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Question 1: How can you determine the period of a periodic

signal from its plot?

Answer 1: To determine the period of a periodic signal from its

plot, follow these steps:
- Identify a repeating pattern in the signal's plot.
- Measure the time (for continuous-time) or the number of
samples (for discrete-time) between consecutive repetitions of
the pattern.
- The measured value represents the period of the signal.


Question 2: Explain why it is important to understand the

periodicity of signals in various applications.

Answer 2: Understanding the periodicity of signals is crucial in

various applications for the following reasons:
- Communication Systems: It helps design efficient transmission
schemes and extract information from signals.
- Electrical Engineering: Identifying periodicity is essential for AC
circuit analysis and efficient power distribution.
- Control Systems: Periodic signals represent disturbances or
reference inputs, critical for control system design.
- Audio and Music: It aids in understanding musical notes, chords,
and timbre in audio analysis.
- Medical Signal Processing: Helps diagnose and monitor health
conditions by identifying periodic patterns.

Accurate characterization of periodicity improves signal

processing, filtering, and system design, enhancing the
performance of various systems.


Question 3: What is the fundamental frequency of a periodic


Answer 3: The fundamental frequency of a periodic signal is the

lowest frequency at which it repeats its pattern. It represents the
"base" frequency of the signal and determines its pitch or primary
harmonic content. In continuous-time signals like cos(ωt) or
discrete-time signals like cos(ωn), the fundamental frequency
corresponds to ω/(2π), where ω is the angular frequency.


Question 4: Are all the signals provided in Task 2 and Task 3

Answer 4:
- In Task 2, the continuous-time signals vary in periodicity:
- a(t) = cos(0t) is non-periodic as it's a constant.
- b(t), c(t), d(t), e(t), f(t), and g(t) are periodic with different
periods determined by their angular frequencies.
- In Task 3, the discrete-time signals are periodic:
- All the signals in Task 3 are periodic with various periods
determined by their angular frequencies.

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