Project Proposal On Learning Management System

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Project Proposal

Distributed Learning Management
Course Code : CSE 4200
Course Title : Thesis / Project

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Subir Saha
Name: Shuvo Kumer Ray
Roll: 180114 Assistant Professor
4th Year 2nd Semester Dept. of CSE, PUST
Dept. of CSE, PUST

Submission Date : 30/08/2023

Part- I: General Information

1.1 Sub-Sector (): Web application software, Framework:
1.2 Thematic area: Web-based management system
1.3 Title of proposed project: Distributed Learning Management System
1.4 Name and office address of the PI(Principal Investigator):
Subir Saha,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna 6600,Bangladesh
Email:, Mobile: +880-1717964747
1.5 Name and office address of the Co-PI(s): N/A
1.6 a. Nature of the Project:
(i) Fundamental √ (ii) Applied (iii) Empirical (iv) Adaptive
b. Mode of the Project
√ (i) Independent (ii) Collaborative
1.7 Name and Address of Collaborating Department(s) (if any): N/A
1.8 Location of Research Activities:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pabna
University of Science and Technology, Pabna
1.9 Duration of Project: 2 Months
Commencement: August, 2023
Completion: October, 2023
1.10 Total Budget: N/A
1.11 Has the project been submitted to any other agency for
financial support?: No
1.12 Has the PI been associated with any other project? : No
1.13 Endorsement by the Higher Authority

Signature with Seal : _____________________________ Date:

1.14 Endorsement by the Higher Authority

Signature with Seal : _____________________________ Date:

Signature of PI

Project Summary
The Distributed Learning Management System (DLMS) is a modern web-based
application aimed at revolutionizing the way educational content is delivered and
accessed. The system will leverage the power of ReactJs, NodeJs, MongoDB,
WebSocket, and WebRTC technologies to provide an interactive, real-time, and
collaborative learning environment for students and educators.
Real-time Collaboration: Implement WebSocket and WebRTC technologies to
enable real-time collaboration between students and educators. This will allow
seamless audio, video, and text communication, facilitating live lectures,
discussions, and Q&A sessions.
Course Management: Develop a user-friendly interface using ReactJs for
educators to create, manage, and organize courses. Students can easily browse
through available courses, enroll, and access course materials.
User Authentication and Authorization: Implement secure user authentication
using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and role-based authorization to ensure that only
authorized users (students, educators) can access specific functionalities.
Content Management: Integrate MongoDB to store course-related data such as
lectures, assignments, quizzes, and resources. Implement mechanisms to upload,
manage, and organize these materials efficiently.
Real-time Notifications: Utilize WebSocket to send real-time notifications to users
about new announcements, upcoming assignments, changes to course materials,
Interactive Assessments: Implement interactive quizzes and assignments that
leverage WebRTC for real-time interactions. Students can participate in live
quizzes, and educators can provide instant feedback.
Performance Tracking: Develop a dashboard for both students and educators to
track course progress. Educators can view student performance metrics, and
students can monitor their own progress.
Discussion Forums: Create discussion forums for each course where students and
educators can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share insights.
Responsive Design: Ensure the platform is responsive and accessible on various
devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Technology Stack
Frontend: ReactJs will be used to build the user interface, ensuring a dynamic and
responsive application.
Backend: NodeJs will serve as the backend framework, handling user
authentication, course management, and real-time communication.
Database: MongoDB will be used to store user data, course materials,
assignments, and other relevant information.
Real-time Communication: WebSocket will enable real-time notifications, chat,
and collaboration features.
Video Communication: WebRTC will facilitate real-time audio and video
communication between users.
Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) will be used for secure user
authentication and authorization.
Version Control: Git will be used for version control and collaborative
Project Plan
Requirements Gathering and Analysis (1 week): Define detailed requirements,
user stories, and use cases for the DLMS.
Frontend Development (2 weeks): Develop the user interface using ReactJs,
focusing on course browsing, enrollment, and dashboard.
Backend Development (3 weeks): Implement the backend using NodeJs,
integrating user authentication, course management, and real-time features using
WebSocket and WebRTC.
Database Integration (2 weeks): Set up MongoDB, design the database schema,
and implement data storage for courses, user profiles, and interactions.
Real-time Communication (3 weeks): Implement WebSocket for real-time
notifications and chat. Integrate WebRTC for live video and audio communication.
Testing and Quality Assurance (2 weeks): Conduct thorough testing of the
application, including functionality, performance, security, and compatibility
Deployment and Launch (1 week): Deploy the application on a server and make it
available for users.
Documentation and Training (1 week): Prepare user documentation and provide
training materials for both students and educators.
Post-Launch Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor the application,
address any issues, and implement updates or improvements based on user
The Distributed Learning Management System aims to create an innovative and
interactive educational platform using modern web technologies. By leveraging
the power of ReactJs, NodeJs, MongoDB, WebSocket, and WebRTC, this project
will provide a seamless learning experience that encourages collaboration,
engagement, and real-time communication among students and educators.

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