Language Modeling and Spelling Correction

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Introduc*on  to  N-­‐grams  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Probabilis1c  Language  Models  

• Today’s  goal:  assign  a  probability  to  a  sentence  
• Machine  Transla*on:  
• P(high  winds  tonite)  >  P(large  winds  tonite)  
• Spell  Correc*on  
Why?   • The  office  is  about  fiIeen  minuets  from  my  house  
• P(about  fiIeen  minutes  from)  >  P(about  fiIeen  minuets  from)  
• Speech  Recogni*on  
• P(I  saw  a  van)  >>  P(eyes  awe  of  an)  
• +  Summariza*on,  ques*on-­‐answering,  etc.,  etc.!!  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Probabilis1c  Language  Modeling  

• Goal:  compute  the  probability  of  a  sentence  or  
sequence  of  words:  
         P(W)  =  P(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5…wn)  
• Related  task:  probability  of  an  upcoming  word:  
• A  model  that  computes  either  of  these:  
                   P(W)          or          P(wn|w1,w2…wn-­‐1)                    is  called  a  language  model.  
• Be_er:  the  grammar              But  language  model  or  LM  is  standard  
Dan  Jurafsky  

How  to  compute  P(W)  

• How  to  compute  this  joint  probability:  

• P(its,  water,  is,  so,  transparent,  that)  

• Intui*on:  let’s  rely  on  the  Chain  Rule  of  Probability  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Reminder:  The  Chain  Rule  

• Recall  the  defini*on  of  condi*onal  probabili*es  
• More  variables:  
 P(A,B,C,D)  =  P(A)P(B|A)P(C|A,B)P(D|A,B,C)  
• The  Chain  Rule  in  General  
   P(x1,x2,x3,…,xn)  =  P(x1)P(x2|x1)P(x3|x1,x2)…P(xn|x1,…,xn-­‐1)  
The  Chain  Rule  applied  to  compute  
Dan  Jurafsky  

joint  probability  of  words  in  sentence  

P(w1w 2 …w n ) = # P(w i | w1w 2 …w i"1 )
P(“its  water  is  so  transparent”)  =  
 P(its)  ×  P(water|its)  ×    P(is|its  water)    
                 ×    P(so|its  water  is)  ×    P(transparent|its  water  is  so)  
Dan  Jurafsky  

How  to  es1mate  these  probabili1es  

• Could  we  just  count  and  divide?  

P(the | its water is so transparent that) =

Count(its water is so transparent that the)
Count(its water is so transparent that)

• No!    Too  many  possible  sentences!  

• We’ll  never  see  enough  data  for  es*ma*ng  these  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Markov  Assump1on  

• Simplifying  assump*on:  
Andrei  Markov  
P(the | its water is so transparent that) " P(the | that)
• Or  maybe  
P(the | its water is so transparent that) " P(the | transparent that)
Dan  Jurafsky  

Markov  Assump1on  

P(w1w 2 …w n ) " $ P(w i | w i#k …w i#1 )


• In  other  words,  we  approximate  each  

component  in  the  product  
P(w i | w1w 2 …w i"1 ) # P(w i | w i"k …w i"1 )

Dan  Jurafsky  

Simplest  case:  Unigram  model  

P(w1w 2 …w n ) " # P(w i )

Some  automa*cally  generated  sentences  from  a  unigram  model  

fifth, an, of, futures, the, an, incorporated, a,

a, the, inflation, most, dollars, quarter, in, is,
! !
thrift, did, eighty, said, hard, 'm, july, bullish!
that, or, limited, the!
Dan  Jurafsky  

Bigram  model  
" Condi*on  on  the  previous  word:  

P(w i | w1w 2 …w i"1 ) # P(w i | w i"1 )

texaco, rose, one, in, this, issue, is, pursuing, growth, in,
a, boiler, house, said, mr., gurria, mexico, 's, motion,
control, proposal, without, permission, from, five, hundred,
fifty, five, yen!
outside, new, car, parking, lot, of, the, agreement, reached!
this, would, be, a, record, november!
Dan  Jurafsky  

N-­‐gram  models  
• We  can  extend  to  trigrams,  4-­‐grams,  5-­‐grams  
• In  general  this  is  an  insufficient  model  of  language  
• because  language  has  long-­‐distance  dependencies:  

“The  computer  which  I  had  just  put  into  the  machine  room  on  
the  fiIh  floor  crashed.”  

