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Explanation on Comprehension Curriculum and why?

The Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum (LAMC) addresses these needs. This is the rationale
why Mother Tongue, Filipino and English follow a unified framework which allows easy transition from
acquiring and learning one language to another.

The curriculum has five (5) components. Each component is essential to the learners’ ability to
communicate effectively in a language leading them to achieve communicative competence and
multiliteracies in the Mother Tongue, Filipino and English.

1 Illustrates learning processes that will effect acquisition and learning of the language. It explains the
HOW of language learning and therefore serves as guiding principles for language teaching.

2 Describes knowledge and skill areas which are essential to effective language use (understanding of
cultures, understanding language, processes, and strategies) which will be developed through language
arts (macro-skills). Component

3 Shows the interdependence and interrelationships of the macro-skills of the language (listening,
speaking and viewing; reading, viewing and responding; writing and representing) and the development
of thinking skills (critical thinking, creative thinking and metacognition) allowing students to make
meaning through language. Component

4. Explains the holistic assessment of the Language Arts and Literacy Curriculum which serves as
feedback of its effectiveness to students, teachers, school administrators, and curriculum developers.

What is a comprehensive curriculum?

Comprehensive curriculum is a written plan that guides the design of children's goals for learning and
development, the experiences children will have to achieve those goals and the way in which adults,
both staff and families, will support children's learning to achieve school success.

Each subject should reflect the desired knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values students should develop
over the course of the year. The curriculum should be integrated.
What about the content?
 Up-to-date.
 Relevant to the students' lives.
 Balanced.
 Integrated.
 Consistent with national/international standards and norms
What are the 4 types of Curriculum?

Different Types of Curriculum

 Child-Centered Curriculum. It is also called learner-centered curriculum. ...
 Teacher-Centered Curriculum. ...
 Core Curriculum. ...
 Covert or Hidden Curriculum. ...
 Integrated Curriculum. ...
 Subject-Centered Curriculum. ...
 Broad Field or Holistic Curriculum. ...
 Activity Centered Curriculum.


Prepared by:

Soriano, Celebrity E.

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