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The Night
Comes Down
Over War: The
Night Comes Down
A strategy roleplaying game.
Writing, Editing, Design, Playtesting, Layout, Publishing - Richard Kelly

Core Concept - Alex Guerrero (

Influences - Various works by Yasumi Matsuno, plus Fire Emblem, Symphony

Of War, Langrisser, Yggdra Union, Advance Wars

Artwork - Illustrations by David Lewis Johnson, Miguel Santos, Joyce

Maureira, Luigi Castelliani, and Earl Geier from Godbound and Scarlet Heroes
by Sine Nomine, released by Sine Nomine for commercial use by other
publishers. Other interior illustrations are used with permission and supplied
by the Fantasy Sketches art pack which is by Bandit Camp (https://
and-more). Finally, the hex map was made with Nate Treme's "The Tiles Of
Xark!" (; per the Tiles Of Xark itchio page
on 11/14/20, purchase of the tileset includes a license to use the tiles in
commercial projects.

Playtesting And Additional Design - Denny Crane, Ian Hamilton, Liam

Kelly, PJ Kelly, Beate Schulz, Jonas Wittmann, A Guy Called Krischa

CW - Warfare and conquest.

Recommended Safety Mechanics - Whatever your group is most

comfortable with. If you don't have or typically use safety mechanics, X-Card
by John Stavropoulos ( is this game's default.

Rights - Over War's text is CC BY NC 4.0 Richard Kelly, with the following
exception: if you are not a large company, and you are not creating works that
make the world worse, and you are not acting on behalf of those who are/do,
you may make commercial material based on Over War freely. I reserve the
right to define the terms 'large company' and 'works that make the world
worse', but I only expect to have to do this in extreme cases. If you want help
with making Over War scenarios or expansions, you can reach out
@SprintingOwl and I'm happy to give advice or provide support.

Table Of Contents
A World Of Gothic Conflict…………………………………………………………………………..4
What Is A TTRPG?………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Playing The Game………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Creating Your Commander…………………………………………………………………………. 7
Drafting Your Unit………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Sidebar: Tags……………………………………………………………………………………..9
1 Point Characters……………………………………………………………………………………..10
2 Point Characters……………………………………………………………………………………..12
3 Point Characters……………………………………………………………………………………..14
Assembling Your Unit……………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Skills……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Navigating Maps And Tiles………………………………………………………………………. 19
Activating Units…………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Day And Night…………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
Terrain Tiles………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Capturing Settlements……………………………………………………………………………….20
Restoring Units…………………………………………………………………………………………..21
Reorganizing And Restructuring Units…………………………………………………….. 21
Inhabited Tiles………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
Combat…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Who Acts First…………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
Acting, Dealing Damage, And Getting Knocked Out………………………………..23
Victory Points And Retreating…………………………………………………………………… 24
Disbanding………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Orders……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
The Divination Deck………………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Provisions……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29
Advancement………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30
Repute………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 31
GMing……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33

Hacking Your Own Content……………………………………………………………………… 34
Making Characters……………………………………………………………………………………. 34
Sample Scenario: The Campaign For Estwald……………………………………… 36
Previously On……………………………………………………………………………………………. 36
Estwald And Its Environs…………………………………………………………………………..39
Setting Up The Map…………………………………………………………………………………… 41
Enemy Forces……………………………………………………………………………………………. 42
Playing The Scenario………………………………………………………………………………….42
Commander Sheet……………………………………………………………………………………… 43
Unit Sheet……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

A World Of Gothic
It is the year 1472 Dracos Domini and the land of Ballark is bathed in unrest.

The armies of the Over Night have descended from their floating islands to
ravage the countryside, leaving disease, famine, and the byproducts of their
cruel alchemical experiments in their wake.

You are a person of some minor authority. Whether you were born to this
station or crawled into it, you now have control of a small band of combatants.

The nations of Ballark may have broken before the conquerors from the
clouds, but you are determined that you will not fall. You will reclaim what
they have taken.

What Is A TTRPG?
A tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) is a storytelling game.

The players may roll dice and move pieces around a board, but they do so to
guide a group of characters through a story.

In this storytelling game, most players take on the roles of Commanders and
their Units in a battle for the fate of the land.

However, one player instead dons the mantle of the Game Master (GM). The
Game Master is half referee, half coach. They describe the game world,
explain the situation that the players are in, and arbitrate what happens when
the players' actions affect the world around them.

Both the players and the Game Master are responsible for propelling the story
forward, and---although there are rules for winning and losing combat, and
although Commanders and their Units can die---everyone wins if everyone
has a good time.

Playing The Game
To play Over War, you need the following:

● 2--6 people
● Something to write on
● Something to write with
● Three six-sided dice (3d6)
● A tarot deck or set of standard playing cards

Each player will also need to Create Their Commander and Draft Their

And the GM will need to create a scenario or use the Sample Scenario in this

Creating Your
Before you draft your Unit, you will need to create your Commander. First,
give them all of the following:

● 4/4 HP (4 current and 4 maximum HP)

● Attack Furthest 1 Magic Damage
● Movement 1
● The Tag Authority and then either the Tag Human, Divine, Accursed,
Folkloric, or Arcane

Next, split 7 Skill Points however you wish between the following Skills (all
Skills start at 0):

● Animal Care, Arcane Wisdom, Asking A Favor, Carpentry, Forestry,

Gambling And Song, Granting A Favor, Herb Lore, Local Knowledge,
Merchantry, Sieging, Smithing, Tactics

Now, choose 2 different bonuses for your Commander from the following list:

● +1 Movement
● +2 points for Skills
● +1 Damage
● +2/2 HP
● -2/2 HP, change Attack Furthest to Attack All
● -1/1 HP, change Attack Furthest to Attack Weakest
● -1/1 HP, change Attack Furthest to Attack Front Row or Attack Back Row
● Start every scenario with +1 Stimulant, +1 Chalice, and +1 Goblin Ball
● Start every scenario with a Divination Card of your choice

You may also pick some or all of your bonuses from this more advanced list:

● +1/1 HP, Change Attack to Heal and damage to healing (and unless your
targeting is Weakest, Front Row, Back Row, or All, change your targeting
to Self), and start every scenario with +3 Rations
● +5/5 HP, gain Construct (cannot be healed during combat or with
Rations), and gain the Inorganic Tag
● -1/1 HP, +1 Damage, and gain Reckless (character's Unit does not
Retreat as a result of low Victory Points. After resolving combat,
immediately begin a new combat unless your foe Retreated. If this
would lead to an endless combat loop with no resolution, your Unit is

Lastly, decide who you are and why your troops follow you.