• But  we  can  oIen  get  away  with  N-­‐gram  models  

Introduc*on  to  N-­‐grams  
Es$ma$ng  N-­‐gram  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Es/ma/ng  bigram  probabili/es  

• The  Maximum  Likelihood  Es$mate  

count(w i"1,w i )
P(w i | w i"1 ) =
count(w i"1 )

c(w i"1,w i )
P(w i | w i"1 ) =
c(w i"1 )
Dan  Jurafsky  

An  example  

<s>  I  am  Sam  </s>  

c(w i"1,w i )
P(w i | w i"1 ) = <s>  Sam  I  am  </s>  
c(w i"1 ) <s>  I  do  not  like  green  eggs  and  ham  </s>  
Dan  Jurafsky  

More  examples:    
Berkeley  Restaurant  Project  sentences  

• can  you  tell  me  about  any  good  cantonese  restaurants  close  by  
• mid  priced  thai  food  is  what  i’m  looking  for  
• tell  me  about  chez  panisse  
• can  you  give  me  a  lis$ng  of  the  kinds  of  food  that  are  available  
• i’m  looking  for  a  good  place  to  eat  breakfast  
• when  is  caffe  venezia  open  during  the  day
Dan  Jurafsky  

Raw  bigram  counts  

• Out  of  9222  sentences  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Raw  bigram  probabili/es  

• Normalize  by  unigrams:  

• Result:  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Bigram  es/mates  of  sentence  probabili/es  

P(<s>  I  want  english  food  </s>)  =  
   ×    P(want|I)      
 ×    P(english|want)        
 ×    P(food|english)        
 ×    P(</s>|food)  
             =    .000031  
Dan  Jurafsky  

What  kinds  of  knowledge?  

• P(english|want)    =  .0011  
• P(chinese|want)  =    .0065  
• P(to|want)  =  .66  
• P(eat  |  to)  =  .28  
• P(food  |  to)  =  0  
• P(want  |  spend)  =  0  
• P  (i  |  <s>)  =  .25  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Prac/cal  Issues  
• We  do  everything  in  log  space  
• Avoid  underflow  
• (also  adding  is  faster  than  mul$plying)  

p1 ! p2 ! p3 ! p4 = log p1 + log p2 + log p3 + log p4

Dan  Jurafsky  

Language  Modeling  Toolkits  

• h_p://  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Google  N-­‐Gram  Release,  August  2006  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Google  N-­‐Gram  Release  

• serve as the incoming 92!
• serve as the incubator 99!
• serve as the independent 794!
• serve as the index 223!
• serve as the indication 72!
• serve as the indicator 120!
• serve as the indicators 45!
• serve as the indispensable 111!
• serve as the indispensible 40!
• serve as the individual 234!
Dan  Jurafsky  

Google  Book  N-­‐grams  

• h_p://  
Es$ma$ng  N-­‐gram  
Evaluation and
Dan Jurafsky

Evaluation: How good is our model?

• Does our language model prefer good sentences to bad ones?
• Assign higher probability to “real” or “frequently observed” sentences
• Than “ungrammatical” or “rarely observed” sentences?
• We train parameters of our model on a training set.
• We test the model’s performance on data we haven’t seen.
• A test set is an unseen dataset that is different from our training set,
totally unused.
• An evaluation metric tells us how well our model does on the test set.
Dan Jurafsky

Extrinsic evaluation of N-gram models

• Best evaluation for comparing models A and B
• Put each model in a task
• spelling corrector, speech recognizer, MT system
• Run the task, get an accuracy for A and for B
• How many misspelled words corrected properly
• How many words translated correctly
• Compare accuracy for A and B
Dan Jurafsky

Difficulty of extrinsic (in-vivo) evaluation

of N-gram models
• Extrinsic evaluation
• Time-consuming; can take days or weeks
• So
• Sometimes use intrinsic evaluation: perplexity
• Bad approximation
• unless the test data looks just like the training data
• So generally only useful in pilot experiments
• But is helpful to think about.
Dan Jurafsky

Intuition of Perplexity
mushrooms 0.1
• The Shannon Game:
• How well can we predict the next word? pepperoni 0.1
anchovies 0.01
I always order pizza with cheese and ____
The 33rd President of the US was ____
fried rice 0.0001
I saw a ____ ….
• Unigrams are terrible at this game. (Why?) and 1e-100
• A better model of a text
• is one which assigns a higher probability to the word that actually occurs
Dan Jurafsky

