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Definition: A bargain is a good deal or an agreement in which both parties benefit and get
something they want at a lower cost.
Sample Sentence: I got a great bargain on my new toy car. I only had to pay half the price!

2. Orphan:
Definition: An orphan is a child who has lost their parents and doesn't have a family to take
care of them.
Sample Sentence: The kind lady at the orphanage takes care of all the orphaned children
and gives them love and support.

3. Oxen:
Definition: Oxen are large, strong animals that are used for pulling heavy loads or working
on farms.
Sample Sentence: The farmer used a team of oxen to plow the field and prepare it for
planting crops.

4. Latitude:
Definition: Latitude is a measure of distance north or south of the equator on the Earth's
Sample Sentence: We live in a place with a high latitude, which means it gets very cold in
the winter.

5. Longitude:
Definition: Longitude is a measure of distance east or west of the Prime Meridian on the
Earth's surface.
Sample Sentence: The GPS system uses longitude and latitude to help us find our way to
different places.

6. Absolute:
Definition: Absolute means complete and not limited by anything else.
Sample Sentence: The teacher's instructions were absolute, and we had to follow them

7. Equator:
Definition: The equator is an imaginary line that runs around the middle of the Earth,
dividing it into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
Sample Sentence: The equator is known for its warm climate because it receives direct
sunlight throughout the year.

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