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096 Bayanan, City of Bacoor, Cavite

Investigating the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Academic Performance

Among Senior High School Students at Saint Francis of Assisi College - Bacoor

A Qualitative Research Proposal

Presented to the Basic Education Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Introduction to Research


Rialyn Felice M. Sace

Vince King A. Macabuhay
Myckaela G. Cando
Dana Isabella Celendro
James Tayao Necosia

<Expected Date of Finish>

TABLE OF CONTENTS <Qualitative Research>

Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

CHAPTER 1 – The Problem and Literature Review

Background of the Study (include Significance of the Study)

Literature Review <thematic approach>

Theoretical and/or Conceptual Framework

Research Problems

Limitations of the Study

Definition of Terms <operational definition>

CHAPTER 2 – Procedures

Qualitative Design and Methodology

Research Site

Selection Criteria and Participants

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Role of Researcher

Methods of Validation

Potential Ethical Issues




1 Frequency Distribution of Population by Campus 24


1 A Two-Dimensional Model of the Styles of Handling Conflict 16

2 The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management Styles 17

3 The Research Paradigm 19

The Problem and Literature Review
1.1 Background of the Study
Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes rapidly with fast increment of computer and
communication technology, and the new technology improvements bring a new
educational age. Artificial intelligence is developing at an incredible pace and brings
many natural benefits to the economy, society and individuals. It focuses primarily on the
transmission of anthropomorphic intelligence and assisting humans in many ways.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT are changing the
approach to education by turning large amounts of data into a useful resource for
students. In modern times, Artificial Intelligence has gained attention as a key to growth
in developed countries such as Europe and the United States, as well as developing
countries such as China.The attention has been focused mainly on developing new
artificial intelligence information communication technology (ICT) and robot technology
(RT). Although, AI has been closely related to automated reasoning and mimicking
human intelligence from its inception (Angelov & Gu, 2018), And it has the potential to
revolutionize industries, public services, and society, achieving or even surpassing human
levels of performance in terms of accuracy for a range of problems, such as image and
speech recognition (Mnih et al., 2015) and language translation (Young et al., 2018).
Artificial intelligence and robotics with deep learning capabilities are already solving
cognitive problems commonly associated with human intelligence. However, AI is also
rapidly opening up a new frontier in the fields of business, corporate practices, and
governmental policy. The intelligence of machines and robotics with deep learning
capabilities is already solving cognitive problems commonly associated with human
intelligence. Artificial Intelligence differs from those naturally intelligent with special
properties ordinarily by non-arti-crafts. AI is the study of Science and Engineering that
manufactured the use of machines and computer programs.

Chatbots or virtual assistants are designed to understand the needs of their users, through
artificial intelligence (AI) methods, and reply back to them in natural language. The aim
is to use artificial intelligence (AI) methods to understand the needs of its users and
respond to them in natural language. It can also help higher education institutions
improve their current services, reduce personnel costs and develop innovative services
(Hien et al., 2018). Perez et al.(2020). In the field of education, there has been a
significant Increase in the prevalence of chatbots, whose main goal is to expand the
knowledge of each student, usually on a specific topic. Chatbots are also used as virtual
assistants or agents to enhance learning and teaching to increase the use of chatbots that
is attributable to current advances in Natural Language Processing (Adamopoulou &
Moussiades, 2020). Therefore, some recommend involving students and instructors with
such tools to facilitate teaching and learning, rather than prohibition. Educational
chatbots, however, face various limitations and challenges. These include difficulties in
dealing with misspellings, understanding colloquial language, processing student inputs,
and mimicking natural conversation flow, resulting in a transactional experience devoid
of human emotion. However, multiple key challenges including copyright issues, bias,
fairness, excessive reliance on ChatGPT by students and teachers, lack of expertise in
integrating this technology in teaching, the difficulty of distinguishing model-generated
from student-generated answers, cost of training and maintenance, data privacy and
security, and sustainable usage.

1.1.1 Significance of the study

The result of this study will benefit students of Saint Francis of Assisi College in
various ways.This study will help the students to analyze and adapt their learning styles,
and improve the students performance when it comes to studying. It also benefits the
students in the way of making the tasks easy for them to answer by having an instant
feedback that can match tehir learning capabilities. In addition to this, AI assists students
by finding relevant research and generating citations. Overall, it has the potential to
revolutionize education by making it more accessible and improving learning outcomes

1.2 Literature Review

The studies that are relevant to the topics covered are provided in this part. Literature
Review’s purpose is to give background information about the variables in the research
study of Investigating the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Academic Performance
Among Senior High Schools at Saint Francis of Assisi College- Bacoor.