The best language model is one that best predicts an unseen test set
• Gives the highest P(sentence)
Perplexity is the probability of the test
set, normalized by the number of

Chain rule:

For bigrams:

Minimizing perplexity is the same as maximizing probability

Dan Jurafsky

The Shannon Game intuition for perplexity

• From Josh Goodman
• How hard is the task of recognizing digits ‘0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9’
• Perplexity 10
• How hard is recognizing (30,000) names at Microsoft.
• Perplexity = 30,000
• If a system has to recognize
• Operator (1 in 4)
• Sales (1 in 4)
• Technical Support (1 in 4)
• 30,000 names (1 in 120,000 each)
• Perplexity is 53
• Perplexity is weighted equivalent branching factor
Dan Jurafsky

Perplexity as branching factor

• Let’s suppose a sentence consisting of random digits
• What is the perplexity of this sentence according to a model
that assign P=1/10 to each digit?
Dan Jurafsky

Lower perplexity = better model

• Training 38 million words, test 1.5 million words, WSJ

N-gram Unigram Bigram Trigram

Perplexity 962 170 109
Evaluation and
Generalization and
Dan Jurafsky

The Shannon Visualization Method

• Choose a random bigram
<s> I
(<s>, w) according to its probability I want
• Now choose a random bigram want to
(w, x) according to its probability to eat
• And so on until we choose </s> eat Chinese
• Then string the words together Chinese food
food </s>
I want to eat Chinese food
Dan Jurafsky

Approximating Shakespeare
Dan Jurafsky

Shakespeare as corpus
• N=884,647 tokens, V=29,066
• Shakespeare produced 300,000 bigram types
out of V2= 844 million possible bigrams.
• So 99.96% of the possible bigrams were never seen
(have zero entries in the table)
• Quadrigrams worse: What's coming out looks
like Shakespeare because it is Shakespeare
Dan Jurafsky

The wall street journal is not shakespeare

(no offense)
Dan Jurafsky

The perils of overfitting

• N-grams only work well for word prediction if the test
corpus looks like the training corpus
• In real life, it often doesn’t
• We need to train robust models that generalize!
• One kind of generalization: Zeros!
• Things that don’t ever occur in the training set
• But occur in the test set
Dan Jurafsky

• Training set: • Test set
… denied the allegations … denied the offer
… denied the reports … denied the loan
… denied the claims
… denied the request

P(“offer” | denied the) = 0

Dan Jurafsky

Zero probability bigrams

• Bigrams with zero probability
• mean that we will assign 0 probability to the test set!
• And hence we cannot compute perplexity (can’t divide by 0)!
Generalization and
Correction and the
Noisy Channel

The  Spelling  
Correc/on  Task  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Applica'ons  for  spelling  correc'on  

Word  processing   Phones  

Web  search  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Spelling  Tasks  
• Spelling  Error  Detec/on  
• Spelling  Error  Correc/on:  
• Autocorrect        
• hteàthe  
• Suggest  a  correc/on  
• Sugges/on  lists  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Types  of  spelling  errors  

• Non-­‐word  Errors  
• graffe  àgiraffe  
• Real-­‐word  Errors  
• Typographical  errors  
• three  àthere  
• Cogni/ve  Errors  (homophones)  
• pieceàpeace,    
• too  à  two  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Rates  of  spelling  errors  

26%:  Web  queries    Wang  et  al.  2003    
13%:  Retyping,  no  backspace:  Whitelaw  et  al.  English&German  
7%:  Words  corrected  retyping  on  phone-­‐sized  organizer  
2%:  Words  uncorrected  on  organizer  Soukoreff  &MacKenzie  2003  
1-­‐2%:    Retyping:  Kane  and  Wobbrock  2007,  Gruden  et  al.  1983  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Non-­‐word  spelling  errors  

• Non-­‐word  spelling  error  detec/on:  
• Any  word  not  in  a  dic$onary  is  an  error  
• The  larger  the  dic/onary  the  be[er  
• Non-­‐word  spelling  error  correc/on:  
• Generate  candidates:  real  words  that  are  similar  to  error  
• Choose  the  one  which  is  best:  
• Shortest  weighted  edit  distance  
• Highest  noisy  channel  probability  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Real  word  spelling  errors  

• For  each  word  w,  generate  candidate  set:  
• Find  candidate  words  with  similar  pronuncia$ons  
• Find  candidate  words  with  similar  spelling  
• Include  w  in  candidate  set  
• Choose  best  candidate  
• Noisy  Channel    
• Classifier  

