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Assessment TEST

SUBJECT: SEERAH - HADITH NAME__________________________________


Section 1: Correct the Right Answer.

1.What is the relationship between Abu-Talib and Abdul-Muttallib?

a. Neighbors b. Cousins c. Father and Son d. Brothers

2. Complete the Ayah

___________________ ْ ‫ا ْﻗ َر ْأ ِﺑ‬
‫ﺎﺳ ِم َر ﱢﺑ َك اﻟﱠ ِﺬي‬
a. Falak b. Khalaka c. An-nas d. Al-Aalam

3. What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when the first revelation came?
a. 5 years old b. 25 years old c. 40 years old d. 63 years old

4. When did Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib passed away?

a. When Muhammad (PBUH) was 25 years old. b. When Muhammad (PBUH) was 5 years old.
c. When Muhammad (PBUH) was 8 years old. d. When Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years old.

5. Which city is closer to Ghar-e-Hira?

a. Taif b. Riyadh c. Madina d. Makkah

6. Which of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wives accepted Islam first?

a. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA) b. Hafsa bint Umar (RA)
c. Aisha bint Abi-bakr (RA) d. Hind bint Abi Umayya (RA)

7. Part of Shahada is: I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the ____________________________
and ___________ of Allah (SWT)?
a. Slave and Messenger b. Messenger and Prophet
c. Messenger and Slave d. Prophet and Slave

8. Which angel came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the Wahy?

a. Israfeel b. Meeka’eel c. Jibr’eel d. Munkar
9. What is the meaning of Hayya alal-Salah?
a. Hurry to success b. Hurry to playground c. Hurry to prayer d. Hurry to bed

10. What is the meaning of Hayya alal-Falah?

a. Hurry to success b. Hurry to playground c. Hurry to prayer d. Hurry to bed

11. If there is no water available. How shall we perform ablution?

a. Do not perform ablution b. Wait for water, even if it is completely not available
c. Perform Tayammum d. Miss the Salah, due to no ablution

12. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was:

a. The Man b. The leader c. The Messenger d. a.b.c

13. The word ‘Seerah’ comes from the verb _____________?

a. To understand b. To Travel c. To Stay d. To hold

14. Arabian peninsula is the center of 3 continents with water on 3 sides.

a. Only two continents b. False c. True d. none of the mentioned

Section 2: Short Questions

1. Quote an ayah from Quran, which says to obey Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).




2. Write 5 lines (at-least 25 words) about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).








Section 3: Fill in the blanks, with the given words

Benefit Sick Speech Hajr-e-Aswad Hungry

Evil Abu Talib Free Believer Tacit (silent) approvals

1. ______________________ Was the brother of the father of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2. Muhammad (PBUH) resolved the dispute of ___________________ placement, at the time of the
rebuilding of Ka’aba?

3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The most loved person to Allah (SWT) is the one who brings the
greatest ________________ to mankind.”

4. What comes from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), other than the Quran itself, in the form of His
_______________, action or ______________________________ is called Sunnah.

5. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “ Feed the _______________, visit the __________, _________
the captives.”

6. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “ He is not a ________________, whose neighbor does not feel
safe from his ____________.”
Section 3: Fill the white spaces in the MAP
Section 5: Family Tree of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Hint: Begins with Grand Father

Son Son


Married to Son


Married to


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