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To whom it corresponds,

As a concerned reader of your magazine and citizen of the world, I am writing to you in
order to raise awareness on climate change, a crucial environmental issue for our
generation. I would like to highlight how important it is to set our possible solutions in
motion right away to address this urgent issue.
Because of the enormous issues brought on by human-caused climate change, our world is
in danger. Rising global temperatures, a loss of biodiversity, and more frequent and severe
natural disasters are examples of the effects. As a foreign student, I have personally
experienced the worrying consequences of climate change and firmly believe this situation
must stop as soon as possible.

We must take the initiative to address this problem straight away, in my opinion. Delaying
action will only make the situation worse and do irreparable harm. We must prioritise the
future health of our planet and reduce our focus on short-term advantages. The time has
come to take immediate and powerful action.
I advise using a diverse strategy to address this issue. The development of renewable
energy sources including wind, solar, and hydroelectric power must first receive a
minimum amount of funding. We should support the creation of international accords to
minimise greenhouse gas emissions and advance sustainable practises at the same time.
Moreover, we keep on looking for the development of new climate change solutions.

Finally, it is vital that we encourage people to stop carrying out destructive behaviours that
worsen the environment. It is important to launch educational awareness initiatives so that
people are informed about sustainable living and environmental conservation.
Concluding, it is impossible to overestimate how serious the climate situation is. We must
stop the growth of damaging practises and work together to create a future that is more
sustainable and peaceful.
I appreciate you reading my letter. I am eager to see the action that your publication can
Antonio Alvarado

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