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BIG IDEA Jesus Unites Us

Through Studying God's Word.

BIBLE PASSAGES 1 Corinthians 1:18 to 2:1-16

MEMORY VERSE 1 Corinthians 1:30 NLT

God has united you with Christ Jesus
8:15/11:15/2:15 45 mins PRE-EVENT



9:00/12:00/3:00 1 hour L.O.V.E. and S.O.W.



10:00/1:00/4:00 30 mins SQUAD TIME

10:30/1:30/4:30 -- WRAP-UP/FETCHING
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 Recognize that o Realize that Jesus unites o Apply practical steps to seek
true wisdom believers by guiding God's wisdom in their daily
comes from God them towards God's lives through prayer, reading
and His Word. wisdom and truth. the Bible, and seeking
guidance from godly counsel.

READ 1 Corinthians 1:18 to 2:1-16


1. Paul emphasizes the contrast

between worldly wisdom and God's
wisdom. Can you think of examples
of worldly wisdom that might lead
people away from God's wisdom
2. How does seeking God's wisdom
through prayer and reading the
Bible help us make better decisions
in our daily lives?
3. Why is humility essential to
approach God's Word?

4. What is one commitment or action

you can take this week to seek God's
wisdom and apply it in your
everyday life?

5. How can you encourage one another

to pursue God's wisdom actively?

6. What strategies can you implement

to remember and apply the wisdom
you gain from God's Word?


We continue building on what we have learned from the Book of 1st Corinthians. This
week, we will focus on SEEKING GOD AND HIS WISDOM and how we can live out the
lessons from 1 Corinthians and make an impact at home, in schools, and in our

The Corinthians were known for their love for knowledge and philosophy. They were
known for being seekers of wisdom and understanding, demonstrated well through
their orations, debates, and discourses. The Corinthians, including the followers of
Jesus, marveled at the eloquence and articulation of these impressive speakers. Just
like the Corinthians, people of today seek wisdom and answers elsewhere. We easily
believe those who can speak well. We are often mesmerized by the people who can
pronounce words well without critically examining the words they are saying. We are
bombarded with influencers here and there to give us the 'truth' about something or
someone. People believe the social media posts with the most likes and thumbs up
too quickly. When we buy something online, we tend to check the ones with 5-star
reviews first and read the comments on each product. In other cases, like the
Corinthians, we tend to disagree, argue, bicker, and brag about what we know
without realizing that our knowledge and intelligence come from God. Some people
brag about their knowledge and belittle others they think are not within their

This week, we find ways to live out and apply the lessons from 1 Corinthians in the
places God has put us. We will think of practical ways to gain godly wisdom and
make use of it to draw other people to God.
S: Surrender to Jesus
Surrendering is the first step in seeking God's wisdom, as it opens our hearts
to His transformative work. Surrendering to Jesus means acknowledging Him
as the Savior and Lord of our lives. Surrender to Jesus means giving Him
control of your life. Jesus calls us to follow Him, leave behind our old ways, and
submit to His guidance and lordship. Do you want to surrender your life to
Jesus? If yes, pray. Believe that Jesus' death and resurrection have saved you.
And allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to God's wisdom in everything you do.

E: Engage in Prayer
Engaging in prayer means having a conversation with God. You can share your
thoughts, feelings, and questions with Him. Prayer is having a special
conversation with God where you can ask for His help and guidance. What's
something important you'd like to talk to God about in your prayers? How can
you make time for these special conversations with God in your daily routine?

E: Embrace His Word

Embracing God's Word means reading the Bible and trying to understand it.
The Bible helps us learn about God's love and the good plan He wants for us in
our lives. What's your favorite story or lesson from the Bible? How can you
spend more time reading and learning from the Bible?

