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Howdy, all!!!

My name's Shandy Liana, i used to be called Shandy. I'm officially a

agroecotechnology student at Diponegoro University. And now i will invite you to
"get to know me well".

Umm.. let me tell you a lil bit about me and my family. Currently my family and I
live in Pekalongan, but i was born in Denpasar, Bali actually. Isn't surprising?
No? Oke let's move on. I am the first child in our family, i have two lil sisters
who was also born there. Ten years i lived there, then suddenly i pop up in
Pekalongan (kidding).

Anyway... lets kick things off with a few fun fact about me! Firstly, I HATE
CHICKEN SKIN!! most people fight over chicken skin when eating fried chicken, but
not for me. But i still learn to eat that. Secondly, i can finish one book in a few
days or even one day. I know everyone can do that but i just wanna say that i love
reading, whether it's books, articles or whatever. Back again with a fun fact, i am
a fast learner, but with that fact, i can also quickly forget what i've learned
(not everything!!). Besides than i am a person who has high symphaty and emphaty.
So i can easily guess what other people are feeling, it's called "peka" in bahasa.
Lastly, i really like sleeping. Maybe i can sleep the whole day if there's nothing
to do. Because with sleep i can run away from reality

I think that's enough for you to get to know me through my fun facts. Cheers

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