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Nagaoka University of Technology for International Student

Resume of Research Student Attach digital image

taken within the
past 3 months.
Photo Size:
4cm × 3cm
*This application form consists of four pages. Handwriting will not be accepted. Photo Size:
*申請書は全 4 ページです。手書きの申請書は受け付けません。 4cm×3cm

1. Name 氏名
In Roman alphabets as on passport アルファベット(パスポート表記)
2. Nationality 国籍
3. Gender on Passport パスポート上の性別
✘ Male 男 Female 女
4. Date of Birth 生年月日 (yyyy/mm/dd)
5. Age 年齢
6. Contact Information
Current Address 現住所 47/42/14 Bui Dinh Tuy Street, 27 Ward, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi
*Include your postal code. Minh city ( 700000 )
Telephone Number 電話番号 0903614438
Email Address メールアドレス
7. Current Status 現在の身分
8. Preferred Supervisor at NUT 本学での希望指導教員
*Please contact your prospective supervisor at NUT directly beforehand. NUT will not accept application
documents from those who have not found their supervisors.
Hisayuki Suematsu
9. Studying Period at NUT 本学での在学期間 (yyyy/mm/dd)
*Start date must be a weekday. *開始日を平日としてください。
From To

Nagaoka University of Technology for International Student

10. Educational Background 学歴

*Provide your educational background from high school graduation to the present in chronological order.
Entrance Completion Diploma or Degree
Name 学校名 Faculty/School 専攻 入学 卒業 Awarded
(yyyy/mm) (yyyy/mm) 学位・資格
Electrical & Ho Chi Minh City 2017/08 2023/09 Bachelor Degree
Electronic University of
Engineering Technology

11. Employment Record Excluding Part-Time Jobs 職歴(アルバイトを除く)

From To Position Type of Work
Name 勤務先
(yyyy/mm) (yyyy/mm) 役職 職務内容

12. Self-Evaluated Language Proficiency 語学能力

Japanese 日本語
Reading 読む能力 Excellent 優 Good 良 ✘ Fair 可 Poor 不可
Writing 書く能力 Excellent 優 Good 良 ✘ Fair 可 Poor 不可
Speaking 話す能力 Excellent 優 Good 良 ✘ Fair 可 Poor 不可
English 英語
Reading 読む能力 Excellent 優 ✘ Good 良 Fair 可 Poor 不可
Writing 書く能力 Excellent 優 ✘ Good 良 Fair 可 Poor 不可
Speaking 話す能力 Excellent 優 ✘ Good 良 Fair 可 Poor 不可
13. Field of study specialized in the past; Describe in detail and as concretely 過去に専攻した専門分野
I was an electrical and electronic engineering student in HCMUT starting in 2017. I choose this field because I
believe it is one of the most important fields in the future. It is a field that allows gaining many skills enough to
enroll in a lot of sects in the engineering world such as automation, embedded systems design, electronics
design. In my first year, I studied basic science courses like calculus, physics and chemistry, and also some basic
courses related to electrical engineering. In the next three years, I learned deeply about electrical engineering like
embedded systems, signal processing, MATHLAB, C++ programming and advanced mathematics like linear
algebra, numerical methods. Beside theories, I also did the laboratory activity based on curriculums such as
electronic circuits, computer systems and programming, digital signal processing, etc. In the five and six years, I
studied courses that relate to my major field which is automation. I have two major projects, one is to control

Nagaoka University of Technology for International Student

water level using PID, another is to design a game using FPGA. My thesis was about designing a smart home
system. To do that, I analyzed and chose which sensor would be used to measure or control the device inside the
room, developed a power system, programmed the microcontroller, made adjustments to correct the sensor, and
the user interface for remote control. Then I made a house model to test if that system was working

14. Proposed research plan at NUT; State in more than 600 words in detail.
本学での研究計画(600 字以上で詳細に記入すること)

Nagaoka University of Technology for International Student

Nagaoka University of Technology for International Student

15. Visa ビザ
Currently in Japan with a student visa for stays of → Please submit copy of your residence card.
more than 3 months 在留カードの写しを提出してください。
✘ Currently abroad and planning to stay with a → Please submit "20 Questions".
student visa for stays of more than 3 months 20 Questions を提出してください。
Currently abroad and planning to stay with a short- → Name of Embassy or other diplomatic office where
term visa for stays of less than 3 months you plan to apply for your Japanese Visa:
現在海外にいて、短期滞在ビザで滞在予定 ビザを申請予定の在外公館名:

16. Tuition and living expenses in Japan 日本での学費と生活費

Ex. Tuition
Examination Fee: 9,800JPY / Admission Fee: 84,600JPY / Tuition Fee: 29,700JPY per month
Ex. Average cost of living for one month
Student living in a dormitory: 48,500JPY~89,500JPY / Student living in a guesthouse: 70,000JPY~115,000JPY
検定料:9,800 円 入学料:84,600 円 / 授業料:月額 29,700 円
例)平均的な 1 か月の生活費
学内宿舎に滞在する場合:48,500 円~89,500 円 / ゲストハウスに滞在する場合:70,000 円~115,000 円
✘ I confirm that I need to cover all expenses. 全ての費用を賄う必要があることを確認しました。

17. Consent for Use of E-mail Address メールアドレスの利用に関する同意

NUT has a “Tutor System” for international students newly arriving in Japan. In this system, an assigned student
from the lab you are enrolling in supports you on your academic and daily life for 3 months at longest. (You may
not be able to use this system depending on your study period at NUT or experience in Japan.)
Is it okay if we share your e-mail address with your tutor?
してあなたの入学する研究室の学生が、最長 3 ヶ月間日常生活や学習で不便を感じないようにサポートしま
Yes. はい ✘ No. いいえ

✘ I certify that the above statements are correct and complete.

Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2023/

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