Drafting Your Unit
To create your starting Unit, do the following:

Unlock 5 categories of Characters from the lists in this chapter (for

example: Adepts, Cherubim, Pawns, Sirens, Alchemists). Record them on
your Commander's sheet.

Gain 5/5 Draft Points and spend them to add characters to your Unit from
the categories you have unlocked.

Name your characters and come up with a three word description for
each of them if you wish.

You will be fighting by their sides.

Sidebar: Tags

If you are building your Unit along a particular theme, remember that all
characters have Tags, which help to describe them. Tags are written in
parentheses after their category (i.e. Adept (Human).)

Common Tags include:

● Accursed: Entities historically associated with the fell powers of the

Over Night
● Arcane: Entities wrought from, or inextricably associated with, the
essence of magic
● Authority: Commanders, rulers, and figureheads of factions
● Beast: Animals and plants, wild or domesticated
● Folkloric: The oldest inhabitants of this world, pre-dating both the Over
Night and humanity
● Divine: Entities historically associated with angels and the lost realm of
Under Heaven
● Human: Ballark's most numerous sapient species
● Inorganic: Entities constructed from stone, brass, fire, or other
unliving materials

1 Point Characters

Adept (Human) - 2/2 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, +1 Skill Point
For Commander (Skill Point is assigned when character is added to Unit, and
removed when character is removed from Unit)

Cherubim (Divine) - 2/2 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Magic Damage

Chupacabra (Accursed, Folkloric, Beast) - 3/3 HP, Attack Nearest 2

Physical Damage, Predator: Beasts (deals +1 damage to characters with the
Beast Tag), Shell (character ignores the first instance of damage they would
take in each combat), Backlash (takes 2 magic damage after acting),
Unreliable (3-in-6 chance character acts as if it were a foe)

Galvinomancer (Human, Arcane) - 3/3 HP, Attack Furthest 1 Magic

Damage, Backlash (takes 1 magic damage after acting)

Gremlin (Accursed) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, Resist

Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack),
Backlash (takes 1 magic damage after acting)

Hulk (Folkloric) - 5/5 HP, Attack Nearest 0 Physical Damage

Pawn (Human) - 3/3 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage

Rebel (Human) - 1/1 HP, Attack Furthest 1 Physical Damage, Resist Physical
(ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack)

Reptileman (Folkloric) - 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage,

Skirmisher (character's Unit ignores penalties from Terrain Tiles other than Air
and Water)

Rocketist (Human) - 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 2 Physical Damage

Sea Cucumber (Beast) - 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, Resist
Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack), Water
Movement (character's Unit may cross Water Tiles. If the last character with
Water Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on a Water Tile, and there
are no characters with Air Movement, this Unit is Disbanded)

Statue (Inorganic) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, Resist

Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack),
Construct (cannot be healed during combat or with Rations)

Sun Seeker (Human, Divine) - 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage,
Dayblood (+2 damage during the day)

War Drummer (Human) - 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage,
Human Bond (other characters in the same Unit with the Human Tag and
Attack Nearest or Attack Furthest deal +1 damage. Having multiple characters
in your Unit with Bond Traits cannot stack this effect higher than +2 damage)

2 Point Characters

Alchemist (Human, Arcane) - 2/2 HP, Heal Weakest 2

Archer (Human) - 3/3 HP, Attack Furthest 2 Physical Damage

Astrologist (Human, Arcane) - 2/2 HP, Attack Front Row 4 Magic Damage,
Unreliable (3-in-6 chance acts as if it were a foe)

Bounty Hunter (Human) - 3/3 HP, Attack Front Row 1 Physical Damage,
Predator: Humans (deals +1 damage to characters with the Human Tag)

Cleric (Human, Divine, Arcane) - 4/4 HP, Heal All 1

Cultist (Human, Accursed) - 1/1 HP, Attack Weakest 2 Magic Damage

Gargoyle (Inorganic, Accursed) - 3/3 HP, Attack Nearest 2 Physical

Damage, Resist Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each
attack), Construct (cannot be healed during combat or with Rations), Air
Movement (character's Unit may cross Air and Water Tiles. If the last
character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on an Air Tile,
or if there are no Water Movement characters in this Unit and the last
character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on a Water Tile,
this Unit is Disbanded)

Kensei (Human, Arcane) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 4 Physical Damage,

Backlash (takes 2 magic damage after acting)

Monk (Human) - 2/2 HP, Attack Nearest 2 Magic Damage, Resist Physical
(ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack)

Ride Spider (Beast) - 2/2 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, +2

Movement For Commander

Scout (Human) - 3/3 HP, Attack Furthest 1 Physical Damage, Skirmisher

(character's Unit ignores penalties from Terrain Tiles other than Air and Water)

Sea Serpent (Beast, Folkloric) - 5/5 HP, Attack Nearest 2 Physical Damage,
Resist Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack),
Water Movement (character's Unit may cross Water Tiles. If the last character
with Water Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on a Water Tile, and
there are no characters with Air Movement, this Unit is Disbanded),
Waterborne (character's Unit treats Water Tiles as Road Tiles), Unreliable (3-
in-6 chance character acts as if it were a foe)

Siren (Folkloric, Arcane) - 4/4 HP, Attack Furthest 1 Magic Damage

Skeleton Sling (Accursed) - 1/1 HP, Attack Furthest 1 Physical Damage,
Revenant (character is immune to physical damage)

Tallfolk (Folkloric) - 5/5 HP, Attack Nearest 0 Physical damage, Damage

Beacon (takes damage in place of your Commander)

Tamer (Human) - 3/3 HP, Attack Furthest 1 Physical Damage, Beast Bond
(other characters in the same Unit with the Beast Tag and Attack Nearest or
Attack Furthest deal +1 damage. Having multiple characters in your Unit with
Bond Traits cannot stack this effect higher than +2 damage)