Correction and the
Noisy Channel

The  Spelling  
Correc/on  Task  
Correction and the
Noisy Channel

The  Noisy  Channel  

Model  of  Spelling  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  Channel  Intui'on  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  Channel  
• We  see  an  observa/on  x  of  a  misspelled  word  
• Find  the  correct  word  w    
ŵ = argmax P(w | x)
P(x | w)P(w)
= argmax
w!V P(x)
= argmax P(x | w)P(w)
Dan  Jurafsky  

History:  Noisy  channel  for  spelling  

proposed  around  1990  
• IBM  
• Mays,  Eric,  Fred  J.  Damerau  and  Robert  L.  Mercer.  1991.  
Context  based  spelling  correc/on.  Informa4on  Processing  and  
Management,  23(5),  517–522  
• AT&T  Bell  Labs  
• Kernighan,  Mark  D.,  Kenneth  W.  Church,  and  William  A.  Gale.  
1990.  A  spelling  correc/on  program  based  on  a  noisy  channel  
model.  Proceedings  of  COLING  1990,  205-­‐210  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Non-­‐word  spelling  error  example  


Dan  Jurafsky  

Candidate  genera'on  
• Words  with  similar  spelling  
• Small  edit  distance  to  error  
• Words  with  similar  pronuncia/on  
• Small  edit  distance  of  pronuncia/on  to  error  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Damerau-­‐Levenshtein  edit  distance  

• Minimal  edit  distance  between  two  strings,  where  edits  are:  
• Inser/on  
• Dele/on  
• Subs/tu/on  
• Transposi/on  of  two  adjacent  le[ers  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Words  within  1  of  acress!

Error   Candidate   Correct   Error   Type  
Correc'on   LeRer   LeRer  
acress! actress! t! -! dele/on  
acress! cress! -! a! inser/on  
acress! caress! ca! ac! transposi/on  
acress! access! c! r! subs/tu/on  
acress! across! o! e! subs/tu/on  
acress! acres! -! s! inser/on  
acress! acres! -! s! inser/on  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Candidate  genera'on  
• 80%  of  errors  are  within  edit  distance  1  
• Almost  all  errors  within  edit  distance  2  

• Also  allow  inser/on  of  space  or  hyphen  

• thisidea à    this idea!
• inlaw à in-law!

Dan  Jurafsky  

Language  Model  
• Use  any  of  the  language  modeling  algorithms  we’ve  learned  
• Unigram,  bigram,  trigram  
• Web-­‐scale  spelling  correc/on  
• Stupid  backoff  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Unigram  Prior  probability  

Counts  from  404,253,213  words  in  Corpus  of  Contemporary  English  (COCA)  
word   Frequency  of  word   P(word)  
actress   9,321! .0000230573!
cress   220! .0000005442!
caress   686! .0000016969!
access   37,038! .0000916207!
across   120,844! .0002989314!
acres   12,874! .0000318463!

Dan  Jurafsky  

Channel  model  probability  

• Error  model  probability,  Edit  probability  
• Kernighan,  Church,  Gale    1990  

• Misspelled  word  x  =  x1,  x2,  x3…  xm  

• Correct  word  w  =  w1,  w2,  w3,…,  wn  

• P(x|w)  =  probability  of  the  edit    

• (dele/on/inser/on/subs/tu/on/transposi/on)  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Compu'ng  error  probability:  confusion  

del[x,y]: count(xy typed as x)!
ins[x,y]: count(x typed as xy)!
sub[x,y]: count(x typed as y)!
trans[x,y]: count(xy typed as yx)!
Inser/on  and  dele/on  condi/oned  on  previous  character  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Confusion  matrix  for  spelling  errors  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Genera'ng  the  confusion  matrix  

• Peter  Norvig’s  list  of  errors  
• Peter  Norvig’s  list  of  counts  of  single-­‐edit  errors  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Channel  model     Kernighan,  Church,  Gale  1990  

 del[wi−1 ,wi ] , if deletion

 count[wi−1 wi ]

 ins[wi−1 ,xi ] , if insertion

 count[wi−1 ]
P (x|w) = sub[xi ,wi ] ,

 if substitution

 count [w i ]

 trans[w ,w ]

 count[wi wi+1] , if transposition
i i+1

Dan  Jurafsky  

Channel  model  for  acress!

