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- *Definition*: A word that means the same or almost the same as another word.
- *Sample Sentence*: "Happy" is a synonym for "joyful."

2. **Antonym**:
- *Definition*: A word that means the opposite of another word.
- *Sample Sentence*: "Hot" is the antonym of "cold."

3. **Juvenile**:
- *Definition*: Refers to something that is young or not fully grown, like a young person or
- *Sample Sentence*: "The juvenile cat played with a ball of yarn."

4. **Reptile**:
- *Definition*: A type of animal that is cold-blooded, has scales, and often lays eggs, like
snakes or turtles.
- *Sample Sentence*: "The lizard is a reptile that basks in the sun to stay warm."

5. **Toward**:
- *Definition*: In the direction of; going in the direction of something.
- *Sample Sentence*: "We walked toward the park to play on the swings."

6. **Fragile**:
- *Definition*: Easily broken or delicate, meaning it can be damaged easily.
- *Sample Sentence*: "Be careful with the glass vase; it's very fragile."

7. **Hostile**:
- *Definition*: Showing unfriendly or aggressive behavior.
- *Sample Sentence*: "The two rival soccer teams had a hostile match."

8. **Mobile**:
- *Definition*: Able to move easily or something that can be moved easily.
- *Sample Sentence*: "My phone is a mobile device that I can carry with me everywhere."

9. **Tonsil**:
- *Definition*: One of two small masses of tissue in the back of your throat that can
sometimes get infected.
- *Sample Sentence*: "When my throat hurt, the doctor checked my tonsils to see if they
were swollen."

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