude.
i. An atlas is a book of maps.
j. Nuuk is the capital of Greenland.

Q2. Answer the following question in detail. (APP)

a. Why Greenland is called the land of the mid-night sun?
Ans: Greenland is called the land of the midnight sun, because in the
summers the sun shines even at midnight. However, though the sun shines
bright the weather is nowhere close to warm.

b. How does the climate and location of Greenland affect the lives of the
people of Greenland?
Ans: The people are unable to grow crops, 80% of land is covered with
snow. The extreme cold weather makes Greenland snows heavily and
sometimes makes commuting difficult.

c. Use a t-chart to analyze the difference between the three maps.

d. Create a mind map to explain the any 4 factors of climate. (Elaborate each

e. Illustrate any 6 conventional signs and symbols used in a map.

f. Mark any 6 states of India on the map provided. The map should include all
the important elements of a map.
Q3. Answer the following in 4 to 5 sentences each. (HOTS)
(Open ended questions. Answers may vary)
a. How have raising see levels changed the political boundaries of various
states and countries?
(Key words: floods, drown)

b. In your opinion, how has the increase in greenhouse gases influenced the
lives of the polar bears and other animals of Greenland?
(Key words: melting glaciers, challenging, hunting)

c. In your opinion, which country or place has the most pleasant climate? Why?

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