The Roc (Beast) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, Air Movement
(character's Unit may cross Air and Water Tiles. If the last character with Air
Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on an Air Tile, or if there are no
Water Movement characters in this Unit and the last character with Air
Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on a Water Tile, this Unit is

Tortoise Warrior (Human, Beast, Folkloric) - 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 2

Physical Damage, Shell (character ignores the first instance of damage they
would take in each combat)

Wolfhound (Beast) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 2 Physical Damage

War Elk (Beast) - 3/3 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, Resist Physical
(ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack), +1 Movement
For Commander

Werewolf (Human, Beast, Folkloric, Accursed) - 3/3 HP, Attack Nearest

1 Physical Damage, Resist Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage
from each attack), Nightborn (+2 damage at night)

Wizard (Human, Arcane) - 3/3 HP, Attack All 1 Magic Damage

3 Point Characters

Alarune (Beast, Accursed, Arcane) - 6/6 HP, Attack Front Row 1 Magic

Archmage (Human, Arcane) - 3/3 HP, Attack All 2 Magic Damage

Be-Not-Afraid (Divine) - 5/5 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Magic Damage, +1

Movement For Commander, Air Movement (character's Unit may cross Water
and Air Tiles. If the last character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this
Unit is on an Air Tile, or if there are no Water Movement characters in this Unit
and the last character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on
a Water Tile, this Unit is Disbanded)

Bombardier (Human) - 5/5 HP, Attack Back Row 3 Physical Damage,

Backlash (takes 1 magic damage after acting)

Catapult (Inorganic) - 4/4 HP, Attack Furthest 7 Physical Damage, Resist

Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack),
Construct (cannot be healed during combat or with Rations), Backlash (takes
2 magic damage after acting), Ponderous (character's Unit may not move
more than one Tile per activation, and may not benefit from Road Tiles)

Commando (Human) - 4/4 HP, Attack Weakest 1 Magic Damage, Skirmisher

(character's Unit ignores penalties from Terrain Tiles other than Air and Water)

Corpse Heap (Accursed) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 0 Physical Damage,
Construct (cannot be healed during combat or with Rations), Revenant
(character is immune to physical damage), Damage Beacon (takes damage in
place of your Commander)

Cyclops (Folkloric) - 8/8 HP, Attack Nearest 3 Physical Damage, Ponderous

(character's Unit may not move more than one Tile per activation, and may
not benefit from Road Tiles)

Devil Squid (Beast, Accursed) - 7/7 HP, Attack Back Row 2 Physical
Damage, Water Movement (character's Unit may cross Water Tiles. If the last
character with Water Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on a Water
Tile, this Unit is Disbanded), Ponderous (character's Unit may not move more
than one Tile per activation, and may not benefit from Road Tiles)

Elder Bat (Beast) - 5/5 HP, Attack Nearest 0 Physical Damage, Nightborn
(+2 damage at night), Air Movement (character's Unit may cross Air and
Water Tiles. if the last character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this
Unit is on an Air Tile, or if there are no Water Movement characters in this Unit
and the last character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on
a Water Tile, this Unit is Disbanded), Skirmisher (character's Unit ignores
penalties from Terrain Tiles other than Air and Water)

Ghost (Accursed) - 2/2 HP, Attack Nearest 2 Magic Damage, Revenant

(character is immune to physical damage)

Paladin (Human, Divine) - 4/4 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Magic Damage, Resist
Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from each attack),
Dayblood (+2 damage during the day), Predator: Accursed (deals +1 damage
to characters with the Accursed Tag)

Rogue (Human) - 4/4 HP, Attack Furthest 3 Physical Damage, Targets Right
To Left

Saintess (Human, Divine) - 5/5 HP, Heal Front Row 2

Tortoise Magi (Human, Beast, Folkloric, Arcane) - 3/3 HP, Attack Back
Row 1 Magic Damage, Shell (character ignores the first instance of damage
they would take in each combat)

Vampyre (Human, Accursed) - 6/6 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage,

Heal Self 1, Resist Physical (ignores the first point of physical damage from
each attack), Nightborn (+2 damage and healing at night)

Assembling Your Unit
Once you have your Commander and Unit, you need to assemble them into a

Your Unit's formation consists of a front row and a back row, with three
columns in each.

This gives you space for 6 characters.

If you ever have more than 6 characters, add additional columns to your
Unit until they all fit.

Now, place your characters (including your Commander) in your Unit in any
order, keeping in mind that frontmost, leftmost characters will tend to act first
in combat, and characters in the front will tend to be attacked more than
characters in the back.

Most of the time, a Commander and their Unit fight side by side. When they
do, all of the information needed to resolve the battle is contained in their

However, Commanders sometimes need to solve problems outside of combat.

For this, they turn to their Skills.

Skills are unique areas of knowledge and training that Commanders can use
to learn from or influence the world around them.

To use a Skill, simply declare that you are using it, tell the GM what you are
trying to accomplish, and then roll 3d6 + the Skill.

As you do, the GM will pick a Target Number (TN) from the following chart
based on how hard they believe your task to be:

● 7 TN: Someone with no training will struggle

● 12 TN: A professional will struggle
● 15 TN: A renowned expert will struggle
● 17 TN: This is near the limits of mortal achievement
● 20+ TN: It is genuinely unreasonable to expect anyone to pull this off

If you roll the TN or higher, you succeed. You get what you were after.
Things go smoothly or you obtain some small prize or reward as determined
by the GM.

If you roll lower than the TN, you fail and there are consequences. The
situation shifts---potentially making it impossible to try again or else changing
the stakes for doing so. You may learn flawed information, lead your Unit into
danger, or offend someone with influence. The GM is the final arbiter for what
happens when you fail, but they will never kill your character outright as the
result of a bad roll.

If you wish, you can ask the GM for the TN before attempting a task. If
the TN sounds too formidable to you, you can decline it or pick another

Also, Skills are also meant to be flexible. The GM should permit you to use
any Skill you can justify in the story. Finding food in a woodland might use
Forestry (for hunting), Herb Lore (for gathering), or Animal Care (for hunting
with hounds).

