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Introducing Speech

Today’s Workforce> How they think> why they think that

The main concern of today’s workforce is work life balance because it’s not only the
money we want. it’s the culture of a company we want. We want to be part of big
picture. We want a common area where we can share our opinion and thoughts.
As we can see Gallup is showing some results about employee engagement. Now the
first question is What is Gallup? Why I am considering their opinion here?
Gallup is a global analytics and advice firm that helps leaders and organizations solve
their most pressing problems.
They have a a huge database concentrating on employee engagement (where they
have 35 million respondents). Even fortune 500 hundred company use them to
work on employee engagement. Ex: Amazon, Intel, Microsoft, Walmart,
FedEx, Proctor & Gamble.
Again, Gallup is problem solving organization but why they are mostly focused on
employee engagement. What is it? Why it is necessary?
Employee engagement is a HR concept that describes the level of enthusiasm and
dedication an employee feels toward their job. Engaged employees care about their
work and about the performance of the company, and feel that their efforts make a
difference. An engaged employee may consider their well-being linked to their
performance, and thus instrumental to their company's success.

Merits Demerits
Lowering the absenteeism, better Sharing valuable information with many
performance, also turnover rate is lower employees can term into greater risk as
with engaged employee. Highest levels the chances of information leaked are
of data security and confidentiality can more. Their productivity is
be maintained with them. Decision comparatively lower than the engaged
making is also easier with motivated employee. They are more likely leave
employees because they are less likely the organization. Also, with them there
to put their self-interest over the is higher risk of burnout.
organization. Creative work is delivered
by them.
We can see, according to Gallup only 33% employee is engaged. And over 16 years 7%
of employee engagement increased. The rate is very poor in this competitive market. If
you cannot make your employees engaged with the organization, survival cost of
organization will be increased.
But the good news is we can solve it. And it starts with you.

***what should you do to engage them primarily? The following question will help you
know their status. ***
1. Do they know what is expected to them at work? (Lack of role clarity)
2. Do they have material to do their roles clearly?
3. In last 30 day did they receive any recognition for their good work?
4. Does their supervisor care about them as a person?
5. Is there someone at work to encourage them to do their best?
6. At work, do their opinion valued?
7. Does the mission and purpose of the company make feel that their work is
8. Are their coworkers committed to do their quality work?
9. Do they have a best friend in work? (Team bonding)
10. In last 6 month do their supervisor ask about their progress?
11. Do they have the opportunity at work to learn and grow?

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