1.2.1 Background Information about the K-12 Program

10 years ago, the K-12 program was implemented in the Philippines by former
president Benigno Aquino III. The K-12 curriculum was also introduced when RA 10533
became a law also known as the “Enhanced Basic Education of 2013”. The K-12
curriculum includes Kindergarten, 6 years of Elementary, 4 years of Junior High School,
and 2 years of Senior High School. (Berto, 2019) The reason why K-12 was implemented
in the Philippines is to enhance and develop the quality of the Education system in this
country. The K-12 curriculum aims to provide enough time for learners to fully evolve
their knowledge and abilities to a superior level. (Sunstar, 2015) Moreover, the
Philippines was one of the three nations in the world and the only one in Asia that only
had 10 years of basic education when the K–12 curriculum guide was implemented.
(Montemayor., M. 2018) In the new curriculum, in order to get into college we need to
finish 2 years of Senior High School. It refers to the new Grade 11 and Grade 12, the 2
ϐinal stages of the K-12’s new curriculum. Learners in this stage will be studying the
subjects that will lead them to their preferred career path. (Formoso., C. 2016) Also in
Senior High School, you will be choosing your preferred strand or the academic track
that is applicable to your dream career. Understanding the variables that might affect the
learners’ dream career path options might be beneficial in creating plans that might help
them in making decisions. Here are some of the academic tracks that you will be
choosing: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), HUMSS
(Humanities and Social Sciences), ABM strand (Accounting, Business, and
Management), GAS (General Academic Strand), and TVL (Technical-Vocational
Livelihood). (Nazareno., A. et al. 2021)

1.2.2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

In the year 1950, a book was released by Alan Turing called “Computing Machinery
and Intelligence” that provided many critical responses. Alan Turing proposed the
concept of The Imitation Game in his essay, promoting the fact that machines can think
like humans. The well-known Turing Test has become an extensive factor in the idea of
Artificial Intelligence, which aims on the capabilities of computer machines that can
interpret like a human. (High Tech Trends, 2023) For a very long time, humans have
explored the concept that inanimate things could suddenly develop into human-like
beings. Ancient Greeks created tales related to robots, and about Chinese and Egyptian
engineers inventing automation systems. The first initiatives by scientists to characterize
the way humans think as a symbolic system, this is where modern AI (Artificial
Intelligence) got its origin. The concept of AI wasn’t founded then until the year 1956
when a conference was held at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, this is
where the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” was invented. (Lewis., T. 2014) Artificial
Intelligence refers to a computer machine that can mimic a human’s intelligence and do
the things that a human can only do. It involves developing programs that can
successfully execute their tasks and make decisions like most humans can do but are
more accurate, quick, and precise. It is said that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to
surpass humans in terms of being dominant in every aspect. (Coursera, 2023).

1.2.3 Examples of Artificial Intelligence

In 1966, one of the earliest AI programs was the ELIZA program; it was invented by
Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT. This well-known program was named ELIZA after the
musical “My Fair Lady” figure is an important advancement in the world of Artificial
Intelligence. It simulates a conversation between a human and a computer and the AI’s
response was influenced by the human’s reply. It is an electric typewriter used for the
communication between the program and its user. (Regan., M. 2018) A virtual voice
assistant known as Siri was created by The Apple Inc. and it debuted in 2011 together
with the iPhone 4s. Siri is widely known for its capability to perform routine tasks that
humans can do without us performing them physically. That includes sending messages
on its own, making calls, setting announcements, and seeking information on the internet.
In 2003, the Siri project was established by the Center for Computation and Natural
Language (CLN) at Sanford University as an analytical endeavor. The objective of the
endeavor was to establish a virtual personal assistant by the use of system learning along
with speech recognition capabilities. Dag Kittlaus, the person who led the research group
at Stanford University. He was also a co-founder of Tellme Networks and he was a
former Motorola employee. (Sanchez., V. 2023) On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT was
launched. It is a chatbot and it was initially developed utilizing a group of large language
models (LLMs) that was referred to as GPT-3. ChatGPT was invented with a single goal
which is to anticipate the upcoming word in a phrase by analyzing the patterns seen on
the gigabytes of the written data. Once you demand ChatGPT a task or problem, the AI
model processes it, and the program responds by referring to the task that you asked for.
(Wilson., M. 2023)
1.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
Numerous business sectors have reaped advantages from modern AI advancements.
Operations are more enhanced, practical programs are more broadly accessible and
calculations are far more precise than before. Here are some of the Advantages of having
Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives: Enhanced Performance, Greater Processes on
Productivity, Reduced Probability of Humans having mistakes, It can investigate more
Information, It can make better decisions than us humans, and it has no limitations
(Always Available). (Callahan., G. 2020) The most effective course of action for your
business may not be to implement modern AI straight away. It is important to cautiously
consider any possible negative consequences of taking a major step. Utilizing modern AI
has tons of advantages, but there are also disadvantages such as: High expenses, Users
are not having enough creativity, There can be breakdown, Errors along with training, It
eliminates employees, and Concerns about ethics. (Gülen., K. 2022)

