Final Character Sketch

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Title: “Serendipity.

“He is so annoying,” I thought to myself. K was the most annoying person when I met
him, “Why aren't you talking that much? You're shy noh?” he always teased me
whenever he could, His jokes suck but they made me laugh a lot. We both like
binge-watching movies and he would often invite me to watch together ever since then
we became close as ever. Everything about our friendship felt natural, it felt like we
have known each other for so long. Maybe because we have many similarities that is
why we clicked instantly.

His eyes are brown, and I really envy his long eyelashes. I always tell him that I like his
lashes, but he doesn’t believe me every time I say it to him. This may seem corny but
when I met him, I was really in the depth of darkness and sadness, those moments
when I always contemplated whether I made the right decisions, my what ifs, and my
hesitations for my future, my regrets. But when I talk to him, I forget my worries. I don’t
know if he has this third eye, but he is an empathetic person and would always know
when I feel blue or angry. He’s the type of person to put others before himself and would
always remember the little things about you. “You're allergic to that right?” he curiously
looked at me while I ate chicken, most of the time my friends would always forget that
I’m allergic to some foods. That's why I was surprised that he actually remembered that.
He is my ray of sunshine that made me see the bright side. I guess you can call him “my
comfort person”, someone who I can lean on when I’m down.

He's really a great singer, though I always get annoyed when he compares himself to
other people even though he is really good at it. He is a very talented person. But he
doubts himself too much, he easily gets nervous and is a crybaby which is the one thing
that’s cute about him. He is soft-hearted. That's why I tend to be careful when I say
things around him because I’m a very outspoken person and often speak frankly to
people which offends them at times. Patient, this is something that is special about him
no matter how I annoy him, no matter how I try to make him mad. Never once did he get
mad at me. I remember this instance when I tried to annoy him but instead, I got
annoyed. He is very understanding and also forgiving. His laughs though, are very
contagious. Whenever he laughs he can’t resist it. He could laugh for 10 minutes just
because you look funny to him. He easily gets scared of horror movies and easily
shrieks at jumpscares.

When I first met him personally, I was really happy because I knew that he was a
genuine person. I was really nervous at first and it felt quite awkward but I guess
everything flowed naturally, “I’m happy that I met you.” is what he would always say,
according to him it was his first time meeting someone so genuine. But for me, our
friendship became genuine because we were very transparent with each other. The two
years we spent as friends despite the fact that we only met online was an unusual
experience for me, but I'm grateful that this unexpected friendship happened to us.

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