Candidate   Correct   Error   x|w   P(x|word)  
Correc'on   LeRer   LeRer  
actress! t! -! c|ct! .000117!
cress! -! a! a|#! .00000144!
caress! ca! ac! ac|ca! .00000164!
access! c! r! r|c! .000000209!
across! o! e! e|o! .0000093!
acres! -! s! es|e! .0000321!
acres! -! s! ss|s! .0000342!

Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  channel  probability  for  acress!

Candidate   Correct   Error   x|w   P(x|word)   P(word)   109  *P(x|w)P(w)  
Correc'on   LeRer   LeRer  
actress! t! -! c|ct! .000117! .0000231! 2.7!
cress! -! a! a|#! .00000144! .000000544! .00078!
caress! ca! ac! ac|ca! .00000164! .00000170! .0028!
access! c! r! r|c! .000000209! .0000916! .019!
across! o! e! e|o! .0000093! .000299! 2.8!
acres! -! s! es|e! .0000321! .0000318! 1.0!
acres! -! s! ss|s! .0000342! .0000318! 1.0!

Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  channel  probability  for  acress!

Candidate   Correct   Error   x|w   P(x|word)   P(word)   109  *P(x|w)P(w)  
Correc'on   LeRer   LeRer  
actress! t! -! c|ct! .000117! .0000231! 2.7!
cress! -! a! a|#! .00000144! .000000544! .00078!
caress! ca! ac! ac|ca! .00000164! .00000170! .0028!
access! c! r! r|c! .000000209! .0000916! .019!
across! o! e! e|o! .0000093! .000299! 2.8!
acres! -! s! es|e! .0000321! .0000318! 1.0!
acres! -! s! ss|s! .0000342! .0000318! 1.0!

Dan  Jurafsky  

Using  a  bigram  language  model  

• “a stellar and versatile acress whose
combination of sass and glamour…”!
• Counts  from  the  Corpus  of  Contemporary  American  English  with  
add-­‐1  smoothing  
• P(actress|versatile)=.000021 P(whose|actress) = .0010!
• P(across|versatile) =.000021 P(whose|across) = .000006!

• P(“versatile actress whose”) = .000021*.0010 = 210 x10-10!

• P(“versatile across whose”) = .000021*.000006 = 1 x10-10!
Dan  Jurafsky  

Using  a  bigram  language  model  

• “a stellar and versatile acress whose
combination of sass and glamour…”!
• Counts  from  the  Corpus  of  Contemporary  American  English  with  
add-­‐1  smoothing  
• P(actress|versatile)=.000021 P(whose|actress) = .0010!
• P(across|versatile) =.000021 P(whose|across) = .000006!

• P(“versatile actress whose”) = .000021*.0010 = 210 x10-10!

• P(“versatile across whose”) = .000021*.000006 = 1 x10-10!
Dan  Jurafsky  

• Some  spelling  error  test  sets  
• Wikipedia’s  list  of  common  English  misspelling  
• Aspell  filtered  version  of  that  list  
• Birkbeck  spelling  error  corpus  
• Peter  Norvig’s  list  of  errors  (includes  Wikipedia  and  Birkbeck,  for  training  
or  tes/ng)  

Correction and the
Noisy Channel

The  Noisy  Channel  

Model  of  Spelling  
Correction and the
Noisy Channel

Real-­‐Word  Spelling  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Real-­‐word  spelling  errors  

• …leaving in about fifteen minuets to go to her house.!
• The design an construction of the system…!
• Can they lave him my messages?!
• The study was conducted mainly be John Black.!

• 25-­‐40%  of  spelling  errors  are  real  words          Kukich  1992  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Solving  real-­‐world  spelling  errors  

• For  each  word  in  sentence  
• Generate  candidate  set  
• the  word  itself    
• all  single-­‐le[er  edits  that  are  English  words  
• words  that  are  homophones  
• Choose  best  candidates  
• Noisy  channel  model  
34   • Task-­‐specific  classifier  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  channel  for  real-­‐word  spell  correc'on  

• Given  a  sentence  w1,w2,w3,…,wn  
• Generate  a  set  of  candidates  for  each  word  wi  
• Candidate(w1)  =  {w1,  w’1  ,  w’’1  ,  w’’’1  ,…}  
• Candidate(w2)  =  {w2,  w’2  ,  w’’2  ,  w’’’2  ,…}  
• Candidate(wn)  =  {wn,  w’n  ,  w’’n  ,  w’’’n  ,…}  
• Choose  the  sequence  W  that  maximizes  P(W)  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  channel  for  real-­‐word  spell  correc'on  

two of thew ...

