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Cebu City Chapter

S  Active SK Officials who are also  Expansion of project areas O
CRAs  Partners and linkages to other
 Values-driven NGOs (child supporting
 Innovative organization) and LGUs
 Technology Savvy  Seminars and trainings for CRAs
 Adaptable and flexible offered by CSOs
 Verbally efficient / articulate
W  Prior responsibilities  Loss fundings T
 Poor commitment  Division in political colors
 Disunion due to political  Lack of public representation in
affiliations (as a number of CRA social media platforms
are SK officials)
 no funds for CRA

Strategy formulation

Description Ways to…

S 1. Active SK Officials who are also To constantly partner and tap SK … preserve or enhance
CRAs Officials regarding CRAs’ advocacies and each strength
projects for the children and youth
sector. And to work collaboratively.
2. Adaptable and flexible To remain open and grounded of what
the CRAs mission, vision and core values.
3. Values-driven To live by the CRAs mission, vision, and
core values.
W 1. Prior responsibilities To set or block dates of responsibilities … minimize or
as CRAs in advance. And to have overcome each
calendar of activities. weakness
2. Poor commitment To have constant updates and have
them the CRAs participation as
facilitators and participants. To also
highlight and build the clarity of roles
and responsibilities as guided by the
mission, vision, and core values as CRA.
3. Disunion To be always reminded of being a CRA
and to encourage them to join causes in
their own ways such as campaigning and
promoting in social media platforms that
is guided by the mission, vision, and core
values of CRAs.
O 1. Expansion of areas To learn on the new opportunities given … take advantage of
to the old areas of CRAs. And build a each opportunity
rapport to the new areas of CRAs.
2. Partners and linkages to other To provide technical support, trainings,
NGOs (child supporting and seminars.
organization) and LGUs
3. Seminars and trainings for CRAs To learn and apply the takeaways and
outputs made in each seminars and
T 1. Loss fundings To constantly partner and tap SK … overcome each
Officials and LGUs regarding CRAs’ threat or challenge
advocacies and projects for the children
and youth sector.
2. Division in political colors To remind each CRA that being an
advocate should not be affected with
any political color. And to be always
guided by the mission, vision, and core
values of CRAs.
3. Lack of public representation in To have more representation in social
social media platforms media with the causes that CRAs are
doing. Such as using of facebook frame,
hashtags, and sharing of public material
posted. Guided by the mission, vision,
and core values of CRAs.

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