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Speaking part 1

1. Have you visited a farm?
- Yes, I have visited farms many times in my life. Actually, my grandparents
live in a village and own farms there. Whenever I visit them during my
holidays, I go to the farm every day with my grandfather.
- Yes, my grandfather was a farmer, and he and my grandmother used to live
on a farmhouse in the middle of their farm in Gurdaspur, Punjab. My parents
would take me there during our summer vacation. They had a lot of wheat
and sugarcane fields and many mango and orange trees. I still remember
the taste of fresh warm jaggery made from sugarcane juice and plucking
fresh fruits from the trees
- Well, I belong to a farmer family. I live in a village, and I visit farms every
day. I visit there because I love greenery and I like to help my father with his
- Well, I live in a city, so I get less chance to visit a farm, but I never miss it
whenever I get the opportunity
- There are a lot of vegetables, fruit and flowers plants. My father collects
fresh vegetables from there
- Yes, several times but the ones that I really enjoyed visiting the most are
orchards and vineyards in Himachal Pradesh. I vividly remember there were
lots of oranges, apples and grapes and the place smelt really refreshing
- Yes. I have. Last summer when I traveled to Dalat on vacation, I had the cha
nce to visit a hanging strawberry garden there. I was truly impressed by the
garden as the growers adopted a technological,
hanging hydroponics method in the greenhouse to grow strawberries instead
of planting them in the ground to avoid rats, limit pests, and diseases for the

2. Do you think farming is important?

- Yes, farming is indeed very important as it plays a significant part in the
economy of every nation. It is an important source of livelihood and acts as a
backbone for the nation’s growth. It ensures the production and supply of
food items throughout the world
- Yes, I think farming is very important. Farms are an integral part of the food
industry, and farms are the source of the world’s food supply. Fresh
vegetables, fruits, dairy, grains, eggs etcetera all come from farms. Farming
also improves a country’s economy and creates so many jobs
- Yes, Farming plays an important role in our existence. Without it, there won’t
be any food production as a result, we all die. We consume foods every
single day that are a product of farming like rice, fruits and many more. It’s
impossible to survive without the industry of farming
- I believe agriculture is necessary, as air is vital to breathe because food
gives our body energy and comes through agriculture. Agriculture plays a
critical role in the entire life of the Indian economy, or can say it is the
backbone of the economic system. It not only provides food but gives
employment opportunities also
- Yes, it is. The most obvious reason is that we need food to eat. You would
starve without them. All your food comes from a farm. All your clothes also
come from a cotton farm, or a sheep farm
for wool. So without farming you would
starve, be naked and probably without shelter as all wood comes from
lumber that is farmed and none of the workers would have food to build your
home either.
3. Did you do farm work when you were young?
- No, though I have been to the farm many times I haven’t worked there as it
requires strength and knowledge to work there. I usually go there and
observe the elders working there
- Yes, I used to help my grandfather on his farm. I would help him and other
farmhands with harvesting wheat crops. I also used to help with making
jaggery and taking care of dogs and chickens in his barn
- As I said earlier, I love nature, so I did farm work when I was young. In my
childhood, and when I get free time, I do farm work such as watered the
vegetables and fruit plants. I also help my parents’ milking cows
- No, As I grew up in the city, I did not get chance to do some farm work. All of
my childhood days were spent playing in the park with friends and I just think
it’s really hard to do some farm work for a child

4. What kind of farm do you like?

- I like farms that put effort and care into their products. Ethical farms where
farm animals are treated humanely, given good diets, and not given
antibiotics. Farms that grow non-GMO crops and don’t use excessive
- Well, I like all kinds of farms as I love nature, so I like the fresh fragrance of
the soil and plants in the morning
- Well, I like all kinds of farms such as crop farms, dairy farms, etcetera except
for the poultry farm. Actually, I cannot bear its smell and the environment
there makes me nauseated.
- Without a doubt, it’s the orchard, like I said earlier, the smell is pleasing and
refreshing. I think it would make me the happiest person in the world. On the
other hand, I don’t like the poultry farm because I just can’t bear the smell of
To give (smth) a shot – to give it a try (sinab ko’rish)
Orchard – a farm where fruits like apples, oranges are grown (mevali bog’)
Poultry – a farm for raising domesticated birds (uyga o’rgatilgan qushlarni
boqadigan ferma)
Backbreaking – physically demanding (jismoniy harakat talab qiladigan)

A scarcity (tanqislik) = a lack or shortage of something

E.g. The worst problem I experienced in the countryside was
a real scarcity of sports events and music festivals.
Rural poverty (qishloqdagi qashshoqlik) = being extremely
poor in the countryside
E.g. Rural poverty is a long-term situation exacerbated by lack
of infrastructure and training.
An abundance (katta hajmdagi manba) = a very high level of
supply or availability of something
E.g. In the mountains, there’s an abundance of wild flowers and goats
Water bodies (suv manbalari) = inland areas of water (rivers, lakes,
reservoirs etc)
E.g. My country is very arid and has almost no water bodies.
Smallholders (kichik ferma egalari) = farmers managing very small farms,
usually with their families
E.g. I worked on a project training smallholders in South America in how to
lobby politicians for reform.
Animal husbandry (hayvon boqishga tarjiba) = the skill of keeping
E.g. My sister studied animal husbandry at college and enjoyed it

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