K: Keep Growing in Faith

Keeping your faith growing means believing in Jesus and doing what He
teaches us. It is trusting His love and wisdom. Faith helps us follow His
teachings even when things get tough. How does your faith in Jesus help you
when you have questions or face challenges in life? What are some things you
can do to make your faith in Jesus stronger? What practical things will you
begin to grow in seeking God and His Word?
o Recall the events in the Bible lesson using the QUICK REVIEW slides.
WISDOM. Ask each student one way they want to apply this week’s lesson.
Then, follow it up the following week.
o Examples:
 Daily Bible Reading Plan: Set up a daily or weekly Bible reading plan,
focusing on specific passages or books to understand God's wisdom
 Prayer Walks: Go on "prayer walks" in your neighborhood, praying for
wisdom for your family, friends, and community.
 Set Personal Goals: Set specific goals for seeking God's wisdom in
your life, like reading a new book of the Bible or praying for a particular
area of wisdom.
 Journaling Reflections: Start a journal where you write about your
experiences, questions, and reflections on seeking God's wisdom.
 Create Bible-based Art: Paint or draw Bible scenes that depict
wisdom's importance and hang them in your room.
 Serve Others: Regularly volunteer to serve in your church, community,
or school to put God's wisdom into action.
 Thanksgiving Jar: Create a "Wisdom Jar" where you write down
moments when you've sought and found God's wisdom. Read and
reflect on these notes together.
 Take Bible Notes: When you read the Bible or listen to sermons, take
notes to help you remember and apply God’s teachings.
 Family Devotions: Participate in family Bible studies or devotional
times with your family.
 Memorize Scripture: Choose Bible verses to memorize and
understand their meanings.
 Sing Worship Songs: Sing praise and worship songs to connect with
 Write a Prayer List: Create a list of things you want to pray for
regularly, including seeking wisdom, and use it in your prayer time.
 Write a Letter to God: Write letters to God expressing your thoughts,
questions, and desires to seek His wisdom
1 Corinthians 1:30 NLT
God has united you with Christ Jesus
Knowing that Christ is our wisdom reminds us how important it is to seek Him daily.
When we seek God, we not only find wisdom for making the right choices, but we also
receive His goodness, purity, and love.


God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge. When we seek Him, we gain
access to His great wisdom to make the right decisions, navigate life's
challenges, and know right from wrong. We get to know who He is, and we grow

o I will make it a habit to pray and ask God for wisdom in my daily choices and
o I will read the Bible and set aside time each day to read a portion of the Bible,
seeking God's wisdom in His Word.
o I will seek advice from my parents, teachers, or trusted adults to gain their
wisdom when I have questions or face tough decisions,
o I will learn from stories and lessons shared by my parents and teachers about
seeking God's wisdom.
o I'll apply lessons I’ve learned from the Bible at home, school, and my

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the wisdom and understanding you offer us through your
Word and your Son, Jesus Christ. We seek your guidance in our daily lives. May your Holy
Spirit guide us in our decisions and actions, and may we continually grow closer to you.
Grant us the humility to acknowledge that your wisdom is above our own. May Your wisdom
draw us together. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

1. Worldly wisdom might promote self-centeredness, materialism, or relativism, leading people
away from God's wisdom.
2. Seeking God's wisdom helps us align our decisions with His will, leading to choices that reflect
love, grace, and righteousness.
3. Humility allows us to acknowledge that we don't have all the answers and that God's wisdom
surpasses our understanding.
4. Setting a daily prayer and Bible reading routine, seeking counsel on a specific issue, or being
more intentional about practicing humility and forgiveness in relationships.
5. Regularly discuss our reflections from Bible reading and share insights we've gained, holding
each other accountable in seeking God's wisdom.
6. Create journal entries, sticky notes, or phone reminders with key verses or wisdom principles
to help us remember and apply them throughout the day.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House
Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol
Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

NXTGEN - CCF Children’s Ministry

Christ’s Commission Fellowship,
Ortigas East, Ortigas Avenue cor. C5 Road,
Pasig City, 1604 Metro Manila

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