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Impact of Technology Integration in Vocational Education: A Case

Study of M.A. TLE Programs

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in

Research Writing


Soriano, Celebrity E.
Aug 2023

Background of the Study

The rationale for this research lies in the increasing role of technology in vocational

education and the need to understand its impact comprehensively within the context of

M.A. TLE programs. Several factors contribute to the importance of addressing this


 Educational Relevance: Technology is evolving rapidly, affecting the nature of

work across various industries. It is crucial to evaluate whether M.A. TLE

programs equipped with technological integration adequately prepare students

for the demands of the contemporary job market.

 Resource Allocation: Educational institutions invest significant resources in

technology infrastructure and training. This research will help institutions make

informed decisions regarding resource allocation for technology in vocational


 Student Outcomes: Understanding the impact of technology integration on

student outcomes, such as skill development and employability, is essential for

assessing the effectiveness of M.A. TLE programs and ensuring that graduates

are competitive in the workforce.

 Equity and Inclusivity: With the digital divide being a concern, it is vital to explore

whether technology integration promotes or hinders equity and inclusivity in

education, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

Hence, by addressing these problems and subproblems, this research seeks to

contribute valuable insights into the integration of technology in vocational education,

particularly within the context of M.A. TLE programs, which can inform policy, practice,

and curriculum development in this field.

Statement of the Problem

The transition of Alternative Learning System (ALS) completers into formal education is
accompanied by numerous challenges that impede their successful integration into the system.
The following problem statement highlights the specific challenges faced by ALS completers in
formal education:

1. What are the challenges faced by the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Completers in
the Formal Education, in terms of:
1.1 Educational Gap
1.2 Academic Rigor
1.3 Age and Peer Differences
1.4 Learning Style Adaption
1.5 Financial Constraints
1.6 Emotional and Psychological Factors

2. How do these challenges hinder their successful integration into the system?

3. What are the academic preparedness and bridging the gap in challenges faced by the
Alternative Learning System (ALS) Completers In The Formal Education?

There is no significant alteration in the Challenges faced by the Alternative Learning
System (ALS) completers in the formal education among respondents when profile is

Significant of the Study

This study will generate data that will expose the Challenges faced by the Alternative
Learning System (ALS) completers in the formal education which will help the various
government agencies responsible for education to be informed about the areas that require
attention and develop strategies to support students' academic success. Challenges in formal
education encompass a range of factors that can impact students' learning experiences.

Scope and Delimination of the Study

This study aimed to determine the Challenges faced by the Alternative Learning System
(ALS) completers in the formal education. The respondents were the Alternative Learning
System (ALS) completers.

Definition of Terms

To encourage better comprehension of the terms used in the study, the following terms
were interpreted operationally.

Alternative Learning System (ALS): A program in the education system that provides non-
formal education opportunities for individuals who were not able to complete formal schooling,
particularly for out-of-school youth and adults.

ALS Completers: Individuals who have successfully completed the Alternative Learning
System program and have received certification or diplomas acknowledging their educational

Formal Education: The structured and institutionalized system of education that follows
specific curriculum frameworks, standardized assessments, and is typically provided in schools
or educational institutions recognized by the government.

Challenges: Difficulties, obstacles, or problems that ALS completers encounter during their
transition or integration into the formal education system. These challenges may vary and can
include academic, social, psychological, or systemic barriers.


Related Review Literature

A brief review of related literature on the challenges faced by Alternative Learning

System (ALS) completers in formal education:

A study by Santos (2018) found that ALS completers often face difficulties in adjusting
to the formal school curriculum and teaching methods. They may lack foundational knowledge
and skills in certain subjects, leading to academic gaps and struggles to keep up with their peers.
Research conducted by Rivera (2020) highlighted that ALS completers may encounter
challenges in adapting to the assessment systems used in formal education, such as standardized
exams. The differences in evaluation methods can create additional stress and hinder their
academic performance. In Gomez and Reyes (2019) revealed that ALS completers often
experience social integration issues when entering formal educational institutions. They may feel
marginalized or isolated due to their non-traditional educational background, which can affect
their sense of belonging and peer relationships. Research by Tan (2021) indicated that ALS
completers may struggle with building social connections and adjusting to the social dynamics of
a formal school environment. They may face difficulties in forming friendships and participating
in extracurricular activities.

An investigation by Cruz (2019) highlighted that financial constraints significantly

impact ALS completers' transition to formal education. Many ALS completers come from
economically disadvantaged backgrounds, making it challenging for them to afford the costs
associated with tuition fees, textbooks, transportation, and other educational expenses in formal
education. It also emphasized that ALS completers often have limited access to financial aid or
scholarships specifically targeted towards students from non-traditional educational
backgrounds, exacerbating their financial challenges. A study by Garcia and Santos (2020). It
also Indicate that ALS completers may experience emotional stress and low self-esteem when
compared to their peers in formal education. They may have feelings of inadequacy or fear of
failure due to their non-traditional educational path, which can affect their overall well-being and
academic performance. - Research by Reyes (2019). A study by Torres (2021) highlighted that
ALS completers may face anxiety and self-doubt related to the academic demands and
expectations of formal education. The transition to a structured and rigorous learning
environment can be overwhelming for them.

This studies developed by sociologist William Bridges, focuses on the process of

transitioning from one phase or state to another. In the context of ALS completers entering
formal education, this framework can be used to understand the challenges they face during this
transition. ALS completers may encounter difficulties in adapting to the formal education system
due to differences in teaching methods, curriculum, and learning environment. By applying
transition theory, researchers can examine the various challenges ALS completers experience as
they navigate this educational transition and identify strategies to support their successful
integration into formal education.

In Social Cognitive theory, proposed by psychologist Albert Bandura, emphasizes the

reciprocal interaction between individual factors, behavior, and the environment. Applying this
theory to the challenges faced by ALS completers in formal education, researchers can explore
how personal beliefs, self-efficacy, and social support networks influence their success in the
new learning environment. For example, self-efficacy beliefs, or an individual's belief in their
ability to succeed, may play a crucial role in overcoming challenges. By investigating the role of
personal factors, behavior, and the social environment, educational stakeholders can devise
interventions to enhance ALS completers' resilience and self-efficacy, ultimately improving their
educational outcomes.

In Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), developed by Lev Vygotsky, examines

the relationship between individuals, their social context, and the tools they use to mediate their
activities. Applying CHAT to the challenges faced by ALS completers in formal education can
help analyze the social and cultural factors that influence their educational experiences. This
framework considers the roles of teachers, peers, and educational institutions in shaping learning
processes and outcomes. By examining the interactions between ALS completers, teachers, and
the overall educational system, researchers can identify how cultural and social factors impact
the challenges experienced by ALS completers and propose strategies to address them.

These theoretical frameworks provide lenses through which researchers and educators
can explore the challenges faced by ALS completers in formal education. By employing these
theories, one can gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics and factors involved and
develop targeted interventions to support ALS completers' successful integration into formal
educational settings. It's important to note that the challenges faced by ALS completers in formal
education can vary depending on specific contexts and individual circumstances. However, the
above literature review provides an overview of common topics and issues identified in previous

Conceptual Framework

Following discuss about the relationship between independent variables and dependent
variables regarding the challenges faced by the Alternative Learning System (ALS) completers
in formal Education.


Completion of Alternative Challenges Faced by ALS Completers

Learning System (ALS) in formal education


Research Design

This research should concern the Challenges faced by the Alternative Learning System
(ALS) completers in the formal education. Hence, it should use the qualitative method of
research to investigate deeply and find in-depth data with information from the challenges.

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