Method Statement For Suspended Ceiling Installation

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Project Doc. # Location Rev.

The QA/QC Department is responsible for the overall inspection and documentation of
works in compliance with the work procedure and Project Specifications and shall be
responsible for coordination with Client/Consultants for inspection activities and close
out of the NCR/ SON, if any, with Consultants representatives.

The Survey Department is responsible for all the layouts / setting out and for
establishing the reference elevations related to the work

Health and Safety Risks

 Before entering the area of operation, all staff will go through the health and
safety introduction. Employees will only be provided access permissions when
they have completed their induction.
 Before entering the area of operation, all staff will go through the health and
safety introduction. Employees will only be provided access permissions when
they have completed their induction.

 Access and egress onto the rear of any vehicle or trailer will be through a ladder
fastened to the truck or trailer’s side.
 No permit Job.

Controlling Health and Safety Risks

 Before beginning any activity, ensure that the work permit and any
accompanying documentation, such as RAMS, are signed and approved.
 Approved RAMS will be made available on-site, and job-specific dangers and
controls will be explained to all individuals participating in the job.
 Ascertain that every PPE is evaluated for job applicability, constraints,
capabilities, and compatibility with other PPE.
 Approved RAMS will be made available on-site, and job-specific dangers and
controls will be explained to all individuals participating in the job.
 Ensure that staff has received manual handling training.
 Use mechanical devices to avoid needless heavy manual handling of materials.

 Prior to beginning any job on site, all staff must get a safety induction/training.
 Job supervisors must have a pre-job STARRT/TBT meeting to inform workers
about job-specific dangers.
Project Doc. # Location Rev.

 Conduct a site examination to verify proper access/egress for job operations.

Maintain a clean working environment.
 There is lone working allowed.
 Maintain adequate housekeeping in the workspace.
 Use the proper tools for the job. Do not utilize a tool or accessory for a task for
which it was not designed. Ensure that tools are inspected by a competent
person and that a record is kept. Color-coded as needed.
 Access and egress onto the rear of any vehicle or trailer ill be through a ladder
fastened to the truck or trailer’s side.
 No permit Job.
 Conduct a site examination to verify proper access/egress for job operations.
Maintain a clean working environment.
 There is lone working allowed.
 Maintain adequate housekeeping in the workspace.
 Use the proper tools for the job. Do not utilize a tool or accessory for a task for
which it was not designed. Ensure that tools are inspected by a competent
person and that a record is kept. Color-coded as needed.
 Access and egress onto the rear of any vehicle or trailer ill be through a ladder
fastened to the truck or trailer’s side.
 No permit Job.
 Conduct a site examination to verify proper access/egress for job operations.
Maintain a clean working environment.
 There is lone working allowed.
 Maintain adequate housekeeping in the workspace.
 Use the proper tools for the job. Do not utilize a tool or accessory for a task for
which it was not designed. Ensure that tools are inspected by a competent
person and that a record is kept. Color-coded as needed.
 Access and egress onto the rear of any vehicle or trailer ill be through a ladder
fastened to the truck or trailer’s side.
 No permit Job.

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