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LinkedIn - (20) Anuj Singh | LinkedIn | | Mumbai, India| P: +91 8879485747 |

GitHub - singhanuj695 (ANUJ SINGH) (| | E-mail - |

Enthusiastic Data Science professional with expertise in Python, R, and C. Experienced in data
visualization, machine learning, and deep learning models such as CNN, RNN, LSTMs, GANs, MLPs, and
Autoencoders. Proven track record of delivering data-driven insights and solutions. Excellent
communication, networking, negotiation, and people management skills.


Data Science Intern | Data Glacier Internship – Remote, India | March - May 2023
- I gained a deeper understanding of Version control, Agile(scrub/Kanban), Dockers, Flask, API, Streamlit, Python,
Feature Engineering, Model Interpretation, Model Governance and Stakeholder Communication.
- Participated in webinars conducted by industry experts and learned relevant topics related to data and analytics.
- Collaborated on individual and group assignments, gaining experience in the end-to-end lifecycle of data and
analytics, including data engineering and Web Deployment.

Data Analytics & Visualization Intern | Tata Data Visualisation – Remote, India | Feb - March 2023
- Data visualization for online retail e-commerce store
- Analyzed and presented key insights on customer behavior, sales trends, inventory management
- gained a deeper understanding of data visualization and its importance in communicating complex data in a clear
and impactful way. Additionally, I further developed my skills in data analysis and interpretation, as well as my
ability to work collaboratively in a remote environment.

Data & Analytics Intern | KPMG Virtual Internship in Data Analytics and Consulting – Remote, India
| Feb - March 2023
- Targeted 250+ high-value customers based on customer Age distributions, number of bike purchases in 3
years/percentages purchases, Job industry category, Wealth segments, Number of cars owned in each state
Data Insights and Presentation
- Displayed the findings of the previous task such as target customers, top 10 goods, customer demographics, and
spending habits in the form of a dashboard using Power BI, and Tableau to help in data visualization.

Machine Learning Intern | Suvidh Foundation – Mumbai, India | Jan - Feb 2023
- The Internship was based on a Project: Text summarization using seq2seq model
- The trained model can then be used to generate summaries for new text documents, which can be useful for
various applications such as news article summarization, document summarization, and chatbot responses.
- The model is evaluated based on various metrics such as ROUGE, BLEU, and F1 score to assess its performance in
summarizing text.

Data Analyst | Youth India E-School - Mumbai, India | Jan - May 2021
- Design research studies to gather data on market trends, consumer behavior, and industry competition.
- Collect and analyze data using various methods such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
- We report our findings and make recommendations based on their analysis.
- We stay up-to-date on industry trends and research methods to ensure their work is accurate and relevant.
Text Summarization Using Sequence to Sequence Model
- Skilled in preprocessing large volumes of textual data and generating concise and accurate summaries using
advanced machine learning algorithms.
- Experienced in leveraging tools and libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch for model development and
- Evaluated model using ROUGE, BLEU, and F1 score
- Demonstrated ability to deliver effective summarization solutions, enhancing information retrieval and readability
across diverse text sources.

Skin Cancer Detection Using CNN Model

- Preprocessed diverse skin cancer image dataset
- Implemented CNN architectures (VGGNet, ResNet, InceptionNet) using TensorFlow/PyTorch
- Trained and optimized CNN models for skin cancer detection
- Evaluated models using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score

Movie Recommendation Model using KNN

- Structured movie data for recommendation using k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm
- Computed distances between movies based on features like genre, actors, ratings
- Personalized recommendations based on user preferences
- Evaluated recommendation system using precision, recall, and ranking metrics

Stock Market Performance Analysis

- Data-driven stock market analyst proficient in quantitative analysis and financial modeling for performance
- Expertise in identifying market trends and investment opportunities through statistical analysis and technical
- Skilled in preparing concise reports and presentations, communicating complex market analysis findings to
- Familiarity with financial software and research tools, facilitating efficient data processing and informed decision-

B2B Courier Charges Accuracy Analysis

- Conducted in-depth data analysis for B2B courier charges accuracy, utilizing statistical methods and Excel to
identify discrepancies and cost optimization opportunities
- Implemented data validation and cleansing procedures to ensure accurate datasets, leading to a reduction in
billing errors and enhanced cost efficiency.
- Utilized data visualization tools to present findings and insights to stakeholders, aiding data-driven decision-
making processes.
- Worked collaboratively with cross-functional teams to implement corrective measures, fostering efficient
communication and successful project outcomes.

Instagram Reach Analysis using Python

- Conducted in-depth data analysis for B2B courier charges accuracy, utilizing statistical methods and Excel to
identify discrepancies and cost optimization opportunities.
- Implemented data validation and cleansing procedures to ensure accurate datasets, leading to a reduction in
billing errors and enhanced cost efficiency.
- Utilized data visualization tools to present findings and insights to stakeholders, aiding data-driven decision-
making processes.
- Worked collaboratively with cross-functional teams to implement corrective measures, fostering efficient
communication and successful project outcomes.
Tableau Desktop Professional | Data Tech Academy | July 2023 – July 2026
Data Science | Board Infinity | Oct 2019 – Nov 2021
Artificial Intelligence |


Technical Skills
- Languages: Python, R, C
- Databases: MySQL, Cassandra, Oracle
- BI Tools: Tableau, PowerBI
- Machine Learning: Linear regression, Decision tree, SVM, KNN, Naïve Bayes, Random
- Big Data: Hadoop, PySpark, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive(HiveQL)
- Deep Learning models: CNN, RNN, LSTMs, GANs, MLPs, Autoencoders

Personal Skills
- Communication
- Networking
- Negotiation
- People Management

- English
- Hindi
- Marathi (Conversational)

S.I.E.S College of Arts Science and Commerce, Mumbai University | April 2023
Masters of Science in Data Science | Percentage: 8.60/10 CGPA

S.I.E.S College of Arts Science and Commerce, Mumbai University | April 2021
Bachelors of Science in Physics

Higher Secondary School (HSC), Central Board of Secondary Education | Science and Mathematics

Secondary School (SSC), Central Board of Secondary Education | Science

- Worked with Star TV and Channel V for a Multi-State College Festival known as VFest

- Runner-Up at an All India Football Tournament by AIFF under my Leadership

- Super Division Football Player At Mumbai District

- Self-Employed (12 years) - Retail Wholesale Shop

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