Indirect Questions

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questions – answers

/zamieńmy każde z poniższych pytań na szyk zdania twierdzącego/

Do you like coffee? I like coffee.

Does she live here? She lives here.
Is she going to have a picnic? She is going to have a picnic.
Did you see that film? I saw that film.
Will you visit Kim? I will visit Kim.
Who is she? She is a …
What is your name? My name is …
Can I swim? I can swim.

indirect questions – pytania pośrednie

➢ We ask a question in a more polite way – zadajemy pytanie w grzeczniejszy sposób,
➢ We start with – zaczynamy od zwrotu grzecznościowego:

• Could / can you tell me – czy mógłbyś / możesz mi powiedzieć

• I wonder – zastanawiam się
• I’d like to know – chciałbym wiedzieć
• Do you know – czy wiesz
• I’m not sure – nie jestem pewien
• Please tell me – proszę powiedz mi

➢ We use word order typical for positive sentences – stosujemy szyk zdania twierdzącego

Who is she? - I wonder who she is.

What did you see? - Please tell me what you saw.

➢ In general questions we use if / whether – w pytaniach ogólnych używamy “czy”

Do you like coffee? - Can you tell me if you like coffee.

Did you watch that film? - I wonder whether you watched that film.
Change to indirect questions:

1. What time is it?

2. Why was he late?

3. Where is the nearest bank?

4. How did you make the cake?

5. Is this the right bus for Oxford Street?

6. How much do two tickets cost?

7. What car does he drive?

8. Is she French?

9. Does the lesson end now?

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