A list of all major Skills and their typical uses is provided below:

● Animal Care: Raising animals for companionship, work, or slaughter.
Understanding and communicating with animals. Taming wild animals,
or encouraging tame animals to do as you wish.
● Arcane Wisdom: Knowing facts about magic or arcane beings.
Remembering lore from ancient books. Behaving appropriately before
monsters and gods.
● Asking A Favor: Requesting aid from the powerful. Bargaining with
enemy soldiers for small things, such as a brief cessation of hostilities.
Negotiating with those higher in station. Mitigating the consequences of
being captured.
● Carpentry: Building homes and bulwarks. Assessing the structural
integrity of buildings. Searching for hidden passages.
● Forestry: Crossing dense wildernesses. Gathering food in the wild.
Identifying animals or landmarks.
● Gambling And Song: Raising spirits while on the march. Gathering
information while in towns and camps. Encouraging others to become
merry and celebrate.
● Granting A Favor: Helping the weak and downtrodden. Negotiating
with those lower in station. Sparing a foe or seeking information from a
● Herb Lore: Identifying or applying poisons or medicine. Gathering
edible plants in the wild. Flavoring cooking with appropriate spices.
● Local Knowledge: Remembering or recognizing important landmarks,
persons, or stories from the surrounding area. Identifying political
factions or recalling their motives. Passing yourself off as a local.
● Merchantry: Trading with willing parties. Finding common ground or
opening up avenues for negotiation. Bribing those who can be bought
with goods or services.
● Siegeing: Identifying weak places in a hardened structure. Restricting
or enhancing supply lines. Operating siege machinery when available.
● Smithing: Producing or mending arms, armor, and tools. Assessing the
value of metalwork. Gathering raw metals from a mine.
● Tactics: Assessing the battlefield. Determining the next reasonable
step towards your objectives. Avoiding the stratagems of others.

Notably, there are no Skills for

lying or for perceiving the world
around you. This is because in
Over War you always succeed
at perceiving the world
around you, and lies cannot
be empowered by the use of
a Skill.

Your lies are only as effective as

you can make them sound.

Navigating Maps And Tiles
In Over War, tactical gameplay takes place on maps, which are in turn made
up of Tiles.

Each Tile can hold one Unit---or two Units engaged in combat.

Units that are friendly to each other can move through each other's Tiles
as long as they do not stop on the same Tile, but Units that are hostile to
each other cannot move through each other's Tiles.

Tiles can also contain towns, castles, geographic features, or other details as
appropriate for the environment.

Activating Units

While on a map, any player may choose to activate their Unit, moving it
a number of Tiles equal to their Commander's Movement.

After a player-controlled Unit activates, the GM may activate an enemy

or neutral Unit.

This continues until the scenario has been concluded.

If an enemy or neutral Unit does not have a Commander, it has a default

Movement of 1.

If a Unit without a Commander has Movement bonuses that would

normally be applied to a Commander, those bonuses are applied to the
Unit's Movement instead.

Day And Night

Maps start as either day or night.

After 6 Units activate, the map

cycles from day to night or night
to day.

Some characters and elements of

scenarios are affected by whether
it is day or night.

Terrain Tiles

Some Tiles have unique properties or effects.

The most common of these are:

● Air: Units may not enter this Tile.

● Fallout: When a Unit moves into this Tile or ends its movement in this
Tile, all characters in the Unit suffer 1 physical damage.
● Forest: Moving into this Tile reduces by -1 the remaining number of
Tiles a Unit can move as part of their current activation (to a minimum
of 0). Attacks in this Tile with Furthest, Back Row, or All targeting deal
-1 damage.
● Mountain: Moving into this Tile reduces by -2 the remaining number of
Tiles a Unit can move as part of their current activation (to a minimum
of 0). Attacks in this Tile with Furthest, Back Row, or All targeting deal
+1 damage.
● Road: When a Unit moves through a Road Tile, they increase the
remaining number of Tiles they can move as part of their current
activation by +1. This effect can only apply twice during a single
● Swamp: Moving into this Tile reduces by -1 the remaining number of
Tiles a Unit can move as part of their current activation (to a minimum
of 0). Healing in this Tile is reduced by -1.
● Settlement: Produces different effects based on whether the
Settlement is unfriendly, friendly, or Hostile (see Capturing
Settlements, Restoring Units, Reorganizing And Restructuring
Units, and Inhabited Tiles.) Friendly Settlements are Restorative and
Inhabited unless a specific Settlement says otherwise.
● Water: Units may not enter this Tile.

Capturing Settlements

If a player-controlled Unit ends its movement on an unfriendly Settlement

Tile, they automatically capture that Settlement and it becomes friendly.

When a Settlement is captured for the first time, the player who
captured it draws a card from the Divination Deck.

If an enemy Unit ends its movement on a Settlement that was

captured by the players, they automatically recapture that Settlement. A
Settlement that has been recaptured becomes permanently Hostile. Hostile
Settlements are no longer treated as Restorative and Inhabited, and when a
player-controlled Unit ends their movement on them, every character in that
Unit suffers 1 magic damage.

Restoring Units

If a player-controlled Unit ends its movement on Tile the GM has deemed

to be Restorative, every character in that Unit recovers from being Knocked
Out and returns to full HP.

Alternatively, a player-controlled Unit may choose to move 0 Tiles

during its activation to recover 1 HP for all of its characters that are not
Knocked Out.

Units may also be healed by certain characters in combat, with Provisions

and Divination Cards, or by other means.

Reorganizing And Restructuring Units

At any time outside of combat, a player can Reorganize their Unit and
rearrange its formation.

While on a Settlement Tile, the player may go a step further and Restructure
their Unit. When Restructuring, the player can re-allocate all of their Draft
Points and change which characters are in the Unit. However, they are still
limited to using only the character categories they have unlocked.

Inhabited Tiles

Some Tiles have the unique keyword Inhabited and offer certain categories
of replacement characters during Restructuring, even if the player doesn't
have those characters unlocked.

The GM is the final

arbiter on which
categories of characters
are available in an
Inhabited Tile, but
scenarios will usually
give guidance.

Characters from
Inhabited Tiles that are
not unlocked cannot be
carried over from one
scenario to another.

