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. Make sure your messages are clear, short and concise.

. Target your audience. lt is always important to send relevant
materials to senders or else the materials always end up
being u n read.
. Check your mail at least ten times daily. You can also fix
automatic mail checking at certain intervals as default.
. Be selective in the use of mail. lt is always better to
communicate on one-on-one basis with the person who sits
nea rby.
People who regularly send junk mail should be contacted and
should be asked to be more selective in future mailing.
lnform the recipient while sending an attachment what
format the file is in and what size it is'
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E-mail Etiquette
. Ensure you use alternative communication methods for those without
access to e-ma il.
. Do use the subject heading like "Addressee Only" or "Confidential" when
content of the message is hot to be read by anyone else'
o Use a meaningful subject line for your message. A good.subject line
readers a reason to open the message, and helps them know how to
prioritize your email.
. Do be aware that a reply date refers to the end of the day eg "rePlY bY 5
June" means rePlY has to reach bY the end of the working day on the 5th of
Do be aware when sending a message outside the organisation that certain
formalities used while sending the letters should still apply (qs do not use
loud colours, or use informal[erms when the relationship is formal).
Do be aware while sending mail to partners; restrain yourself from using
irngrages which might raise expectations unnecessarily.
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E-mail Etiquette
. Try not to send highly confidential mailvia e-mail.
. PIease do not use loud colour and number of colours in
one message.
o lf the message is only for % people or specific number of
people then do not send the mail to a ll staff.
. Never send e-mail when angry. lmmediate and impetuous
response can inflame office politics and other forms of
u n productive behaviou r.
Do not type the whole message in UPPER CASE AS lF YOU
Don't forward chain emails.
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"Whenever two people come together

and their behaviour affects one
another, you have etiquette. Etiquette
is not some rigid code of manners; it's
simply how persons'Iives touch one

- Emily Post [tl 1.,\l'.



Etiquette is a French word which means

ti c ket.

On important occasions, a ticket was

issued to the masses detailing what they
should do. Thus, the ticket enlists the
rules of well mannered behaviour
observed in a polite society.

ln a professional sense, this includes

behaviou r towa rds clients a nd colleagues
which is in their best interest.

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. lt helps smooth the wheels of daily interaction in the

Good work outcomes and happy coexistence even when
there is mutual dislike or disinterest
a Ensures that you don't become office enemy number one
Modifies distracting behaviours and develops ad mired
. Enables you to be confident in a variety of settings with a
variety of people
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