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Taking a Patient’s History - Review of Systems

Related Key Terms:

The ‘Chief Complaint’ or CC – This refers to the main problem or concern. It might also include the time course i.e.,
how long has the problem been there?

History of the Present Illness or HPI – This comprises details about the complaints related to the CC. This is also often
referred to as ‘History of Presenting Complaint or HPC’.

Review of Systems or ROS – This entails systematic questioning about the different organ systems.

*Note: A patient might come in with a condition which is restricted to a specific body system, however, health
professionals are required to also check other related and non-related body systems. In doing so, they can identify
symptoms or concerns which were missed or not mentioned when taking down the medical history.

Body System - Common Conditions

Cardiovascular system Chest pain, dyspnea, ankle swelling, palpitations

Respiratory system Cough, epistaxis, wheezing, pain localized to the

chest that might increase with inspiration or
Gastrointestinal system Change in weight, flatulence and heartburn,
abdominal pain, vomiting, bowel habit

Genitourinary system Frequency in urination, urine color, any urethral

discharge, altered bladder control like urgency
in urination or incontinence
Nervous system Headache, loss of consciousness, dizziness and
vertigo, speech and related functions like
reading and writing skills and memory
Endocrine system Weight loss, increased appetite (polyphagia)
and irritability.
Musculoskeletal system Any bone or joint pain accompanied by joint
swelling or tenderness, aggravating and
relieving factors for the pain and any positive
family history for joint disease
Skin - Any skin rash, recent change in cosmetics and
the use of sunscreen creams when exposed to

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