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1) I believe I am careful with money because I always try not to spend all my money and always got
something saved.

2) When I run out of money I usually ask my parents for it.

3) Not always, but often. I do this to find out how much money I have.

4) I can ask my parents to buy it for me. Or try to collect money myself, buying less of other things.

5) If I had a lot of money, I would buy an apartment or a car for the future.

6) I try to spend money on things that are worth their price. But once I bought popcorn in the cinema,
which was not very tasty but expensive.

7) I think not, it's just that many parents buy everything for their children and then the children don't know
the value of money

8) Serhiy Prytula collected funds for our army and bought satellites.

9) JK Rowling is probably a very rich star. In my opinion, she deserved it, because she wrote a world-famous
bestseller that is known all over the world.

5. In my opinion money can help us buy happiness. Firstly, money can provide a happy life and education.
People who have enough money can waste time on favorite hobbies or can buy different things that make
them happier. With the help of money, we can buy food, medicine, technology, clothes, engage in various
hobbies and buy books, paints and many different things for this. Secondly, money can help other people if
you donate it to charity. Maybe it will save other lives. Or people can help their parents, siblings, and other
relatives. It also makes us happier. Thirdly, people can use the money to travel. It's a great way to see
interesting places and make happy memories.

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