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Subject: Oral Communication

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled

oral communication activities based on context.

Learning across curriculum:

1) English - Analyzing and delivering persuasive speeches

2) Social Studies - Debating historical events and their impact

3) Science - Presenting research findings on environmental issues


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: None

Anecdote 1: Share a personal story about a memorable speech or presentation

you have witnessed or delivered.

Anecdote 2: Discuss a famous Filipino speech or performance and its impact

on society.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Scenario cards

Idea 1: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a scenario related
to a real-life communication challenge. Have them role-play the situation and
come up with effective communication strategies to resolve the conflict.

Idea 2: Play a short video clip of a persuasive speech and ask students to
analyze the speaker's techniques and effectiveness.


Activity 1: Impromptu Speaking Contest

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Random topics, timer, rubric

Significance: Develops quick thinking and effective communication skills


1) Each student will randomly select a topic and have 2 minutes to prepare a short
impromptu speech.

2) Students will deliver their speeches in front of the class.

3) Use the rubric to assess their clarity, organization, and delivery.


- Clarity: 5 pts

- Organization: 5 pts

- Delivery: 5 pts
Assessment Questions:

1) How did you select and organize your ideas on the spot?

2) What strategies did you use to maintain clarity and coherence in your speech?

3) What challenges did you encounter during the impromptu speaking contest?

Activity 2: Debate on Current Issues

Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Materials: Debate topics, rubric

Significance: Enhances critical thinking and persuasive communication skills


1) Divide the class into teams and assign them different debate topics related to
current issues.

2) Each team will have time to research and prepare arguments.

3) Conduct the debate, ensuring equal speaking time for each team member.


- Content: 5 pts

- Delivery: 5 pts

- Rebuttal and Defense: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you gather evidence and research to support your arguments?

2) How did you effectively communicate your points during the debate?

3) How did you respond to counterarguments and defend your position?

Activity 3: Presentation on a Social Issue

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Research materials, presentation software, rubric

Significance: Develops research and presentation skills


1) Students will choose a social issue and conduct in-depth research.

2) They will create a presentation using multimedia tools to effectively communicate

their findings.

3) Presentations will be delivered in front of the class.


- Content: 5 pts

- Organization: 5 pts

- Visuals and Delivery: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you select and organize relevant information for your presentation?

2) How did you effectively use visuals and multimedia to enhance your message?

3) How did you engage and connect with your audience during the presentation?


Teaching Strategy: Lecture with Discussion

Instructional Materials: Presentation slides

Explain the key elements of effective oral communication, including clarity,

organization, delivery, and adaptation to the context. Use examples and encourage
students to share their own experiences and insights.


Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Conduct a mock interview with a classmate, focusing on effective

communication skills and adapting to different interview scenarios.

Task 2: Engage in a group discussion or debate on a controversial topic,

practicing active listening and respectful communication.


Teaching Strategy: Think-Pair-Share

Instructional Materials: Assessment questions

Question 1: How did you apply effective communication strategies during the
mock interview?

Question 2: How did you demonstrate active listening and respectful

communication during the group discussion or debate?

Question 3: How did you adapt your communication style to different interview
scenarios or discussion dynamics?


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Research materials

Encourage students to explore real-life situations where effective oral communication

is crucial, such as job interviews, public speaking engagements, or community
discussions. Have them analyze and reflect on the importance of context and
adaptability in these scenarios.


Assignment 1: Write a persuasive speech on a topic of your choice and deliver

it to a small audience. Use visual aids and effective communication

Assignment 2: Conduct an interview with someone from a different generation

or cultural background. Reflect on the challenges and strategies for effective
cross-cultural communication.

Note: The teacher should provide an overview of the assignments, including

the objectives, expectations, and assessment criteria.

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