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In Focus

Research and Industry News from Arnerich Massena

A nalytics C orner I nside :

Analytics Corner
Understanding Leading and
Industry Update
Lagging Indicators
Legislative Update
by Bryan Shipley, CFA, CAIA, Co-CIO

It can be easy to conflate the stock market Stock analysts divide indicators into two Lagging indicators:
and the economy, and we’ve seen this main categories as they relate to stock
• GDP: Gross Domestic Product
happen particularly over the past few prices and/or the economy:
(GDP) growth, used as a measure of
years with the combination bull market
• Lagging indicators: A measurable economic health, is actually a lagging
and strong U.S. economy. People have
economic factor that changes only indicator of the economy, as the
begun to associate them together. But
after the economy has begun to measure is always slightly behind the
not only are they not the same thing, the
follow a particular pattern or trend reality. While GDP growth provides
relationship between them may not be
valuable information about the
as straightforward as many people think. • Leading indicators: Any economic economy, the measure doesn’t point
Understanding how economic indicators factor that changes before the rest to the future but to the past.
and stock prices are related can be of the economy begins to go in a
important when it comes to recognizing particular direction • Unemployment: Unemployment
market opportunities. Particularly as we is often used to indicate economic
come to what may be a turn in the market Recognizing the relation between different strength, but is also a lagging
cycle, understanding indicators and what indicators does not make it possible to indicator. Low unemployment is the
they show us can help us to be prepared. predict the future, but it does help us result of economic growth, not the
better understand the environment. precursor.
And it can prevent
misunder standing, • Wage growth: Similar to
which commonly unemployment, strong wage growth
occurs when investors follows economic growth.
mistake lagging
• Inflation: Inflation is another
indicators for leading
lagging indicator, demonstrating
indicators. So let’s
that demand has increased due to
clarify by identifying
economic growth, and prices are
some of the most
rising to reflect the growing demand.
common lagging
indicators, as well as
the leading indicators
market analysts use to
help forecast economic
shifts. Securing the Future Together
Leading indicators: • New business startups: New it isn’t always consistent. For this reason,
business startups can have a while stock prices are certainly considered
• Stock market: The stock market is
significant effect on the job market, to be a leading indicator of the economy,
not the strongest leading indicator of
and are a strong indicator of the they are not a reliable tool on their own for
economic strength, but it does tend
direction of the economy. forecasting.
to move in advance of the economy
and shows some correlation to GDP • Bond yields: Bond traders often And, while stock prices can tell us
growth. The key thing to understand anticipate trends in the economy, and something about the direction of the
is that a strong market generally bond yields tend to reflect investor economy, it doesn’t work the other
means that earnings estimates are expectations of future economic way around; economic growth does not
up and investors are expecting conditions, making bond yields a necessarily presage rising stock prices.
the economy to grow. Conversely, strong leading indicator.
decreasing market prices can indicate The Conference Board’s Leading Economic
economic weakness on the way. Because the media focuses so heavily on Index compiles ten of the most significant
stock prices as a leading indicator for the leading indicators into a single index;
• Manufacturing activity: An economy, how do they actually stack up they also combine the strongest lagging
increase in manufacturing activity when it comes to predicting economic indicators into the Conference Board
suggests growing consumer demand, growth? The chart below compares the Lagging Economic Index. The chart on
leading to economic growth. S&P 500 Index year-over-year changes the following page shows the Conference
versus GDP growth year-over-year Board’s Leading and Lagging Indexes (year
• Inventory levels: Inventory levels
changes. There’s some correlation, but
are an inverse leading indicator; high
inventory levels suggest slowing
consumer demand as supplies
exceed demand, suggesting a slowing
• Building permits: A high volume
of building permits suggests the
construction industry will be active,
strengthening job prospects and
economic growth. On the other
hand, fewer building permits means
slowing construction and lower
• Housing market: As with building
permits, an increase in real estate
prices implies increasing demand and
growth, whereas declining real estate
values suggest that consumers are
tightening their belts.
The Conference Board Leading
Economic Index for the U.S. in-
• Average weekly hours,
• Average weekly initial claims
for unemployment insurance
• ISM® Index of New Orders
• Manufacturers’ new orders,
nondefense capital goods
excluding aircraft orders
• Building permits, new private
housing units
• Stock prices, 500 common
• Leading Credit Index™
• Interest rate spread, 10-year
Treasury bonds less federal
over year growth) versus GDP growth – Recently, some indicators suggest the • Average consumer
see the boxes to the right for the specific economy may be in for a slowdown. For expectations for business
components of each index. You can see instance, the bond yield curve has flattened, conditions
that the indexes don’t perfectly predict and if it inverts, it could be an indication
or follow the economy, but that the that recession is on the way. But this is not
correlations are fairly strong. The Leading necessarily bad news for stocks. Earnings
Index tends to show movement about continue to be strong, and if valuations do The Conference Board
a quarter in advance of the economy, come down, it could be a good opportunity Lagging Economic Index for
whereas the Lagging Index is usually about to lean in to certain areas of the equity the U.S. includes:
three quarters behind. market. • Average duration of
What does this mean for investors? When it comes to stocks, our research • Inventories to sales ratio,
Understanding leading and lagging shows that since 1970, the S&P 500 has manufacturing, and trade
indicators can give us a flavor for the been up about 53% of the time on a daily • Labor cost per unit of output,
future. While we largely avoid market basis. On a monthly basis, the Index is up manufacturing
timing — our research shows that a long- 63% of the time, and that increases to 70% • Average prime rate
• Commercial and industrial loans
term, diversified approach is the most of the time quarterly. On an annual basis,
• Consumer installment credit to
successful strategy — we do examine the the S&P 500 has risen 80% of the time.This personal income ratio
environment and make tactical decisions supports our thesis that you don’t need to • Consumer price index for
at the margins to take advantage of time the market to be successful — you services
opportunities and to guard against risks. simply need to understand and participate
in the long-term trends.

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