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What is the different between American recipe with the others

English speaking countries?

*Differences between American recipes and the recipes of other English-

speaking countries:

Ingredients: American recipes often use different ingredients than recipes from
other English-speaking countries. For example, American recipes often use baking
powder instead of bicarbonate of soda, and they often use corn syrup instead of
Measurements: American recipes use different measurements than recipes from
other English-speaking countries. For example, American recipes use cups and
tablespoons, while recipes from other English-speaking countries use grams and
Cooking methods: American cooking methods sometimes differ from the cooking
methods used in other English-speaking countries. For example, American recipes
often call for browning meat before adding other ingredients, while recipes from
other English-speaking countries sometimes call for adding all of the ingredients to
the pan at once.
*Here are some specific examples of differences between American recipes
and the recipes of other English-speaking countries:

American pancakes: American pancakes are typically made with baking powder,
buttermilk, and corn syrup. English pancakes are typically made with bicarbonate
of soda, milk, and sugar.
American cookies: American cookies are typically made with brown sugar and
baking powder. English cookies are typically made with caster sugar and
bicarbonate of soda.
American meatloaf: American meatloaf is typically made with ground beef, pork,
bread crumbs, eggs, and milk. British meatloaf is typically made with minced beef,
bread crumbs, eggs, and milk.
It is important to note that these are just general trends. There is a great deal of
variation in recipes within and between countries.

Adding some information that our group missing:

*Reasons why Americans prefer coffee more than tea:

History: Coffee was introduced to the United States by Dutch settlers in the 17th
century, and it quickly became a popular drink. Tea was also introduced to the
United States early on, but it became less popular after the Boston Tea Party in
Marketing: Coffee companies have done a very good job of marketing their
products to Americans. They have created a culture of coffee drinking by
associating coffee with things like energy, productivity, and success.
Taste: Many Americans prefer the taste of coffee to the taste of tea. Coffee has a
stronger flavor and a higher caffeine content than tea.

* Some cultural factors about American cuisine:

Diversity: American cuisine is a melting pot of influences from all over the world.
This is due to the country's history of immigration and its diverse population.
Convenience: Americans are known for their busy lifestyles, and American
cuisine reflects this. Many American dishes are quick and easy to prepare, and
there is a wide variety of fast food and takeout options available.
Portion sizes: American portion sizes are typically large. This is due to a number
of factors, including the abundance of food in the United States and the culture of
Regional variation: American cuisine varies widely from region to region. This is
due to the country's size and its diverse geography.

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