De Leon - Brushing Techniques

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DE LEON DDM 3-B Date: May 2, 2023

Brushing Techniques

1. Send the journal about Reversible and Irreversible Pulpitis

*Attach the sources of the journal.

Journal Title: Brushin Techniques

2. Make a reaction paper about the topic.

Part 1: Summary of the Journal's Key Concept
Part 2 : Reaction (Organization of ideas)

Part 1: Summary

The primary means of preventing a number of oral conditions, including periodontitis, gingivitis, and
dental caries by efficiently removing plaque. Brushing your teeth is the major method of maintaining your oral
hygiene. flossing and mouthwash. An individual must be informed of the appropriate brushing technique. that
must be adhered to in order to maintain oral hygiene and to remove enough plaque.
Objectives of tooth brushing
- To prevent plaque formation, Plaque removal, Cleaning the tongue, Massage the gingival tissue.
Brushing Techniques

1. Bass method-The Bass method emphasizes removing plaque from the region above and slightly the gingival edge
and below.
2. Modified bass method/sulcus cleaning method- According to data, one of the most advised brushing techniques is
the Modified Bass technique. studies have indicated improved plaque management and a considerable decrease
in gingival inflammation
3. Stillman’s method
4. Charter’s method
5. Fone’s technique
6. Leonard’s technique
7. Horizontal scrub technique - According to several research, the horizontal scrub technique is the preferred
approach in young toddlers due to their incapacity to employ alternative tooth brushing techniques.
8. Modified stillman’s technique
9. Hirsfield brushing technique - The procedure is identical to that of Charter's, with the exception that the maxilla
and mandible are retained. The Fone's technique, which is also modified by the Hirschfeld method, uses a circular
motion, The gingival crevice sees a significantly smaller and more focused amount of movement.
10. Smith bell brushing technique/physiologic technique - Also known as Physiologic technique of tooth-brushing
because the brushing method is the same as that taken by the food during mastication.
Part 2 : Reaction
Reading the journal taught me about several brushing methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and countless
indications and contraindications for each method. Brushing is the main method through which a person removes plaque
and particles on their own. The first nylon-bristled toothbrush, as we know it now, was developed in 1938. Many
researchers have proposed various brushing techniques since the early 20th century. But each brushing method has
particular advantages and disadvantages. The patient must be guided and educated about the various brushing techniques,
and the dentist or other healthcare practitioner must recommend the one that is most effective for that specific patient. It
is essential that the person employs the strategy successfully for effective plaque control.

Having a healthy mouth affects many aspects of life, including eating correctly, not experiencing oral discomfort,
forming relationships, and feeling confident about your health. The way you brush your teeth and how long you brush for
have a big impact on the most common way to maintain gingival health and clean your teeth. Unfortunately, it is
challenging to regulate both of these traits. Our ability to maintain good oral health is reliant on how we handle our
toothbrushes. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrushes every three to four months, or
sooner if the bristles tear, because a used toothbrush is less effective at cleaning your teeth.
efficient at brushing teeth.

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