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Seafarer Engagement Confirmation Letter

The Shipping officer,

Merchant Shipping Secretariat.

Sri Lanka

Further confirm that as Owners/Crewing the terms and conditions stipulated in

Agent, we agree with
the CA and the same was executed after having thoroughly verified the details of the seafarer
mentioned below and accepted by us .

Fu il Nam
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c DC N um ber.......9.9'3.9 .. 9..A--?-......... .' ..'." ro ta I w a g es :....8.5.g.....L!-S.,D

passport r.rumber:.:....ffi ...-N...f..T.&.gSst Allotment:......959.'..tLS..L.

Last ship Date of'Discharge..'Q -.1-l----'2-?-.H... contra ct peri od:...1.t.1.t!

Payment ReceiP N u m b e r.-6..5. :cs'*- n. f .. 9-99 f- -t'1,.- ...-.6 :t A.5

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No.17F 2l?'
Stanely Thilakarathna Mawatha,
Nugegoda, Sr! Lanka.

Acknowledged and'iccePted

05.08.2022 Page 1 of 1
Assistant ShiPPing officer

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