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This text is about association which helps people to be healthy.

So at first we read about group of kids from

a historically underprivileged neighbourhood in the American mid-west. They made a music video with
track which called Grow Food. They urged grow and cook food with natural ingredients, don’t eat fake food
and don’t drink fizzy drinks. Their video had over half a million views. вювс

Next we read about life in North Minneapolis. There were many fast food outlets but wasn’t places where
you can sit down and eat nutritious meals. This was causing serious health problems: heart conditions, high
blood pressure, obesity. The community also suffered from high unemployment, which is a major cause of
crime. So people set up an association called Appetite for change.

Their main mission is to use food as a tool to build health, wealth and social change. For this they turns
urban land into cooperative farms, persuades people to swap junk food, eat meals made with raw
ingredients and organizes cooking workshops.

Of course to do this, they need money. So they get some support from government and generous
individuals and also run successful money-making projects.

And thanks to all this AFC has been a great success. It has improved people’s health, created jobs and
brought community together.

I think the best are number 2 and number 5 ideas. It is better to show children the negative effects of
unhealthy foods than to just tell them. Thanks to this they will understand better. And then at school they
will order delicious healthy and inexpensive food.

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