When a Unit moves onto the same Tile as an enemy Unit, their movement
stops and combat begins.

Who Acts First

The leftmost, frontmost character in the Unit that initiated combat acts first.


When a character acts, they act against a specific target.

All characters have targeting instructions included as part of their stats.

Common types of targeting include:

● Nearest: Targets enemy character in the front row and same column as
the attacker
● Furthest: Targets enemy character in the back row and same column
as the attacker
● All: Targets all enemy characters
● Front Row: Targets the row of enemy characters nearest to the Unit
● Back Row: Targets the row of enemy characters furthest from the Unit
● Weakest: Targets enemy character with the fewest current HP,
choosing leftmost, rearmost eligible character in the event of ties
● Heal: Heals characters in own Unit rather than attacking the enemy.
Modifies other targeting types, i.e. Heal All, but changes Nearest and
Furthest to Heal Self. Prioritizes injured targets. Any bonuses or
penalties to healer's damage are applied to their healing instead

If a character does not have any targets that meet their targeting
criteria (for example, if they have Furthest but the enemy's back row is
empty), they check for new targets from left to right along the same row until
they have targeted all spaces in that row, then switch rows, then check left to
right along that row until they have found a target.

If no targets are found after checking every space in the enemy Unit,
the character completes their action without doing anything.

Note that a character's targeting can 'wrap around', so if for example there
was a battle like this:


If 3 has Attack Nearest, 3 will check the empty 0 ahead of it, then the two 0s
to the right of that, then wrap around the front row to target 2. If 2 is already
Knocked Out, 1 will next try to target the two empty 0s in the back row on the
left, then finally target 4.


After a character on one side has acted, an eligible character on the other
side acts.

Characters act from left to right, front to back, continuing until every
character in both Units has acted once.

Acting, Dealing Damage, And Getting

Knocked Out

When characters act, they perform the action(s) in their statline. Typically this
means they make an attack and deal damage to an enemy character, but
healing and other effects are also possible.

Damage reduces the target's current HP, and if a character is reduced to 0

HP or lower, they are Knocked Out and can no longer act.

While Knocked Out, characters do not provide any bonuses to their

Commander or Unit, such as +1 Skill, +1 Movement, Skirmisher, Air
Movement, or Reckless.

Furthermore, Knocked Out characters cannot be healed or targeted

with healing actions until they have recovered from being Knocked
Out. This is typically done by visiting a Settlement, or with certain Provisions
or Divination Cards.

In rare cases, a character may trigger multiple effects when it acts.

For example "Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, Heal Self 1". In cases like
this, the character performs each of those effects in order as written, and any
bonuses or penalties (such as +1 damage) increase both the damage and the

Victory Points And Retreating

After both sides have finished acting, combat ends and both sides tally
Victory Points (VP).

Units can gain Victory Points for any of the following:

● Character On Enemy Side Knocked Out: +1 VP

● Enemy Commander Knocked Out: +3 VP

After tallying, the side with the least Victory Points Retreats.

When an enemy Unit Retreats, it is Disbanded and removed from play.

When a player-controlled Unit Retreats, it moves into an adjacent, open

Tile of the player's choice, away from the enemy Unit's direction.

Retreating must always be to an open Tile. Units may not Retreat into
combat with another Unit.

If no Tiles are open to Retreat to, every character in the Unit takes 1 magic
damage per Tile it must move through before it finds an open Tile.

If a Unit is boxed in at the edge of the map and forced to Retreat, it is


If both sides have an equal number of victory points, both sides Retreat.

For example, if a player moves from Tile 5 into combat with an enemy Unit on
Tile 0:


If the player loses, they may Retreat to 3, 5, or 8.

If the enemy loses, they are Disbanded.

If Tiles 1, 4, and 6 are occupied and an enemy Unit moves from Tile 5 onto a
player Unit on Tile 0, if the player loses combat and is forced to Retreat, every
character in their Unit takes at least 1 magic damage as they move through
4, 5, or 6 in search of an open Tile. If 1, 4, 6 is the edge of the map, the player
Unit is Disbanded.


If every character in a Unit is reduced to 0 HP or less, that Unit is Disbanded

and combat immediately ends in victory for the surviving side (although any
characters with the Heal targeting type can still act before combat ends.)

Disbanded Units are either butchered or taken captive by the enemy,

depending on the tone of your game.

If a player-controlled Unit is Disbanded during a scenario, that player

may control the enemy or a neutral faction until they have their own Unit to
control again.


Optionally, before either side has acted in a combat, a player may choose to
give an Order.

When a player gives an Order, their opponent may also give an Order. Both
Orders are declared simultaneously.

All Orders are chosen from the following list, affect the Unit of the player who
issued them, and last until the end of the current combat:

● Brace: Front row, leftmost character ignores the first point of HP they
would lose
● Marshal: Front row, rightmost character deals +2 damage if they have
an attack with Targeting Nearest or Furthest
● Tend: Back row, leftmost character adds +1 to any healing they provide
● Onslaught: Back row, rightmost character acts a second time, but all
damage taken by the Unit is increased by +1
● Sabotage: Deal 1 magic damage to one character before any
characters act
● Counter-Charge: If your opponent picked Sabotage, negate its effects,
then make a free Attack Front Row 1 Magic Damage against their Unit
before any characters act
● Hold The Line: The first time your Commander would be Knocked Out
this combat, they instead survive with 1 HP. This Order may only be
given once per scenario
● Beseech Higher Power: Change one character's damage type to
Magic. If they have Targeting Front Row, Back Row, or All, after they act,
they take 4 Magic Damage
● Fall Back: A single character on the enemy's side acts, and then this
Unit Retreats. If both sides issue this Order, no characters act and both

Orders always apply as long as there is a character eligible for them,
even if that character was not the original target of the Order.

So for example, if a player gives the Order Marshal and has characters ABC in
their front row, normally C would receive Marshal's benefits. If A acts and then
C is immediately Knocked Out by the enemy, B gets the benefits of Marshal
instead. If A and B had both acted before C was Knocked Out, no characters
on the player's side would benefit from Marshal for that combat, since it can
only target characters in the front row.

The Divination Deck
The Divination Deck is a unique resource that represents heaven's (or hell's)
favor with the Commanders.

