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Key Stage: Grade 7 to 10

Specific Level: Grade 8

Quarter: Fourth

Topic: Prevention, detection and treatment of diseases

of the digestive system
Sub Topic: Prevention of Digestive System Disorders

I. Summary
(Essential Message, 3-4 Alcohol can severely affect your digestive system if taken
sentences) in huge amounts. It can lead to various diseases such as
gastritis, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis and pancreatitis.
Alcohol intake may lead to problems in the gastrointestinal
tract that may lead to poor absorption of nutrients.

Intake of alcohol may adversely affect not only organs of

the digestive system but also organs of the nervous and
reproductive systems. Alcohol intake can lead to “beer
goggle” effect which makes one see others as being more
attractive than you normally would that will also incline
one to engage in risky sexual behaviors and eventually
face the consequences of having early pregnancies, and
getting infected with sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
including HIV.

Questions (At least 3 1. What diseases can alcohol bring to organs of the digestive
comprehension questions system?
about the article) 2. What is the effect of drinking alcohol to your nervous and
other organ systems?
3. How does alcohol impair one’s ability to make right
4. What are the risks in displaying risky sexual behavior when
one is intoxicated with alcohol?
5. How can one avoid making wrong decisions and displaying

risky sexual behavior brought by alcohol intake?

Article: (Cite source)

Alcohol and the Digestive, and
other Organ Systems

A healthy lifestyle is needed to ensure a healthy

state of one’s self including the digestive and other organ
systems. There are certain activities that one must do to
achieve a healthy gut like having regular exercise,
avoiding stress, eating on time with the right kind and
amount of food. Certain food and drinks must be taken in
recommended quantities while some have to be avoided.

Alcohol is a substance that if taken regularly in

great quantities can adversely affect the well-being of
one’s digestive and other organ systems. More than this,
taking alcohol regularly increases the risks of having
digestivesystem related diseaseslike fatty liver and
cirrhosis. It can potentially lead to increased sexual
tendencies that may result to unintended and unprotected
sexual intercourse, early pregnancies, and HIV/sexually
transmitted infections.

Digestive System

Excessive alcohol intake can cause a couple of
diseases in the digestive system. Alcohol has been linked
to the development of Barrett’s esophagus. This is
characterized by heartburn and damage to the mucosal
lining of the esophagus which later may progress into
esophageal cancer. Alcohol is also known to cause
inflammation of the stomach lining called as gastritis.
Bleeding and alteration of muscular contractions of the
small and large intestines are likely among those who take
in too much alcohol. The liver is vulnerable to alcohol.
Asitdetoxifies alcohol,it may overwork when one is into
heavy alcohol consumption. Through time of constant
exposure to alcohol, fat may accumulate in the liver which
will make it hard to function properly. Liver then can
into cirrhosis.
is a possible
of alcohol
drinking. In
this condition,
the pancreas
becomes disease.aspx

inflamed as the
digestive enzymes begin to attack and destroy the
pancreas itself. Excessive drinking leads to decreased
absorption of nutrients which eventually end up in nutrient
deficiencies (Keller 2018).

Nervous System

Alcohol intake can

severely affect the
normal function of the
Alcohol is metabolized in the body mainly
brain and nerves. by the liver. The brain, pancreas, and
Upon consumption, stomach also metabolize alcohol.

alcohol binds to GABA Picture credit:

receptors in the brain
which causes one to lose

inhibitions, talk more and become more confident. It
increases brain serotonin levels which makes one initially
feel “happy”. Too much alcohol in the brain eventually
ends up depressing the cerebral cortex, the wrinkled and
folded outermost layer of the brain that controls language
and thinking, clouding your judgment and thinking. When
alcohol reaches the brains’ limbic system, one gets
exaggerated emotions. One suddenly drops into tears,
become too emotional or too aggressive or combative.
The hippocampus section of the brain, responsible for
learning and memory is prevented by alcohol from
consolidating information as such recalling events that
happened when one is drunk. As alcohol reaches the
cerebellum, coordination and balance is disturbed causing
one to fall down. As such driving is risky when one is
drunk.(Keller 2018).

Constant exposure of the brain to alcohol for a long

period of time may cause certain changes in it that may
have serious implications. One may end up having
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) wherein one suffers
from various conditions such as mental confusions,
paralysis of the nerves that move the eyes (i.e.,
oculomotor disturbances), and difficulty with muscle
coordination(US Dept. of Health Sevices NIAAA 2004).

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Knowing the various effects of alcohol to nervous system

such as loss of inhibition, poor judgement and
coordination, one’schances of engaging into risky sexual
behaviorbecomes high when one takes alcohol.

In the study conducted, it was found that sexual behaviors

were associated with lifetime heavy drinking. Regardless
of gender, race, or age, "heavy drinkers" were significantly
more likely to report each of the high risk sexual
behaviors…compared to "non-heavy drinkers."
(Shilington, et al. 1995).

While drinking can lower one’s inhibitions and may
increase their sexual desire, excessive alcohol use has a
number of adverse impacts on sexual health. The“beer
goggle” effect that gives one an idea that being
intoxicated will make one look more attractive makes one
be more inclined to engage in risky sexual behaviors
which may lead to unintended pregnancies, acquiring
sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and
hepatitis(Keller 2018).

What one must do?

Seeing the various effects of alcohol intake to our

body, one must be careful when we drink as this may lead
to many consequences that one will regretlater in life. A
small amount of alcohol would be enough to socialize and
get the benefits from it. Life is God’s precious gift and
must be well taken care of. Avoid alcohol so as to avoid
early sex, early pregnancies and possible infections
brought by unprotected sex.

Keller,Amy. 2018. May 28. Accessed
October 8, 2018.
Shilington, A M, L B Cottler, W B 3rd Compton , and E L
Spitznagel. 1995. Is there a relationship between
"heavy drinking" and HIV high risk sexual behaviors
among general population subjects? Abstract,
Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA: National
Center for Biotechnology
US Dept. of Health Sevices NIAAA. 2004. National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
October.Accessed October 6, 2018.

Additional Resources:

Video Material
Teen Binge Drinking Takes Dark Turn

Reading Material
Unsafe Sex More Likely After Drinking, Study
by Remy Melina | December 13, 2011

Note to the teacher:

This reader intends to help you integrate CSE Standards

(Comprehensive Sexual Education) to our curriculum.
This material may be used best in the development of the
lesson. Prior to the use of this material, learners are
expected to know the parts and functions of the digestive
system, and the diseases associated with it. An emphasis
on alcohol is made as this substance is the focus of a
CSE standard being integrated to DepEd curriculum.

You may use the given additional resources. Feel free

to craft necessary process questions for the said video
and reading material.

Part II

A. Title Readings
(CSE Code and LC
Alcohol and the Digestive, and
other Organ Systems
LC Code: S8LT-IVb-14
Identify healthful practices that affect the digestive system.

CSE Code: K5D2

Examine how alcohol and other substances, family, peers,
media, society and culture influence decisions about
engaging in sexual behaviors.

B. Processing
Questions (For 1. What are the effects of alcohol to the digestive system?
Teachers’ Use, at least 3 2. What diseases one may get from drinking too much
questions) alcohol? How can these be prevented?
3. How does alcohol affect the brain and one’s ability to
make sound decisions?
4. What are the sexual related risks when one drinks
5. How does alcohol intake lead to aggressive sexual
6. How can one prevent unintended sexual encounters
influenced by alcohol?
7. What are the possible implications of taking too much
alcohol to one’s body, one’s emotion, to your family and
to the society?

Prepared by:

Division of Leyte, DepEd-Region VIII

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