to threw

tao off thaw

too on the

two of thaw
Dan  Jurafsky  

Noisy  channel  for  real-­‐word  spell  correc'on  

two of thew ...

to threw

tao off thaw

too on the

two of thaw
Dan  Jurafsky  

Simplifica'on:  One  error  per  sentence  

• Out  of  all  possible  sentences  with  one  word  replaced  
• w1,  w’’2,w3,w4              two  off  thew            
• w1,w2,w’3,w4                          two  of  the  
• w’’’1,w2,w3,w4                    too  of  thew    
• …  
• Choose  the  sequence  W  that  maximizes  P(W)  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Where  to  get  the  probabili'es  

• Language  model  
• Unigram  
• Bigram  
• Etc  
• Channel  model  
• Same  as  for  non-­‐word  spelling  correc/on  
• Plus  need  probability  for  no  error,  P(w|w)  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Probability  of  no  error  

• What  is  the  channel  probability  for  a  correctly  typed  word?  
• P(“the”|“the”)  

• Obviously  this  depends  on  the  applica/on  

• .90  (1  error  in  10  words)  
• .95  (1  error  in  20  words)  
• .99  (1  error  in  100  words)  
•  .995  (1  error  in  200  words)  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Peter  Norvig’s  “thew”  example  

x   w   x|w   P(x|w)   P(w)   109  P(x|w)P(w)  

thew   the   ew|e   0.000007! 0.02! 144!

thew   thew   0.95! 0.00000009! 90!

thew   thaw   e|a   0.001! 0.0000007! 0.7!
thew   threw   h|hr   0.000008! 0.000004! 0.03!
thew   thwe   ew|we   0.000003! 0.00000004! 0.0001!

Correction and the
Noisy Channel

Real-­‐Word  Spelling  
Correction and the
Noisy Channel

Dan  Jurafsky  

HCI  issues  in  spelling  

• If  very  confident  in  correc/on  
• Autocorrect  
• Less  confident  
• Give  the  best  correc/on  
• Less  confident  
• Give  a  correc/on  list  
• Unconfident  
• Just  flag  as  an  error  
Dan  Jurafsky  

State  of  the  art  noisy  channel  

• We  never  just  mul/ply  the  prior  and  the  error  model  
• Independence  assump/onsàprobabili/es  not  commensurate  
• Instead:  Weigh  them  

ŵ = argmax P(x | w)P(w)!

• Learn  λ  from  a  development  test  set  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Phone'c  error  model  

• Metaphone,  used  in  GNU  aspell    
• Convert  misspelling  to  metaphone  pronuncia/on  
• “Drop  duplicate  adjacent  le[ers,  except  for  C.”  
• “If  the  word  begins  with  'KN',  'GN',  'PN',  'AE',  'WR',  drop  the  first  le[er.”  
• “Drop  'B'  if  aver  'M'  and  if  it  is  at  the  end  of  the  word”  
• …  
• Find  words  whose  pronuncia/on  is  1-­‐2  edit  distance  from  misspelling’s  
• Score  result  list    
• Weighted  edit  distance  of  candidate  to  misspelling  
46   • Edit  distance  of  candidate  pronuncia/on  to  misspelling  pronuncia/on  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Improvements  to  channel  model  

• Allow  richer  edits        (Brill  and  Moore  2000)  
• entàant  
• phàf  
• leàal  
• Incorporate  pronuncia/on  into  channel  (Toutanova  and  Moore  

Dan  Jurafsky  

Channel  model  
• Factors  that  could  influence  p(misspelling|word)  
• The  source  le[er  
• The  target  le[er  
• Surrounding  le[ers  
• The  posi/on  in  the  word  
• Nearby  keys  on  the  keyboard  
• Homology  on  the  keyboard  
• Pronuncia/ons  
• Likely  morpheme  transforma/ons  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Nearby  keys  
Dan  Jurafsky  

Classifier-­‐based  methods    
for  real-­‐word  spelling  correc'on  
• Instead  of  just  channel  model  and  language  model  
• Use  many  features  in  a  classifier  (next  lecture).  
• Build  a  classifier  for  a  specific  pair  like:  
• “cloudy”  within  +-­‐  10  words  
• ___  to  VERB  
• ___  or  not  
Correction and the
Noisy Channel

Real-­‐Word  Spelling  

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