Divination Cards are gained from capturing Settlements, as well as from other
sources, and have powerful effects that change the flow of combat.

Cards from the Divination Deck may be spent at any time in any battle
the owner's Unit is involved in.

Spending a Divination Card can even interrupt a character's action, with the
card resolving before an in-progress action can complete.

Divination Cards carry over between scenarios and can mean the
difference between a clean victory and a Retreat, and should not be spent

The following Divination Cards have been documented by scholars and clerics:

● Ace Of Swords: Inflict 3 physical damage to the foe's front row.

● Two Of Swords: Inflict 2 magic damage to the foe's back row.
● Three Of Swords: Inflict 1 magic damage to all foes.
● Four Of Swords: All characters suffer 1 physical damage.
● Five Of Swords: Inflict 2 magic damage to all foes.
● Six Of Swords: All characters suffer 1 magic damage.

● Ace Of Wands: Until your Unit is Disbanded or Retreats or the

opponent's Unit is Disbanded or Retreats, a character of your choice
gains Reckless (your Unit does not Retreat as a result of low Victory
Points. After resolving combat, immediately begin a new combat unless
foe Retreated. If this would lead to an endless combat loop with no
resolution, your Unit is Retreated)
● Two Of Wands: The leftmost and rightmost characters in your Unit's
front row each deal +1 damage during this combat.
● Three Of Wands: Increase any magic damage your characters deal by
+1 for the rest of this combat.
● Four Of Wands: Your characters gain Resist Physical (ignore the first
point of physical damage from each attack) for the rest of this combat.
● Five Of Wands: Pick one of your characters. It acts next. This action
does not count as its one action per combat, and does not count as your
side acting when determining which side acts after this.
● Six Of Wands: Your leader deals +2 damage when they next act during
this combat.

● Ace Of Cups: Heal a character of your choice to full HP, restoring it from
Knocked Out if it is currently Knocked Out.
● Two Of Cups: Heal all of your characters by 2, provided they are not
Knocked Out.
● Three Of Cups: All of your characters that are Knocked Out are
restored to 1 HP.
● Four Of Cups: Reorganize your Unit, changing where your characters
are placed.
● Five Of Cups: The next Divination Card you play during this combat
takes effect twice.
● Six Of Cups: Your Commander cannot be knocked out during this
combat, but is immediately Knocked Out after combat ends. This can
cause your Unit to Disband.

● Ace Of Pentacles: Switch foe's front and back ranks.

● Two Of Pentacles: Set a random foe's HP to 1.
● Three Of Pentacles: A random remaining character on the foe's side
acts next and behaves as if it were on your side.
● Four Of Pentacles: Roll a d6. On a 1--3, your opponent Retreats. On
a 4--6, your Unit Retreats. If your opponent has a Commander in their
Unit, this has no effect.
● Five Of Pentacles: A random character on each side suffers 7 magic
● Six Of Pentacles: A random foe is Knocked Out. If this effect would
target an enemy Commander, it inflicts 5 physical damage instead.

Provisions are spendable items that last for a single scenario or until they're
used---whichever comes first.

Provisions may be used at any time, even in the heat of battle, and may be
traded between players on adjacent Tiles.

Some common provisions include:

● Blessing: Heal all characters on both sides by 1 HP. May only be used
in combat.
● Chalice: Restore one character from Knocked Out to 1 HP.
● Goblin Ball: Deal 1 physical damage to all characters on both sides.
May only be used in combat.
● Ration: Heal one character for 1 HP. May not be used in combat.
● Stimulant: Increase one of your characters’ damage by +1 for a single
action. If they had targeting type All, apply Knocked Out to them after
they act. May not be used more than once on the same character in the
same combat. May only be used in combat.
● Treant Sap: Change a character's damage type to magic for a single
action. May only be used in combat.

After completing any odd-numbered scenario (including their first
scenario), players may do each of the following:

● Increase their total Draft Points by +1/1 and Restructure their Unit
● Discard a Divination Card and draw a new one at random
● Gain either a Blessing, Chalice, Goblin Ball, or Stimulant to take into the
next scenario

After completing any even-numbered scenario (including their second

scenario), players may do each of the following:

● Gain a Valor Pip and Restructure their Unit (at any time when
Restructuring their Unit, players may assign or reassign any Valor Pips
they have. One Valor Pip may be used to give a character +1/1 HP. Two
Valor Pips may be used to give a character +1 damage. If a character
has Attack All, its damage may not be increased with Valor Pips)
● Discard a Divination Card and draw a new one at random
● Gain either a Blessing, Chalice, Goblin Ball, or Stimulant to take into the
next scenario

Repute is a mysterious gauge. It does nothing, unless the GM decides it does.

Repute is unique to each player, starts at 0, and may increase or decrease

by a point based on certain important decisions.

Repute may never exceed +10 or -10, as there are limits to how much evil
or good the population will believe you are capable of.

How other characters interact with the players may differ depending on their
Repute, and at the GM's discretion some opportunities may only become
available at high or low Repute.

After completing a scenario, the GM may announce Downtime.

During Downtime, the players withdraw from the map to their nearest safe
base of operations. There, they may freely roleplay, call for Skill rolls, Restore
and Restructure their Units, gather information on the territory they have just
fought in, or plan their next objective.

Downtime is not mandatory, but it can be used to drive the game's story
without drawing up a tactical map.

Downtime lasts for as long as the players feel they have something interesting
to accomplish, and can be ended by consensus at any time.

GMing Over War is straightforward, but not necessarily simple.

Over War is a storytelling strategy game, which means your ultimate goal is
to provide the players with situations they can strategize their way through,
and to do so in a way that helps everyone tell a compelling story.

So think about tactics games, RTSs, even board games you've played. Think
about how they offer complex, often time-limited, open-ended puzzles to their
players. And then try to make something like that.

Create a map with some Settlements. Decide which ones are controlled by the
enemy. Decide how their populations feel about the players.

Create a pool of Units the enemy can spawn. Give most of them 1 or 2 fewer
Draft Points than the players. Decide where they spawn from, and how often,
and how those spawns can be deactivated. Create an enemy leader and give
it 1 or 2 Draft Points more than the players. Also give it a weakness, an
oversight, or a thing that it's willing to negotiate for.

