Activities For Teaching Profession by Lorena Joy Aggabao

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BSED - food Professee? Dv Rhodova B Ba hincat Lorena Sey ob. orena La mM, AI aD Kednunty 1 ' Complete the Simile ev smefa pher foc like planting seeds a brokecye, myten th aan el aden leo I tg fo [har Vn gordens of L beleve feaching is the cornevsline of peyeny, as ol Cmpoeer inbvchae fe build ‘oundalion of Prewlelge ypen fe dey a “Cohehract baghher poles 2 Make a somantig web- Dedication Patience coi Personal Qualities of a Teacher treatinly Mp cachab bly leadecchy Anlegrity jhuakly Tie Monegnesit thes sa Profession eae ‘on al Qualities mae ofa Adpaditity inn, "pape 3 Bvotey about Teacher The Teacher whe is indeed wise doce nt bid you to enter the houte of they wsdem bul vather leade you, to the Hvcseld of yw nind, Activ by WE Apphcative + By the we of a grophe eganizer, prnt the chmontt of prfesten ate -= wy 2 hy does + prefeccion he Leaching vecure hng yout initial peste eduation b ‘amg pied deschpaent apter that bg orducur 2 f peresimal cduabin + Teach ‘ecrin reeuires hong years of initial prfemitneal cheat E tntinany preeoel ‘eckpunt ate thal ng arducut jnibial profeaimal cduealicn order fo the pring teachere 10 asuire an adecuaie tnceled ge P clubs that Usey can apply m thir teaching profession. Intial profeasienal ech tion ts the “ing ground Wal meuld help them enhance their chille, Copabyhittes 2 po lentralr Wir alco important fecemse it helps te built thir toafidence L clrenglh rede in the actoal beading : 7 way af an, acrytil, yphir the D prolistren: cfemenl Purpose: A profession has a defined purpose or mission offen related toa specticeld or area of expertise, Responsibility: Professionals have a responsibility to adhere to ethical standards and provide high-quality services or products, ‘Ongoing Learning: Professionals must engage in continuous earning to stay current in their feld and adapt to changes, Formal Training: Most professions require formal education and traning to acquite the necessary knowledge and kil Expertise: Professionals are expected to possess a high level of expertise and competency in their chosen fel Standards: Professions often have established standards and codes of conduct that guide the behavior and practices oftheir members Specialization: Many professions have specialized areas or subtield, allowing professionals to focus on specific aspects oftheir discipline = Integrity Integrity is a fundamental element ofa profession, involving honesty trustworthiness, and ethical behavior ‘Organization; Professions may have organized associations or governing bodies that oversee their practice and uphold professional standards Networking: Professionals often benefit from networking with colleagues and peers to exchange knowledge and experiences. otivity T: Hsstorice| Pevtlep repavatiOn an Per Philigpi Philippines ta ent of Teacher Sionali zation Historical Development of Teacher Preparation and Professionalization inthe Philippines -—= PreHispanie Pernt = ‘Spanish Era ‘American Regime 1996 * Informal and Unstructured Education ‘No strvtured Educational System ‘Tribal eager, mothers and fathers served Free publi Schools wee established by witue of Educational Decree of 1863 Cdeational Decree of 1863 provided for normal school runby Jesuits to educate male teachers in Mani, ‘in 1875, Normal seh00for women teachers were established 1901, the Pitppine commission ‘enacted int law the Act 7, and created ‘The EDCOM repor indicated that igh ropout rates especialy inthe rural areas were significantly marked which was probably caused by inadequacy of reparation; ital revealed the ‘nadequacy of programs andthe poor acces to special education (SPED) brought about bythe limited numberof speci schools and PED centerin the county and revealed ao that the srytions in as schedules and length of school year correlates with les learing and lees quality ‘cretion of Commission on Higher education, and development of HES + Profesionalzation of teachers and teaching trough the reation athe National Teachers oardunder the Regulatory Commision (PRC) wich tasked with ping periodic testsas prerequisite for leensing and cetieation olteaching competencies ‘creation of and lear career service paths for promotions and carer planning for teachersand smintrators ‘the Department of netruction “epartment of instruction aid the foundations of the publc schools system and offered tree primary education for ‘sve to shortage of teachers, the Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public instruction to bring to the Pilppines {600 teachers rom USA, which were Thomaies, + het of 78 of 1901 provided forthe establshment of Philippine Normal Schoo! natn and isan institution forthe raining of teachers +n 1928, PuSbecame a junior college offering two-year program to graduates of secondary schools ‘101949, the PNS was then renamedto Pippine Normal Cllege, and then offered ‘the four-year Bacher a Seence in Elementary Education. “Teacher preparation became four years ‘only a 1989 and thereater ‘in 1765, a Royal Decree was sent by King Charles of Spain equiring each vilage to have a" maestro”. +n 1772 another Royal Decre species ‘the qualifications of teachers ‘twas not uni 1863, there was specific stempttosytematize and updatethe ‘edueaton of iipne Teaches. Improvernent in teachers welare and benefits Improvement and stenathering of pre-service service education wity IV: What doer Gcie expect fer of [eacheq ar ph parbrat ? — - ranemt kKrowkdge +f their fuderatt &. > ngage dudeat in the learning Process R- dap tabi lity to new methods. C - haracker deve lopment by inctlling Values Ve . elo & Support bath academically ard emotionally & neva ge Crafinty beyond text books R- ecpect for Diversity ACTIVITY V: Read a research related to the techaer as a professional and fill out the matrix given below. PROBLEM The problem identified in this research is the lack of adequate professional development opportunities and preparation for teacher trainers despite their crucial role in educator education. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ‘The method that wad used in this research is based on a review of the literature related to teacher trainers, their professional development, and the knowledge and skills required for effective teacher training. The study likely involves the analysis of existing research, publications, and academic discussions on the topic of teacher trainers and their professional development. FINDINGS ‘The findings from this research suggest several key points: * Teacher trainers play a vital role in educator education, but their professional development has not received adequate attention or support. * Professional developments crucial for both novice and experienced educators, as it helps them adapt to the evolving demands of their careers. * Teacher trainers need to acquire specific knowledge and skills related to pedagogy, curriculum, learners’ characteristics, and educational settings to effectively prepare future educators, + The quality of teacher educators directly impacts the quality of teachers they produce, which, in turn, affects the quality of education received by students. + There is aneed for more empirical research, particularly through interviews and in-depth investigations, to better understand the specific knowledge and skills required by teacher trainers and how they can best be prepared and supported in their professional development. CONCLUSION ‘The conclusion drawn from the research is that teacher trainers play a crucial role in educator education, and their professional development is of paramount importance. Furthermore, the research emphasizes that teacher trainers need to acquire specific knowledge and skills related to pedagogy, curriculum, learners’ characteristics, and educational settings to effectively fulfill their roles. The quality of teacher trainers directly influences the quality of teachers they produce, which, in turn, impacts the quality of education students receive. The conclusion drawn from the research presented in the text is that teacher trainers play a crucial role in educator education, and their professional development is of paramount importance. The findings suggest that teacher trainers often lack adequate preparation and opportunities for professional development, despite their complex responsibilities in preparing future educators. Sources: https: 5. Akbari, R., and Dadvand, B, (2011). Does formal teacher education make a difference? A comparison of pedagogical thought units of B.A. versus M.A. teachers. Modern Lang. J. 95, 44-60. doi: 10.1111/}.1540-4781.2010.01142.x

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