Soils of India Class 10

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F 7 SOILS OF INDIA | DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS:- a) Afforestation ») Deforestation ) Sheet Erosion d) Rill Erosion e) Gully Erosion f) Leaching. g)Pedogenesis h) Pedology i) Ravines |) Reforestation k) Desilication 1) Self aeration m) Humus n)Slip Erosion 0) Soil Pp) Soil Conversation q) Soil Exhaustion 1) Soil Erosion s) Soil Fertility t) Soil profile u) Soil texture v) Stream bank Erosion \W) Crop rotation 3) Soll Creep y) Saltation’ |-GIVE REASON FOR THE FOLLOWING: a) Why is alluvial soil also known as riverine soll? b) Why is Alluvial sol easily tillable? ‘¢) Which classification of Alluvial soils more fertile and why? d) Crops can grow on old Alluviaal soil ¢) Alluvial soil form the largest and the most important group. f) Why do laterite soil supports the growth of tea? 8) Why is Laterite soll considered infertile? hh) Why is laterite soil red in colour? 1) Why is Laterite soil considered suitable for building purposes? 4) Why is red soll red in colour? k) Why is Red soil heterogenous in nature? 1) Why do red soil sometimes appear to be yellow? 1m) Why is red soil suitable for Dry farming? 1n) Why do Red soil support agriculture? ©) Why is black soll need to be tilled after the first rain? p) Why Is Black soll known as Black cotton soil? 4) Why do black soil found in the Deccan trap region? +) Why is black soil known as Regur soil? ‘s)Why Is black soil Suitable for dry farming? +) Why is Soll erosion very activein the Siwalik region? | DIFF! EN THE FOLLOWING:- a) Exsitu soll Insit soll b) Bhangar Khadar ¢) Inland alluvium Coastal alluvium d) Alluvium of Upper Ganga Alluvium of Lower Ganga e}Saltation Soil Creep f) Deltaic alluvium Coastal alluvium 8) Afforestation Reafforestation IV-MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS:- i) Mention three characteristics of sol fertility. li) State the major constituents of soil iil) Mention the classification of soll according to location Give example. v) Mention any three regions where soll erosion is predominant. ¥) Mention the two main causes of soll erosion. vi) Mention any three human causes of soil erosion. vil) Mention ant three importance of soil. ooo viii) Mention the disadvantage of Gully erosion 1x) Why is absence of plant cover (deforestation)harmful? x) How do the following quicken the process of soil erosion: a) Overgrazing b) Topography c) Deforestation Mention the objective of the following soll conservation schemes :- a) Integrated water shed management b) Reclamation and Development of ravine areas ~2) Controtof shifting agriculture - - ~~~ -- -— — xi) What are the factors on which formation of soil depends on? xill) Give two ways as how do trees can stop floods. xiv) Mention any two faulty methods of agriculture. x9) Give any two ways how we can stop:- a) Water erosion . _b) Wind erosion xvi) Mention two farming techniques which can control sol erosion. xvii) How do afforestation help in soil conservation? xviii) Why Is soil conservation necessary? xix) Name the following: a) Soil acidic in nature 'b) Soil Alkaline in nature €) Soll which has a presence of soluble salts xx) What is the importance of humus? ‘V-STRUCTURED QUESTION:- 1) Refer to the transported soil of India and say:- |) Hows this soil formed ? |i) Name the classification of this soil according to age? {i)What are above mentioned Classification locally known as ? Which classification is more fertile? Iv)Mention any three cash crops and three food crops grown on this soil. v)Mention any three regions (States)where this soil is found. vi)Mention any two_ a-Main minerals in this soil 'b}-Deficient minerals inthis soil. }-Physical characteristics of this soil. }-Chemical characteristics of this soll. 2) Refer to the Black soll In india and say - 1) What isit locally known as ? W) Describe the formation of this soil. lil) Mention any three regions (States)where this soll is found. {v) Mention any three crops grown in this sol. vv) Mention two characteristics of the soil which makes it suitable for the growth of cotton. vi) Mention any two:-a) minerals present —_b) deficient minerals . vii) Mention two physical and two chemical characteristics of this soll. 3) Refer to the Red soll in india and say > {Describe the formation of this soil. li)Mention any two food crop, two cash crop and an oilseed grown in this soil. li) Mention any three regions (States)where this soil is found, v)Mention The deficient minerals of this soil. +) Mention two physical and two chemical characteristics of this soil, 4) Refer to the laterite soll In india and say :- ')Describe the formation of this soil. li)Mention any two food crop, two cash crop and two beverage crop grown in this soll. lil)Mention any three regions (States)where this soils found. v)Mention The deficient minerals of this soll. rj vv) How many type of laterite soil are there? Explain. Z SOILS OF INDIA (ANSWERS) z ‘a) Planting of saplings to increase forest cover, 'b) indiscriminate cutting of trees, €) The slow removal of thin layer of soil eee ee = d) When sheet erosion continues for Jong,the running water forms many finger shaped grooves over a large area. e) When rill erosion is unchecked they develop deep and wide grooves on the soil known as Gullies £1 The process in which the nutrients gets percolated down below the soil due to heavy rain; thus leaving the top soil infertile. 8) The process of soil formation . hh) The science which deals with the study of soil formation, |) Badlands o enlarged form of gullies formed by extensive water erosion. Eg.ravines of Chambal. 3) The restoration of forests that have been indiscriminately destroyed, k) Removal of lime and silica from the top soil due to heavy rains, ') The characteristics of the sol in which it develops cracks on drying , and allows ai (oxygen) to circulate within the cracks, 'm) Dead remains of plants and animals which gets decayed and decomposed and gets mixed with sol, found mostly in the top soll, 'n) Downward movement of soil along a slope due to percolation of water, ©) The loose rock material together with humus forming the uppermost layer of the earth crust, 'p) Methods to protect the soil from erosion and exhaustion, 4) Removal of fertility ofthe soil due to successive cropping. #) The removal of top soil cover by running water and wind. 3) The strength of the soil to support plant life. 4) The vertical cross section of the soll showing its different layers. tu) The feel and consistency of the soll. ¥) Streams and rivers change their courses by cutting the banks . ) The process of growing a leguminous crop after every exhaustive crops grown. y)Wind move soll particles of more than .5 mm by rolling 2) Wind moves soil particles in .1 -.5 mm in size in bouncing and hopping fashion, GIVE REASONS FOR THE FOLLOWING a) Because itis mainly found in river basin 'b) Because they are light and porous, €) Khadar is more fertile than bhangar sol because new layer is deposited every year during monsoon floods. 4) By using manure \ €) As they contribute to the largest share to agriculture, f) Because water do not stagnate inthis sll. 8) because its acidic in nature, alkalies are leached, does not retain moisture, hh) Due to presence of iron oxide. ') Soil is indefinitely durable. J) Due to presence of iron oxide. K) These soil differ from place to place on the basis ofthe parental rock material and climatic condition, 1) When they octurIn hydrated foem, 1m) As itis formed in poor rainfall area, 1) By using fertilizers and irrigation. ©) Because of high clay content, these soils expand when wet after the first rain and become dificult to plough. ») It supports the growth of cotton, « 4) Due to presence of lava/ Igneous rocks here. *) Formed from lava rocks. : 8) Because in any season it has moisture stored ints sub soll. t) Due to deforestation and heavy rainfall received in this reason. a I-DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING a) Exitu Sol (transported ) In-situ Soil (residual/sedentary) . ) Transported away from the place where they are formed Formed in original position by breaking up of parent rock ii) Ithas little or no relation with underlying bed rock Characteristic of soil is the same as the bed rock ~ ~ it) tt differs in texture depending on the eroded material- Texture of the soil remainsthesame, - - - . - b) Bhangar Khadar i) Coarse in texture(presence of lime nodules) Finer in Texture(Presence of fine silt and clay) ii) Less fertile More fertile iii) Darker in colour Lighter in colour iv) Found above the flood levels of river Found below the flood level ¢) Inland alluvium Coastal alluvium 1) Lighter in colour Darker in colour ii) Fine in texture Coarse in texture iii) Retain moisture Do not retain moisture d) Alluvium of Upper Ganga Alluvium of Lower Ganga i) Dry Moisture retentive li) Porous Fine tii) Sandy ‘Clayey ) Deltaic alluvium Coastal alluvium |) Riverine origin Tidal origin li) Fine in texture Coarse in texture li) Fertile Less fertile f) Afforestation Reafforestation |) Planting of trees to increase forest cover Plar of saplings for restoration of forest i) Planting of one sapling Planting of two saplings for every one.tree felled IEOUS QUESTIONS 1) It contains adequate amount