Create a win condition: a castle to capture or a point to escape to. Set a timer
to decide how long the players have to accomplish their objectives, or decide
how the map changes over time.

Create side objectives. Note down which factions in the area want something
from the players. Consider which villains are willing to bargain. Scatter
optional Provisions and character Unlocks around the map for the players to
seek out.

Finally, let the world come alive. Add in the kinds of forces and factions you
think would fit into a gothic high fantasy. Let the players interact with them.
Let there be consequences to their actions.

If the players lose, they lose. However, be prepared to continue the story after
their defeat. There are always setbacks to rebellions.

And don't worry if your GMing doesn't feel perfect. If your players are
engaging with the setting and caring about the consequences of their actions
in this imagined world, then your GMing is perfect. You've transported them
to a different set of problems than the ones they have in real life, and that's
what GMing is about.

Hacking Your Own
If you would like to create your own Over War content, use the instructions in
this section as a guideline, then hack to your heart's content.

Making Characters

Custom characters are made with the following process.

Start with a 1 Draft Point cost, 1/1 HP, Attack Nearest 1 Physical Damage, and
whichever Tags you feel are appropriate.

Then, give the character 2 Build Points (BP).

If you'd like the character to cost more than 1 Draft Point, give it +3 BP for
each extra Draft Point.

Finally, spend Build Points on the following:


● HP Up (1 BP): +1/1 HP


● Damage Up (2 BP, cost doubles if the character has Attack All, becomes
healing instead of damage if the character has Target For Healing): +1
● Magic Damage (1 BP): Change damage type to Magic.

Commander Assist:

● Movement Up (2 BP):
Grants +1 to the
Commander's Movement.
● Skill Up (1 BP): Grants +1
Skill Point to the
Commander, assigned when
the character is added to
the Unit, and removed when
the character is removed
from the Unit.


● Target Furthest (1 BP): Change targeting type to Attack Furthest.

● Target Sidereal (0 BP): When character does not have a valid target and
is checking for another target, checks from left to right.
● Target Weakest (2 BP): Change targeting type to Attack Weakest.
● Target Row (2 BP): Change targeting type to Front Row or Back Row.
● Target For Healing (0 BP): Attack heals and targets own Units instead of
inflicting damage to enemies. Unless attack's targeting is already
Weakest, Front Row, Back Row, or All, change attack's targeting to Self.
● Target All (2 BP per point of damage or healing attack deals, minimum
2 BP): Change targeting type to Attack All.

Special Traits:

● Air Movement (2 BP): Character's Unit may cross Water and Air Tiles. If
the last character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is
on an Air Tile, or if there are no Water Movement characters in this Unit
and the last character with Air Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit
is on a Water Tile, this Unit is Disbanded.
● Bond (2 BP): Pick a Tag. Other characters with that Tag and Attack
Nearest or Attack Furthest deal +1 damage while in the same Unit.
Having multiple characters in your Unit with Bond Traits cannot stack
this effect higher than +2 damage.
● Damage Beacon (3 BP): Character takes damage in place of another
● Dayblood (2 BP): Character inflicts +2 damage during the day.
● Nightborn (2 BP): Character inflicts +2 damage at night.
● Predator (1 BP): Pick a Tag. When this character attacks a character
with that Tag, they deal +1 damage.
● Resist Physical (1 BP): Character ignores the first point of physical
damage from each attack.
● Revenant (4 BP): Character is immune to physical damage.
● Shell (3 BP): Character ignores the first instance of damage they would
take in each combat.
● Skirmisher (2 BP): Character's Unit ignores penalties from Terrain Tiles
other than Air and Water.
● Waterborne (1 BP): Character's Unit treats Water Tiles as Road Tiles,
but becomes Disbanded if they end their movement in a Water Tile and
do not have Water Movement or Air Movement.
● Water Movement (1 BP): Character's Unit may cross Water Tiles. If the
last character with Water Movement is Knocked Out while this Unit is on
a Water Tile, and there are no characters with Air Movement, this Unit
is Disbanded.

Negative Traits:

● Backlash (+2 BP per point of damage taken, up to 3 points of damage,

can only be applied to characters with at least as much HP as damage
taken from this trait): Character takes magic damage after acting.
● Construct (+2 BP, can only be applied to characters with 2/2 HP or
more): Character cannot be healed during combat or with Rations.
● Legendary (+1 BP per Draft Point): Character cannot be removed when
Restructuring the Unit. Character can however be permanently removed
from both the Unit and the Commander's unlocked characters if the GM
deems certain conditions have been met during a scenario or Downtime.
● Ponderous (+3 BP, can only be applied to characters that cost at least 3
Draft Points): Character's Unit may not move more than one Tile per
activation, and may not benefit from Road Tiles.
● Unreliable (+3 BP, can only be applied to characters that deal 2 or more
damage or healing): 3-in-6 chance character acts as if it were a foe.

Enemy Leader Traits:

● Commander (0 BP): Character is their Unit's leader and, if defeated,

awards more Victory Points than other characters in the Unit.
● Reckless (0 BP): Character's Unit does not Retreat as a result of low or
tied Victory Points. After resolving combat, immediately begin a new
combat unless foe Retreated. If this would lead to an endless combat
loop with no resolution, the player-controlled Unit is Retreated.
● Stationary (0 BP): Character's Unit does not move and cannot be

You may also create special Traits that aren't on this list.

To do so,
estimate their BP
cost, then test
them in combat.

Always test your

creations in

You may need to

calibrate their
cost further or
revise what they
do based on how
they interact with
other elements in
the game.

Sample Scenario: The
Campaign For Estwald

Previously On…

Estwald, a minor border province, was one of the first to fall to the Over

Because it had no standing military, little industry, and few sites of cultural
significance to greater Ballark, it was ignored out of hand by the invaders and
the corrupt governor Garrast appointed to oversee its operations.

Garrast's first act as provincial governor was to execute all soldiers who fought
against the Over Night, and to press their families into labor in the province's

Even now, he sits in his keep while they toil, and his forces slay those who tire.

It has been several months since Estwald fell, but new embers are stirring in
the ashes of unrest.

