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Definition: The outermost layer or topmost part of something.
Sample sentence: "The table has a smooth surface that I can draw on with my crayons."

2. Stretcher:
Definition: A framework of bars, beams, or straps used to carry a person who is ill, injured,
or unconscious.
Sample sentence: "The paramedics placed the injured hiker on a stretcher to carry him
down the mountain."

3. Preacher:
Definition: A person who delivers religious speeches or sermons as part of their occupation.
Sample sentence: "We went to the church on Sunday to listen to the preacher's sermon."

4. Closure:
Definition: The act of closing or the state of being closed; bringing something to an end.
Sample sentence: "The teacher announced the closure of the school for the summer

5. Dwelling:
Definition: A place where someone lives; a residence or house.
Sample sentence: "The birds built their nests on the trees near our dwelling."

6. Lodge:
Definition: A small house or cabin, typically located in a rural or wilderness area.
Sample sentence: "During our camping trip, we stayed in a cozy lodge in the woods."

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