of moisture to supply essential nutrients to the plants. {thas sufficlent depth to enable the plants to grow their roots as per thelr requirement. Ils rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus etc. li) Humus, silica clay and sand, lil) Residual- black,red and laterite soil / transported soil - alluvial soll \y) The badlands of the Chambal and Yamuna / The piedmont zone of the western Himalayas /The Chota Nagpur plateau region. v) Running water and Wind. + vi) Deforestation / Shifting Agriculture / overgrazing. vil) Source of plant growth / Supports agricultural wealth / Source of minerals. vill) Gully erosion removes nutrients from the.soil making the soll unproductive. Ix) No roots to hold on to the soil / no trees to control floods / no leaves to provide humus. x) a) Overgrazing — Cattles freely graze in the open lands making them bare of vegetation which accelerates ) Topography-steep slopes accelerates water erosion. €) Deforestation — Cutting of trees exposes the soil to water and wind erosion. xi) a) Enhancing the ability of the catchment by absorbing larger quantity of rain water / Reducing erosion and consequently silt load in the stream and river beds / Helping to reduce the fury of floods. ) Peripheral bunding to halt further ingress of of ravines / Afforestation of ravines for fuel and fodder. €) Settling of families practicing shifting agriculture / Raising of horticulture plantations / Practicing terrace farming xil) Temperature / slope / parent rock / moisture. xill) Stops the speed of water / Roots absorb the water from the surface. xiv) Shifting agriculture /Ploughing fields along the slopes. xv) Water erosion- Terrace farming /Contour Ploughing Wind erosion ~ Shelter belts / Strip cropping erosion xvi) Crop rotation / Strip cropping’/ Contour ploughing. xvi) Roots of trees anchor and hold the soil together / Trees and plants reduce the speed of water and allow water to be absorbed by the soll / Trees reduce the force ofstrongwinds.§ == = — - — —. ~~ ~~ ~~ xvill) To avert food crisis / Soil receives organic waste and recycles their nutrients back to the soil / Soll acts as.a filter xix) a) Laterite soil) Desert soll) Desert soil 2a) Increases soil fertility / Binds soll particles / increases moisture holoding capacity of soil. \V-STRUCTURED QUESTIONS 1) Alluvial Soll 1) This soil is formed by the deposition of silt brought down by rivers {i) Old alluvium amd New Alluvium. Iil) Old Alluvium —Bhangar/ New alluvium—Khadar. Khadar is more fertile. Iv) Three cash crops- Sugarcane ,cotton,cilseeds /Three food crops Rice ,Wheat ,Gram v) Three regions- (States)where this soil is found. viJMention any two a-Main minerals in this soil-Potash and lime b}-Deficient minerals in this soil-Nitrogen and humus ¢)-Physical characteristics of this soi.~ soft,porous,easilytllable d}- Chemical characteristics of this soll Rich in lime and potash, poor in humus content 2) Black soil 1) Black cotton soil 4i) Foemed due to the disintegration of lava rocks. Ill) Three regions-Deccan lava tract includes part of Maharashtra “Madhya Pradesh Gujarat. iv) Three crops ~Cotton,Sugarcane,Tobacco v) Two characteristics of the soil -. Capacity to hold moisture /.. Self ploughing capacity vi) Any two a) minerals present: Lime,lron,Potash _ b) deficient minerals-Nitrogen, Humus, Phosphorous +. vil) Two physical characteristics-fine textured, clayey ‘two chemical characteristics - presence of lime,tron,Potash / absence of humus. 3) Red soll ‘)Formed due to the decomposition of old crystalline metamorphic rocks. i) Two food crop-Rice , Ragi / Two cash crop- Groundnut Tobacco il) Three regions (States)-Plateau region of peninsular India (Tamil nadu,Karnatka,Andhra Pradesh) iv) The deficient minerals Nitrogen phosphorus potassium, organic matter. -v) Two physical characterstics-Loamy,Sandy,red in colour ‘Two chemical characteristics- Poor in nitrogen, Presence ot ron oxide. 4) Laterite soll 1) Formed as a result of atmospheric weathering of rocks under conditions of high rainfall and temperature with alternate wet and dry periods. i) Two food crop- Rice, Ragl / two cash crop-Tapioca, Cashewnut / Two beverage crop ~Tea, Coffee. ill) Any three regions (States)-Highland areas of peninsular plateau, patches of Madhya Pradesh (Orissa, Maharashtra) 'v) The deficient minerals- Lime jitrogen magnesium v) Upland laterite-Formed over hills and mountains Lowland laterte- Laterite which are transported by streams towards lowlands. vi) Two physical characteristics - Coarse ,Porous / two chemical characteristics - Presence of iron oxide, poor in lime.

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