The players have arrived, seeking a soft target and a base of operations.

It is dawn when the scenario begins.


This scenario is built for 3--5 player-controlled Units with no former


Estwald And Its Environs

A - Starting Point: The players begin near this Tile.

B - Quarry North: Only a few haggard survivors are here. The stronger
workers have been sent to C - Quarry West. The first player to end their
movement on this feature gains 5 Rations.

C - Quarry West: Taciturn and ill-used by Garrast's forces, Hulks sit under
awnings of stone. Inhabited (Hulks.) The first player to end their movement
on this feature unlocks Hulks.

D - Woodcutters' Camp: A boiling-over cauldron of rebellious sentiment.

Inhabited (Archers). The first player to end their movement on this feature
unlocks Archers and gains 2 Rations.

E - Town Of Straita (Settlement): Terrified into silence by Garrast's bailiffs.

Inhabited (Pawns). The first player to capture this feature unlocks Pawns and
gains 3 Rations.

F - City Of Behlm (Settlement): Windows are nailed shut and garlic hung
on the doors. The graveyard is overflowing. The first player to capture this
feature gets a choice: they may slay all remaining Vampyres and gain 3
Rations and a Chalice, or they may leave them to prey upon the city, suffer -1
Repute, unlock Vampyres, and this Settlement gains Inhabited (Vampyres).

G - Rebels' Camp (Settlement): Psyching themselves up for a futile attack

on Castle Ogbehlm. Inhabited (Rebels). The first player to capture this feature
unlocks Rebels. Any other player may bring 6 Rations here to also unlock

H - Church Of The Lacertians (Settlement): The scent of incense carries

through the sparse
woodlands. Inhabited
(Clerics). Any player who
donates 6 Rations or a
Chalice unlocks Clerics. The
priests here believe the City
Of Behlm is under attack by
a Vampyre, which will soon
spread its progeny across
the province, and offer a
Chalice to anyone who
purges the town of
vampires and returns.

I - Castle Ogbehlm (Settlement): A rocky wart of a fortress. A pair of
gibbets hang outside the gate. Provincial governor Garrast is scum, but he will
bargain with the players before fighting. He will offer to become their governor
instead of the Over Night's. If the players accept, Garrast does not fight them
and they each start all future scenarios with +2 Rations, but also suffer -2
Repute each. If the players decline and defeat him, they gain +1 Repute.
When defeated, Garrast will grovel and promise changed behavior---as the
province's governor. The players may each gain +1 Ration at the start of all
future scenarios and -1 Repute if they take him up on this. Otherwise, they
may execute him for a further +1 Repute.

J - Summoning Portal North: A lose cluster of standing stones giving off an

ominous hum. Synced to the teleportation grid crystal at Castle Ogbehlm, this
portal will continue to gate in Over Night Units until the castle is taken.

K - Summoning Portal South: A lose cluster of standing stones giving off

an ominous hum. Synced to the teleportation grid crystal at Castle Ogbehlm,
this portal will continue to gate in Over Night Units until the castle is taken.

Setting Up The Map

Place the players in the Tiles adjacent to A - Starting Point.

Spawn a Gremlin Terror Squad at J - Summoning Portal North and

spawn a Siege Team at K - Summoning Portal South.

Spawn a Brute Squad at E - Town Of Straita.

Spawn an Opportunistic Predators at F - City Of Behlm.

Spawn a Local Levy at B - Quarry North, C - Quarry West, and D -

Woodcutters' Camp.

Spawn Garrast's Cohort at I - Castle Ogbehlm.

Enemy Forces

Local Levy: 3 Pawns Front Row, 1 Galvinomancer Back Row

Brute Squad: Hulk Front Row, 2 Archers Back Row

Gremlin Terror Squad: 2 Gremlins Front Row, Ride Spider Back Row

Siege Team: 2 Galvinomancers Front Row, 2 Rocketists Back Row

Opportunistic Predators: 2 Sea Cucumbers Front Row, Vampyre Back Row

Garrast's Cohort: 3 Pawns Front Row, Wizard and Garrast Back Row
● Garrast (Human, Authority): 7/7 HP, Attack Front Row 1 Physical
Damage, Reckless (character's Unit does not Retreat as a result of low
or tied Victory Points. After resolving combat, immediately begin a new
combat unless foe Retreated. If this would lead to an endless combat
loop with no resolution, the enemy Unit is Retreated), Stationary
(character's Unit does not move and cannot be moved), Commander
(character is their Unit's leader, and---if defeated---awards more Victory
Points than other characters in the Unit)

Playing The Scenario

Every time day breaks, spawn a Gremlin Terror Squad at J - Summoning

Portal North and spawn a Siege Team at K - Summoning Portal South.
If those Tiles are occupied, spawn nearby instead.

The Gremlin Terror Squads and Siege Teams roam the map freely, seeking
battle with the players.

Other enemy forces that sit

on sites of interest will
remain there until
Disbanded by the players.

The scenario ends when

the players choose to
retreat, Garrast
surrenders, or Garrast is

Commander Sheet

Tags: ________________________________

Description: ____________________________________________



Draft Points: ______ / ______ Repute: _________

HP: ____ / ____ Attack: __________ Movement: _____

Skills: Other Bonuses And Effects:

● Animal Care: ____

● Arcane Wisdom: ____
● Asking A Favor: ____
● Carpentry: ____
● Forestry: ____
● Gambling And Song: ____
● Granting A Favor: ____
● Herb Lore: ____
● Local Knowledge: ____
● Merchantry: ____
● Sieging: ____
● Smithing: ____
● Tactics: ____

Unlocked Character Categories: _____________________________




Provisions: _____________________________________________

Divination Cards: ________________________________________

Unit Sheet

Character 1: Character 6:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 2: Character 7:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 3: Character 8:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 4: Character 9:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 5: Character 10:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 11: Character 16:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 12: Character 17:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 13: Character 18:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 14: Character 19:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________

Character 15: Character 20:

● Category: ___________ ● Category: ___________

● Tags: ______________ ● Tags: ______________
● HP: _____ / _____ ● HP: _____ / _____
● Attack: ____________ ● Attack: ____________
● Special: ___________ ● Special: ___________
That’s A

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