1.2.5 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Modern AI in the education system has been used in many concepts such as
computation, the field of physics science, conducting its own essays, and literacy because
of the enhancement in the domain of education. The largest numbers of modern AI used
in the academic sector includes visualizing information, cognitive teaching, spoken
language interpreting and self-processing softwares. Throughout the years, the usage of
AI in the field of education has generated successful productive learning and engaging
experiences for learners in higher education. (Neha., K. 2020)
The use of Modern AI in the sector of education can develop the way of teaching and
learning approaches. Supporting the field of education and expanding as well as the
beneϐits of learners and teachers. (Smith., A. 2023)

1.2.6 Conclusion
Due to the following related literature that tackles the Background information about
the K12 program, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Examples of Artificial
Intelligence, Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence and The Role of
Artificial Intelligence in Education. The researchers came up with a study that will focus
on the Influence of artificial intelligence on academic performance among senior high
school students at Saint Francis of Assisi College- Bacoor to further discuss the impact of
Artificial Intelligence in today’s age.

1.3 Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by the theory of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) (Marikyan, D. & Papagiannidis, S. 2023) which demonstrates the
effect of technology on the behavior of the user. The founders of this theory are from
Business School, University of Bristol, UK. The aforementioned theory tackles that the
use of technology has a significant effect on users specifically on their four key
constructs which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and
facilitating conditions. The UTAUT solely focuses on the impact of accepting the
technology which is aligned with the main point of this study since artificial intelligence
has been part of technology as time goes by, it means that the researchers can correlate
the artificial intelligence to the technology. Furthermore, the theory and the research
study aim to investigate the impact of technology on the user.

Figure 1.3.1
Figure 1.3.2 Conceptual Framework

1.4 Research Problems

Students become less proficient because it is most likely they depend too much on
using Artificial Intelligence to do their tasks and calculations. It also reduced the students'
creativity as they depend too much on AI as they rely on templates and algorithms to
generate content. And lastly, they depend too much on AI tools that can lead to
dependency on technologies which they can learn manually, potentially blocking their
development of critical skills.
The study specifically seeks to find answers of the following questions:
1. How has Saint Francis of Assisi College - Bacoor's senior high school student
population been affected by the incorporation of artificial intelligence techniques and
2. What do senior high school students believe about the application of artificial
intelligence in the classroom, and how do these beliefs impact their academic
3. Are there any differences in academic achievement between senior high school pupils
at Saint Francis of Assisi College - Bacoor who use artificial intelligence-based
instructional tools and those who do not?
4. How often do teachers at Saint Francis of Assisi College – Bacoor's senior high school
use AI-based teaching techniques in their classes, and how does this affect the students'
academic performance?

1.5 Limitation of the Study

This study is focused on examining how senior high school students at Saint Francis
of Assisi College's Bacoor Campus performed academically during the school year 2023–
2024. Twenty Grade 11 students from Saint Francis of Assisi College, Bacoor Campus,
SY 2023–2024 would be the sample size for the data collection. In this study, the effects
of AI technology on students' academic performance at Saint Francis of Assisi College
are thoroughly examined. The same questionnaire must be completed by each
respondent. The results of the study will only be relevant to those who participated in the
study; they will not be utilized to assess how artificial intelligence is affecting the
academic achievement of students who did not participate in the study's sample. The
researchers' questionnaire will serve as the main informational tool.

1.6 Definition of Terms

• Academic Performance- it is a students ability to successfully learn some lessons,
academic performance. It can be measured through grades, performances, exams scores
and quizzes scores. • Artificial Intelligence- used in many applications, imitation of
human intelligence by a machine.
• Influence- have the ability to change someone's thoughts, feelings and especially the
behavior, this can be positive or negative.
• Investigating- a process of gathering, analyzing information to solve a problem
• Students- a person who is learning something in school and a person who goes to
school to learn and to grow.

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