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Done by: Wajdi Hajji

Proposed by: B2B
Technology & Services
Supervised by :Jamel Hajji

(Duration: July-August, 2022)


First of all, I would like to thank the whole team

of the IT department of B2B Technology &
Services for their collaboration.
More precisely, I would like to sincerely thank
my training supervisor for trusting me and
advising me throughout the internship period.


2..General presentation of B2B Technology &

3.Internship description...................................3



4.1.Used Framework and Technologies......5

4.2.working environment .............................6
4.3.Database diagram...................................7

Betting websites are no different from

today's increasingly complicated
information systems. Getting the best odds
is crucial to turning a profit from betting,
which is why the developers suggested
building a website that searches through
numerous bookies, evaluates their odds, and
displays the best ones to the customer. In
this situation, B2B Technology & Services
granted me the opportunity to work on the
data base from July 4 to August 5. After a
full year of academic understanding, this
training course serves as a supplement to
practical instruction. An internship is an
opportunity to learn about the working

General presentation of
B2B Technology & Services

B2B Technology & Services – is

a Company based in Tunisia
with different subsudiaries
all over the world, basically in
Africa, specialized in
communication and High
technologies solutions serving
different domains : Security,
safety, geomatics,
industries, environment,
Services, etc.

Internship description

During my internship at B2B

Technology & Services I was able to
work with large amount of data in order
to do so i used different technologies
including but not limited to MySql
,MangoDb and Python ,I have also
improved my communication skills in
order to work in harmony with other
team members


1.Functional needs:

To give users a competitive advantage

over betting websites, the website
must provide information on the odds.

2.Infunctional needs:

Any operating system can use our

website as long as you have an internet
Our part of the Website must be
extensible which means the possibility
of adding new functionalities or
modifying the existing one.
Good security must be provided on our

Used Framework and technologies

Oracle :
Managing data preventing security
breaches, and providing seamless access
to applications.

Python :
used to automate data insertion

Working environment

DataGrip:Database tool that is tailored to
suit specific needs of SQL developers.

phpMyAdmin : a free software tool written in

PHP, intended to handle the administration of
MySQL over the Web.

Pycharm:is a Python IDE for data science and

web development with intelligent code
completion, on-the-fly error checking, quick-
fixes, and much more...

Programming languages:

Python 3.10

database diagram


In a nutshell, this internship has been an

excellent and rewarding experience. I can
conclude that there have been a lot I’ve learnt
from my work at B2B. Needless to say, the
technical aspects of the work I’ve done are
not flawless and could be improved provided
enough time. As someone with no prior
experience with oracle sql whatsoever I
believe my time spent in research and
discovering it was well worth it and
contributed to finding an acceptable solution
to build a fully fonctional database. Two main
things that I’ve learned the importance of are
time-management skills and self-motivation.

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