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3. What is the circumstance when resort to the preamble is necessary?

Preamble serves as internal aid, if there’s ambiguity in provision of statute "in case of any
ambiguity or uncertainty, the preamble can be used by the courts to interpret any provision of
that statute."

Under the Purisima v. People

The Court is of the opinion that in order that possession of bladed weapon or the like outside
residence may be prosecuted and tried under P.D. No. 9, the information must specifically allege
that the possession of bladed weapon charged was for the purpose of abetting, or in furtherance
of the conditions of rampant criminality, organized lawlessness, public disorder, etc. as are
contemplated and recited in Proclamation No. 1081, as justification therefor. Devoid of this
specific allegation, not necessarily in the same words, the information is not complete, as it does
not allege sufficient facts to constitute the offense contemplated in P.D. No. 9. The information in
these cases under consideration suffer from this defect.
When the statute is ambiguous, be resorted to clarify the ambiguity. In this connection it has been
held that a preamble is the key to the statute to open the minds of the lawmakers as to the
purpose to be achieved, to the mischief to be remedied and to the object to accomplished by the
provision of the statute. circumstance when to resort to preamble necessary.

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